Install to Report Server

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In the following steps, you will need to copy and modify files in the directory where Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed. The SSRS 2016 assembly is located in the \Bin\SSRS2016 directory of the zip package; the SSRS 2017 assembly is located in the \Bin\SSRS2017 directory; the SSRS 2019 assembly is located in the \Bin\SSRS2019 directory; the SSRS 2022 assembly is located in the \Bin\SSRS2022 directory; the Power BI Report Server assembly is located in the \Bin\PowerBI directory. 


<!--Start here.-->

<Extension Name="APPDF" Type="Aspose.Pdf.ReportingServices.Renderer,Aspose.Pdf.ReportingServices"/>





<!--Start here.-->

<CodeGroup class="UnionCodeGroup" version="1" PermissionSetName="FullTrust"

Name="Aspose.Pdf_for_Reporting_Services" Description="This code group grants full trust to the AP4SSRS assembly.">

<IMembershipCondition class="StrongNameMembershipCondition" version="1" PublicKeyBlob="00240000048000009400000006020000002400005253413100040000010001005542e99cecd28842dad186257b2c7b6ae9b5947e51e0b17b4ac6d8cecd3e01c4d20658c5e4ea1b9a6c8f854b2d796c4fde740dac65e834167758cff283eed1be5c9a812022b015a902e0b97d4e95569eb8c0971834744e633d9cb4c4a6d8eda03c12f486e13a1a0cb1aa101ad94943236384cbbf5c679944b994de9546e493bf " />


<!--End here. -->




Click the selected item. It will generate the report in the selected format, send it to the client, and, depending on your web browser settings, either show you the Save File dialog to choose where to save the exported report, or automatically download the file to the your Downloads folder.