Aspose.Slides for Android via Java 19.2 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESANDROID-101 | Implement PathGradientBrush for Android | Feature |
SLIDESANDROID-138 | Use Aspose.Slides for Java 19.2 features | Feature |
SLIDESNET-40783 | Support for setting Transparency property for shadow effects | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-36692 | The text has corrupted after PDF rendition. | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-36388 | Small caps effect lost after saving PPT | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37459 | PPTX to PDF not properly converted | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37462 | Water Mark issue | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37471 | ODP file not properly converted to PPTX | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37472 | ODP file not properly converted to PPTX | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37541 | Exception on generating Thumbnails | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37544 | Aspose.Slides 18.12 Java 11 renderToGraphics from BufferedImage size issue |
Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37549 | Exception:: ArgumentOutOfRange when doing `renderToGraphics'|Bug| | |
SLIDESJAVA-37552 | Exception on converting PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37575 | PPTX not properly converted to PDF | Bug |
Public API Changes
MorphTransition class and IMorphTransition interface have been added
The com.aspose.slides.IMorphTransition interface and it’s implementation by com.aspose.slides.MorphTransition class have been added. They represent a new morph transition introduced in PowerPoint 2019.
Morph value has been added into TransitionType enumeration
com.aspose.slides.TransitionType enumeration has been extended with new element Morph related to new PowerPoint 2019 transition Morph.
The code snippet below shows how to add a clone of the slide with some text to the presentation and set a transition of morph type to the second slide:
Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
AutoShape autoshape = (AutoShape)presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 100, 400, 100);
autoshape.getTextFrame().setText("Test text");
IShape shape = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
shape.setX(shape.getX() + 100);
shape.setY(shape.getY() + 50);
shape.setWidth(shape.getWidth() - 200);
shape.setHeight(shape.getHeight() - 10);
presentation.getSlides().get_Item(1).getSlideShowTransition().setType(com.aspose.slides.TransitionType.Morph);"presentation-out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
finally {
New TransitionMorphType enum has been added ANDROID
New com.aspose.slides.TransitionMorphType enum has been added. It represents different types of Morph slide transition.
TransitionMorphType enum has three members:
- ByObject: Morph transition will be performed considering shapes as indivisible objects.
- ByWord: Morph transition will be performed with transferring text by words where possible.
- ByChar: Morph transition will be performed with transferring text by characters where possible.
The code snippet below shows how to set morph transition to slide and change morph type:
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
((IMorphTransition)presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0).getSlideShowTransition().getValue()).setMorphType(TransitionMorphType.ByWord);"presentation-out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);