Aspose.Slides for CPP 18.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESCPP-1255 Improve accuracy of the Graphics::DrawString laying out Feature
SLIDESCPP-1293 Improve overall performance of the Aspose.Slides for C++ Feature
SLIDESNET-33796 Support for setting precision of data in chart data label Feature
SLIDESNET-33801 Support for setting the date format for Category Axis Value Feature
SLIDESNET-33974 Support for setting rotation angle for chart axis title Feature
SLIDESNET-33995 Support for switch Row/Column for chart data Feature
SLIDESNET-34083 Setting the chart marker options on data points level Feature
SLIDESNET-34458 Support of setting Position Axis in Category or Value Axis Feature
SLIDESNET-34469 Support for showing Display Unit label on Chart value axis Feature
SLIDESNET-34573 Support for setting markers and its properties for particular chart series point Feature
SLIDESNET-36864 Getting Series Data Point color from Theme Feature
SLIDESNET-40158 Support for Bubble chart Size scaling Feature
SLIDESNET-35261 Setting Series Overlap for Clustered Bar Chart Feature
SLIDESNET-39685 Support for managing visibility of data labels located outside of plot area Feature
SLIDESNET-40193 Improve slide graph quality Feature
SLIDESCPP-1240 Surrogate pairs with hieroglyphs are not rendered properly Bug

Public API Changes

IChart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum property has been implemented

IChart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum and Chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum property has been implemented.

The property specifies whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.

    System::SharedPtr<Presentation> presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    System::Details::DisposeGuard<1> __dispose_guard_0({ presentation});
        System::SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
        System::SharedPtr<IChart> chart = slide->get_Shapes()->AddChart(Aspose::Slides::Charts::ChartType::ScatterWithMarkers, 20, 100, 600, 400);
        presentation->Save(u"output.pptx", Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);

IChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale and IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale properties have been implemented

IChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale and ChartSeries.BubbleSizeScale properties have been implemented.

Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and 300 percents of the default size). This is the property not only of this series but of all series of parent series group - this is projection of appropriate group property. And so this property is read-only. Use ParentSeriesGroup property for access to parent series group. Use ParentSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale read/write property for change value.

IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale and IChartSeriesGroup.BubbleSizeScale properties have been implemented.

    System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    System::Details::DisposeGuard<1> __dispose_guard_0({ pres});
        System::SharedPtr<IChart> chart = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddChart(Aspose::Slides::Charts::ChartType::Bubble, 100, 100, 400, 300);