Aspose.Slides for CPP 19.1 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESCPP-1647 | Improve thumbnails rendering quality (v19.1) | Feature |
SLIDESCPP-1669 | Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 19.1 features | Feature |
Public API Changes
get_AlternativeTextTitle() and set_AlternativeTextTitle() methods have been added to IShape class
New get_AlternativeTextTitle() and set_AlternativeTextTitle() methods have been added to IShape and Shape classes.
These methods allow to get or set the title of alternative text associated with a shape.
Sample code demonstrating setting alternative text title:
System::SharedPtr<Presentation> presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
System::SharedPtr<IAutoShape> shape = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(Aspose::Slides::ShapeType::Rectangle, 100, 50, 300, 150);
shape->set_AlternativeTextTitle(u"Alt text title");