Aspose.Slides for CPP 20.6 Release Notes

Supported platforms

  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Windows (Microsoft Visual C++).
  • Aspose.Slides for C++ for Linux (Clang).

New Features and Enhancements

SLIDESNET-33764 Support for Open Type Font (OTF) in Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-41930 Pptx to Html: Slide converted to PNG image when NotesPosition is set Enhancement
SLIDESNET-41703 Text failed to extract in generated presentation Enhancement
SLIDESNET-41702 Can’t extract all text from slides Enhancement
SLIDESNET-41892 Faulty link in web view of PDF file Enhancement
SLIDESNET-41509 Conversion to PDF - accessibility standards Feature
SLIDESNET-41023 PDF/UA compliance support Feature
SLIDESNET-40996 Tagged PDF export Feature
SLIDESNET-37215 getAllTextBoxes not getting text from table Enhancement

Other Improvements and Changes

SLIDESCPP-2460 Improve thumbnails rendering quality (v20.6) Enhancement
SLIDESCPP-2210 Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.6 features Enhancement

Public API Changes

set_RecoverWorkbookFromChartCache() and get_RecoverWorkbookFromChartCache() methods have been added to SpreadsheetOption

set_RecoverWorkbookFromChartCache()  and get_RecoverWorkbookFromChartCache() methods have been added to SpreadsheetOptions class. If the data source of the chart is an external workbook and it’s not available, it will be recovered from the chart cache.

System::SharedPtr<LoadOptions> lo = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();
System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx", lo);
System::SharedPtr<IChart> chart = System::DynamicCast_noexcept<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart>(pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0));
System::SharedPtr<IChartDataWorkbook> wb = chart->get_ChartData()->get_ChartDataWorkbook();