Convert PowerPoint to TIFF

TIFF format is known by its flexibility to accommodate multipage images and data. Keeping in view the importance and popularity of TIFF format, Aspose.Slides for C++ provides the support for converting presentations into TIFF document.

Convert PowerPoint to TIFF with default size

The Save method exposed by Presentation class can be called by developers to convert the whole presentation into TIFF document. Further, TiffOptions class exposes set_ImageSize() method enabling the developer to define the size of the image if required. The following example shows how to convert a presentation into TIFF document with default options.

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = GetDataPath();

// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"DemoFile.pptx");

// Saving the presentation to TIFF document
presentation->Save(dataDir + u"Tiffoutput_out.tiff", SaveFormat::Tiff);

Convert PowerPoint to TIFF with custom size

The following example shows how to convert a presentation into TIFF document with customized image size using TiffOptions class. 

// The path to the documents directory.
System::String dataDir = GetDataPath();

// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a Presentation file
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"Convert_Tiff_Custom.pptx");
// Instantiate the TiffOptions class
auto opts = System::MakeObject<TiffOptions>();

// Setting compression type

auto notesOptions = opts->get_NotesCommentsLayouting();
// Compression Types

// Default - Specifies the default compression scheme (LZW).
// None - Specifies no compression.
// LZW
// RLE

// Depth depends on the compression type and cannot be set manually.
// Resolution unit  is always equal to �2� (dots per inch)

// Setting image DPI

// Set Image Size
opts->set_ImageSize(System::Drawing::Size(1728, 1078));

// Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size
pres->Save(dataDir + u"TiffWithCustomSize_out.tiff", SaveFormat::Tiff, opts);

Convert PowerPoint to TIFF with custom Image Pixel Format

The following example shows how to convert a presentation into TIFF document with customized Image Pixel Format using TiffOptions class. You can also include comments in generated HTML by using TiffOptions class and INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions interface.

// The path to the documents directory.
System::String dataDir = GetDataPath();

// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a Presentation file
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"DemoFile.pptx");

auto options = System::MakeObject<TiffOptions>();
ImagePixelFormat contains the following values (as could be seen from documentation):
Format1bppIndexed; // 1 bits per pixel, indexed.
Format4bppIndexed; // 4 bits per pixel, indexed.
Format8bppIndexed; // 8 bits per pixel, indexed.
Format24bppRgb; // 24 bits per pixel, RGB.
Format32bppArgb; // 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.

// Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size
presentation->Save(dataDir + u"Tiff_With_Custom_Image_Pixel_Format_out.tiff", SaveFormat::Tiff, options);