Getting Warning Callbacks for Fonts Substitution in Aspose.Slides

Getting Warning Callbacks for Fonts substitution

Aspose.Slides for C++ provides a simple API methods to get the Warning Callbacks during the rendering process. All you need is to follow the steps below to configure the Warning Callbacks on your end:

  1. Create a custom Callback class to receive the callbacks.
  2. Set the Warning Callbacks using LoadOptions class.
  3. Load the presentation file that is using a font for text inside that is unavailable on your target machine.
  4. Generate the slide thumbnail to see the effect.
class HandleFontsWarnings : public Warnings::IWarningCallback
    Warnings::ReturnAction Warning(SharedPtr<Warnings::IWarningInfo> warning) override
        if (warning->get_WarningType() == Warnings::WarningType::CompatibilityIssue)
            return Warnings::ReturnAction::Continue;

        // 1 - WarningType.DataLoss
        // "Font will be substituted from X to Y"

        return Warnings::ReturnAction::Continue;
void Run()
    String dataDir = GetDataPath();

    // Setting Warning Callbacks
    SharedPtr<LoadOptions> options = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();

    // Instantiate the presentation
    SharedPtr<Presentation> presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"presentation.pptx", options);

    // Generating slide thumbnails
    for (auto slide : presentation->get_Slides())
        SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Image> image = slide->GetThumbnail();