Replacing Images inside Presentation Image Collection
Aspose.Slides for C++ allows you to replace the images added in slide shapes. In this article, you will learn how to replace the image added in presentation image collection through different approaches.
Replacing the Image inside a Presentation Image Collection
Aspose.Slides for C++ provides a simple API method that allows you to replace the image inside a presentation image collection this way:
- Load the presentation file with an image inside it using the Presentation class.
- Load an image from a file in a byte array.
- Use one of these approaches:
- First approach: Replace the target image with the new image in the byte array.
- Second approach: Load the image in an Image object and replace the target image with the loaded image.
- Third approach: Replace the image with the already added image in the presentation image collection.
- Write the modified presentation as a PPTX file.
This sample code shows you how to replace the image in a presentation image collection:
// Instantiate the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"presentation.pptx");
// The first approach
ArrayPtr<uint8_t> data = ReadAllBytes(u"image0.jpeg");
SharedPtr<IPPImage> oldImage = presentation->get_Images()->idx_get(0);
// The second approach
SharedPtr<Image> newImage = Image::FromFile(u"image1.png");
oldImage = presentation->get_Images()->idx_get(1);
// The third approach
oldImage = presentation->get_Images()->idx_get(2);
// Save the presentation
presentation->Save(u"c:\\Presentations\\TestSmart.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);