Applying Shadow Effects on Slide Text in PHP

Aspose.Slides - Applying Shadow Effects on Slide Text

To Apply Shadow Effects on Slide Text using Aspose.Slides Java for PHP, simply invoke ShadowEffects module. Here you can see example code.


 # Create an instance of Presentation class

$pres = new Presentation();

\# Get the first slide

$slide = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);

\# Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type

$shapeType=new ShapeType();

$shp = $slide->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shapeType->Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50);

\# Add TextFrame to the Rectangle

$shp->addTextFrame("Aspose TextBox");

\# Disable shape fill in case we want to get shadow of text

$fillType=new FillType();


\# Add outer shadow and set all necessary parameters


$shadow = $shp->getEffectFormat()->getOuterShadowEffect();




$rectangleAlignment=new RectangleAlignment();

$color=new Color();



\# Write the presentation as a PPTX file

$save_format = new SaveFormat();

$pres->save($dataDir . "OutShadow.pptx", $save_format->Pptx);

print "Applied shadow effects on text, please check the output file.".PHP_EOL;

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