Aspose.Slides for Java 15.7.0 Release Notes

Minor Changes

SLIDESNET-36484 - Support for reading password protected file in read only mode

SLIDESNET-35575 - Feature to specify the vary color by point option when setting the fill format of datapoints

SLIDESNET-27841 - DPI Setting for TIFF image

SLIDESNET-36469 - Implementation of drawing chart objects on the Aspose.Slides canvas

SLIDESNET-36062 - Implement Charts rendering directly in ApsCanvas

SLIDESJAVA-34805 - Setting default zoom size for presentation when it will open in PowerPoint

SLIDESJAVA-34694 - Support for creating animations in presentations

SLIDESJAVA-34360 - Support the feature to enable and disable the header row in a table

SLIDESJAVA-34022 - Support for adding and managing Series axis and its properties in chart

SLIDESJAVA-34021 - Support for adding and managing Series axis and its properties in chart

SLIDESJAVA-33956 - Support for chart series overlap option

SLIDESJAVA-33746 - Support for setting relative hyperlinks in PPTX

SLIDESJAVA-33681 - Support for getting the list of the fonts used in presentation

SLIDESJAVA-33379 - Support for identifying macros in presentation

SLIDESJAVA-33288 - Support for ODP presentation

SLIDESJAVA-33248 - Support for exporting notes to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-32483 - Support for ODP presentations in Aspose.Slides for Java

SLIDESJAVA-29182 - Support for adding PictureFillModes in PPT prsentation shapes

SLIDESJAVA-28956 - setUrl of Picture in a Shape for PPT

SLIDESJAVA-25264 - ConnectorType ConnectorElbowExtraLong

SLIDESJAVA-24519 - Thumbnail function

SLIDESJAVA-22830 - Save presentation as ODP format

SLIDESJAVA-22068 - Characters with different shadow property doesn’t splits in to portions

SLIDESJAVA-19793 - Splitting PPT table cells

SLIDESJAVA-19402 - Serialization for ShapesEx

SLIDESJAVA-18772 - Rendering of 3D and image pixel effects

SLIDESJAVA-16091 - Error uploading presentations

SLIDESJAVA-13413 - Organisation chart autocreate, insert nodes shape

SLIDESJAVA-13320 - Internal Hyperlink feature

SLIDESJAVA-11852 - Support for OpenOffice Format

SLIDESJAVA-34555 - To check whether a shape already has bullet style from the master slide

SLIDESJAVA-34332 - PPTX file takes too much time in opening

SLIDESJAVA-13665 - Enhance Text Quality for PPT slides rendering image

SLIDESJAVA-13646 - Table misplaced from the slide of size 25 x 56 with font height 13

SLIDESJAVA-11047 - Pass the validation check of MS Office 2010

Other improvements and changes

But fixes

SLIDESJAVA-34999 - Paragraph alignment returns -1 for Center Alignment value

SLIDESJAVA-34998 - Wrong text color is extracted for text in presentaiton

SLIDESJAVA-34974 - The stacked bar percentage chart view is not adjusted if series data is removed completely

SLIDESJAVA-34968 - Incorrect font color on odp to html conversion

SLIDESJAVA-34963 - REGRESSION: Getting ClassCastException While Merging PowerPoint Presentations Using AsposeSlides Java 15.6.0 Version

SLIDESJAVA-34962 - FontSubstRule not working

SLIDESJAVA-34953 - Custom font loading using FontsLoader.loadExternalFonts

SLIDESJAVA-34939 - Clone chart invisible

SLIDESJAVA-34938 - ClassCastException occurs on presentation save in linux

SLIDESJAVA-34937 - Chart become invisible in cloned presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34936 - Incorrect bullet points on generated thumbnail in Linux

SLIDESJAVA-34935 - Table shifted to top left corner when slide layout changed to newly cloned layout

SLIDESJAVA-34913 - Incorrect notes rendering pptx to html

SLIDESJAVA-34892 - Font is changed on generated html from odp

SLIDESJAVA-34887 - incorrect thumbnail generated

SLIDESJAVA-34886 - OdpReadException on odp to html conversion

SLIDESJAVA-34874 - TextFrame.createTextLayout() throws NullPointerException

SLIDESJAVA-34872 - PptUnsupportedFormatException on opening the presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34869 - NullPointer exception on saving presentaiton by setting predefined slide size

SLIDESJAVA-34808 - Fill color lost when converting pptx to ODP.

SLIDESJAVA-34778 - Text is discloacated in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-34758 - Text and font is wrongly rendered in generated PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34741 - Array index out of bound on exporting to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34735 - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime exception on loading ODP

SLIDESJAVA-34709 - Invalid icc profile exception on opening the PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34672 - Odp to Pptx conversion error: Urls not converted to hyperlinks

SLIDESJAVA-34629 - Arrows direction gets changed in cloned presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34617 - Invalid icc profile: duplicate sequence numbers exception is thrown while converting PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34576 - Formatting issue when converting PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34549 - Font information is not extracted properly from PPTX file

SLIDESJAVA-34543 - Quality gets distorted after converting PPTX to Image

SLIDESJAVA-34517 - Y-Axis values are not proper after conversion from PPTX to PNG

SLIDESJAVA-34516 - Chart Catergories are not fine after converting PPTX to PNG

SLIDESJAVA-34483 - Table data missing in the generated PNG file

SLIDESJAVA-34478 - Font substitution in Aspose.Slides

SLIDESJAVA-34407 - Think cell charts are converted to MSO Charts after slide cloning

SLIDESJAVA-34399 - PPTX to PDF Conversion takes more than 2 minutes to complete

SLIDESJAVA-34393 - Aspose.Slides conflicts with Aspose.Pdf in linux environment for certain classes and give java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

SLIDESJAVA-34315 - Importing HTML to PPTX: Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count

SLIDESJAVA-34240 - Quality of EMF image is not good when converting PPTX to PDF

SLIDESJAVA-34121 - Wrong font name returned for the text in presentation

SLIDESJAVA-34030 - Clonning slide is taking time

SLIDESJAVA-33751 - Aspose.Slides failed to perform well in concurrent access environment

SLIDESJAVA-33705 - The value axis (y-axis) format of the chart changes while saving the presentation

SLIDESJAVA-33569 - NullPointer on generating PDF from presentation in AIX environment

SLIDESJAVA-33377 - ACCESS_VIOLATION exception on generating slide thumbnail in MAC and Windows

SLIDESJAVA-33313 - Invalid Animation

SLIDESJAVA-33306 - ClassNotFound Exception in the Demo-Version for Java

SLIDESJAVA-33143 - Customer want to save a ppt file in svg format But project does not compile.

SLIDESJAVA-33087 - Internal and external hyperlink failed to load using Aspose.Slides for Java

SLIDESJAVA-32859 - Generating thumbnail for PPTX failed in PHP

SLIDESJAVA-31938 - Presentation is corrupted on changing the master slide paragraph text

SLIDESJAVA-30655 - Tabs get disturbed in cloned presenation

SLIDESJAVA-34924 - Source directory must exist exception on new Presentation()

SLIDESJAVA-30632 - Visio object missing in exported PDF

SLIDESJAVA-29267 - Shape hyperlinks return null

SLIDESJAVA-25440 - Table seem to lock after row delete

SLIDESJAVA-24862 - Unable to change foreground color of chart

SLIDESJAVA-24843 - Unable to export to PDF in Weblogic server environment

SLIDESJAVA-24162 - Wrong gradient fill focus returned

SLIDESJAVA-23925 - Setting Opts.setSaveMetafilesAsPng(false) failed to render charts

SLIDESJAVA-23603 - Ole Frame Width reduces every time the frame is enabled in PowerPoint

SLIDESJAVA-19694 - Spacing issues with text in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-19026 - MS Word Ole frame missing in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-18703 - Tabs incorrectly handled in exported PPTX

SLIDESJAVA-18394 - Missing text, shapes and Improper bullet rendering in generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-18363 - Slide text and background shapes missing in the generated thumbnail

SLIDESJAVA-18168 - Improper thumbnail generation PNG+JPG in Linux environment

SLIDESJAVA-18045 - Font rendering problem in generating slide thumbnail

Public API changes

com.aspose.slides.IChartDataPoint.getAutomaticDataPointColor() method has been added

This method returns an automatic color of data point based on series index, data point index, parentSeriesGroup, isColorVaried values and chart style. This color is used by default if fillType equals NotDefined.

Enum com.aspose.slides.ImagePixelFormat has been added

Enum com.aspose.slides.ImagePixelFormat has been added for specifying pixel format for the generated images.

Methods getPixelFormat(), setPixelFormat(int) have been added to com.aspose.slides.ITiffOptions

Methods getPixelFormat(), setPixelFormat(/ImagePixelFormat/int) have been added to com.aspose.slides.ITiffOptions and com.aspose.slides.TiffOptions for specifying pixel format for the generated TIFF images.

Using example:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("Somepresentation.pptx");
TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions();
options.setPixelFormat(ImagePixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);"Somepresentation-out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff, options);