Aspose.Slides for Java 16.1.0 Release Notes
Minor Changes
SLIDESNET-37033 - Setting custom rotation angle for textframe
SLIDESNET-34799 - Support for default automatic series colors for chart
Other Improvements and Changes
Bug Fixes
SLIDESJAVA-35229 - IndexOutOfRangeException thrown on saving odp
SLIDESJAVA-35215 - Slide title appearing twice on html
SLIDESJAVA-35205 - Image is not getting replaced
SLIDESJAVA-35187 - Out of memory exception on presentation loading
SLIDESJAVA-35186 - Error during conversion of pptx to pdf
SLIDESJAVA-35183 - Incorrect text color returned for a portion
SLIDESJAVA-35182 - Text becomes underlined
SLIDESJAVA-35180 - PptxReadException thrown on loading pptx
SLIDESJAVA-35175 - Text lost on ppt load and save
SLIDESJAVA-35170 - Exception on presentation save
SLIDESJAVA-35167 - Exception on presentation save
SLIDESJAVA-35166 - java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
SLIDESJAVA-35165 - PptxReadException thrown on loading pptx
SLIDESJAVA-35152 - Chart rendered incorrectly in generated PDF
SLIDESJAVA-34958 - joinPortionsWithSameFormatting() changes font size
SLIDESJAVA-34907 - Saving to PPT changes markers of bullets
SLIDESJAVA-34828 - Font appears bigger on thumbnail
SLIDESJAVA-33719 - The background image is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail
SLIDESJAVA-33711 - Symbols are improperly rendered for bullets and inside table for generated thumbnails
Public API Changes
Methods getRotationAngle() and setRotationAngle() have been added to IChartTextBlockFormat and ITextFrameFormat interfaces
Methods getRotationAngle() and setRotationAngle() have been added to interfaces com.aspose.slides.IChartTextBlockFormat and com.aspose.slides.ITextFrameFormat. They provide access to the custom rotation that is being applied to the text within the bounding box.
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
IChart chart = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 50, 50, 500, 300);
IChartSeries series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0);
series.getLabels().getDefaultDataLabelFormat().setShowValue (true);
chart.getChartTitle().addTextFrameForOverriding("Custom title").getTextFrameFormat().setRotationAngle(-30);"out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);