Aspose.Slides for Java 17.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESJAVA-35724 Preserving original date and time Investigation
SLIDESJAVA-36430 Font color not getting extracted Investigation
SLIDESNET-38621 Render comments when saving as image, PDF or HTML Feature
SLIDESNET-38044 Preserving original date and time Feature
SLIDESNET-26375 Support for creating presentation sections in Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-33584 BorderDiagonalDown BorderDiagonalUp feature support for PPT cell Feature
SLIDESJAVA-36438 ICollection.size() is not API after update to Slides 17.4 in OSGI environment Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36460 PowerPoint reports error after saving file Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36412 When PPTX is converted to PDF, the graphs are missing. Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36414 Some tables in the presentation rendered incorrectly. Bug
SLIDESJAVA-35162 Zoom level changed, Notes box appeared on load and save Bug
SLIDESJAVA-35633 The image is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail Bug
SLIDESJAVA-35761 PPT not properly converted to html Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36224 Exception on converting ODP to PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36369 PPTX not converted properly to PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36374 Color scheme is not retained in table cells Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36377 Hyperlink is wrongly associated with text in exported HTML Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36380 Application hangs when converting a slide to SVG Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36385 Exception on loading presentation Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36395 PPTX not converted properly to image Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36397 Text overlapping in generated image result Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36411 Text spilling when converting from PPTX to PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36420 PPTX not converted properly to PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36424 Incorrect HTML generated from presentation Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36442 Aspose.Slides not identifying merge cells Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36448 Mime type for Presentation is giving exception Bug

Public API Changes

com.aspose.slides.ISectionCollection interface and SectionCollection class have been added

ISectionCollection and SectionCollection represent a collection of sections.

List of methods:

  • ISection get_Item(int) - gets the element at the specified index.
  • ISection addSection(string name, ISlide startedFromSlide) - adds a new section started form specific slide.
  • ISection addEmptySection(string name, int index) - adds an empty section to the specified position of the collection.
  • removeSectionWithSlides(ISection section) - removes section and slides contained in the section.
  • removeSection(ISection section) - removes section. Slides contained in the section will be merged into previous section.
  • reorderSectionWithSlides(ISection section, int index) - moves section and its slides from the collection to the specified position.
  • ISection appendEmptySection(string name) - adds an empty section to the end of the collection.
  • int indexOf(ISection section) - returns an index of the specified section in the collection.
  • clear() - removes all sections from the collection.


ISection section = pres.getSections().get_Item(2);
pres.getSections().reorderSectionWithSlides(section, 0);
pres.getSections().appendEmptySection("Last empty section");
pres.getSections().addSection("First empty", 3);

com.aspose.slides.ISection interface and Section class have been added

ISection interface and Section class represent section of slides.

List of methods:

  • string getName() - returns the name of the section.
  • ISlide getStartedFromSlide() - returns first slide of the section.
  • ISectionSlideCollection getSlidesListOfSection() - returns a list of slides in the section.


pres.getSections().addSection("Section 1", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0));
pres.getSections().get_Item(0).setName("New section name");
ISectionSlideCollection slidesInSection = pres.getSections().get_Item(0).getSlidesListOfSection();

com.aspose.slides.ISectionSlideCollection interface and SectionSlideCollection class have been added

ISectionSlideCollection and SectionSlideCollection represents a collection of a slides in the section.


ISectionSlideCollection slidesInSection = pres.getSections().get_Item(0).getSlidesListOfSection();
for(ISlide slide : slidesInSection)
    // do something with slide

getIncludeComments and setIncludeComments methods have been added to classes PdfOptions, SwfOptions, TiffOptions and HtmlOptions

getIncludeComments and setIncludeComments getter and setter have been added to IHtmlOptions, IPdfOption, ISwfOptions, ITiffOptions interfaces and HtmlOptions, PdfOptions, SwfOptions, TiffOptions classes respectively. It specifies whether the exported document should include additional pages with comments or not. Default value is “false”.

Code example:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx");
//Instantiate the PdfOptions class
PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();
//Specify that the generated document should include comment pages
//Save the presentation to PDF with specified options"Presentation.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions);

Getters IPresentation.getSections, Presentation.getSections have been added

Getters IPresentation.getSections and Presentation.getSections return ISectionCollection instance (list of all slides sections that are defined in the presentation).

IPresentation pres = new Presentation();
pres.getSections().addSection("Section 1", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0));
int n = pres.getSections().size();