Aspose.Slides for Java 17.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESJAVA-36195 Embedding a PDF or mp3 as an icon in presentation Investigation
SLIDESNET-19163 Add support for PP2010 PPTX presentations with embedded video Feature
SLIDESNET-38901 Support for switching Rows and Columns of chart data Feature
SLIDESNET-39101 Support for setting offset values of stretched picture Feature
SLIDESNET-39124 Adding the picture border feature Feature
SLIDESNET-39088 Difference between organization of text extracted from PPT and PPTX Feature
SLIDESJAVA-35568 Support embedding fonts in the PowerPoint documents Feature
SLIDESJAVA-36419 Support for getting loaded fonts list from LoadExternalFonts() Feature
SLIDESJAVA-29460 Add support for PP2010 PPTX presentations with embedded video Feature
SLIDESJAVA-35082 Exception on extracting internal slide hyperlink Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36376 Gradient and Texture effects are missing in exported HTML Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36379 Package “com.aspose.slides.Collections” is not exported in the MANIFEST.MF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36386 Shape outlines on tables/charts are not rendered in PDF/PNG Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36398 Text in exported SVG is misplaced Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36400 Autofit Property is not working properly Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36429 Table rendered as blurred in exported PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36440 Difference in Language ID for PPT and PPTX files Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36444 Information is removed from NotesMaster XML on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36486 Chart plot area missing in exported PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36487 Exception on loading presentation Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36508 OLE object property not working properly Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36545 Exception on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36569 PPTX not properly rendered to SVG Bug
SLIDESJAVA-17730 Missing shapes and misaligned chart in exported PDF Bug

Public API Changes

getNotesStyle method has been added to IMasterNotesSlide interface and MasterNotesSlide class

getNotesStyle() method has been added to IMasterNotesSlide interface and MasterNotesSlide class respectively. Return value specifies the style of a notes text.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx");
    IMasterNotesSlide notesMaster = presentation.getMasterNotesSlideManager().getMasterNotesSlide();

    if (notesMaster != null) {
        // Get MasterNotesSlide text style
        ITextStyle notesStyle = notesMaster.getNotesStyle();

        //Set symbol bullet for the first level paragraphs
        IParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = notesStyle.getLevel(0);
    }"Presentation-out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
}finally {

Method com.aspose.slides.IChartData.switchRowColumn() has been added

Swap the data over the axis. Data being charted on the X axis will move to the Y axis and vice versa.

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
    IChart chart = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 400, 300);

    chart.getChartData().switchRowColumn();, SaveFormat.Pptx);
}finally {

Method FontsLoader.getFontFolders() has been added

Returns folders where font files are searched. Those are folders that have been added with loadExternalFonts() method as well as system font folders.

String[] fontFolders = FontsLoader.getFontFolders();

New EmbedFontCharacters enum and addEmbeddedFont() methods have been added

To allow embedding fonts into Presentation the new EmbedFontCharacters enum and two overloaded methods addEmbeddedFont() have been added:

EmbedFontCharacters enum has two members:

  • OnlyUsed: Embed only the characters used in the presentation (best for reducing file size).
  • All: Embed all characters (best for editing by other people).

New methods addEmbeddedFont() have been added to IFontsManager interface and FontsManager implementation class:

To embed font from existing IFontData:

void addEmbeddedFont(IFontData fontData, EmbedFontCharacters embedFontRule)

To embed font from a binary data:

void addEmbeddedFont(byte[] fontData, EmbedFontCharacters embedFontRule)

Using these methods and choosing the desired embedding rule (represented by EmbedFontCharacters enum), all fonts used in Presentation can be embedded:

IFontData[] allFonts = pres.getFontsManager().getFonts();
IFontData[] embeddedFonts = pres.getFontsManager().getEmbeddedFonts();
for (IFontData font : except(allFonts, embeddedFonts))
    pres.getFontsManager().addEmbeddedFont(font, EmbedFontCharacters.All);

Please note that an ArgumentException will be thrown if embedded font which is already embedded will be added again using addEmbeddedFont() method.

Methods to get-set edges of fill rectangle have been added to com.aspose.slides.IPictureFillFormat interface and PictureFillFormat class

getStretchOffsetLeft, setStretchOffsetLeft, getStretchOffsetTop, setStretchOffsetTop, getStretchOffsetRight, setStretchOffsetRight, getStretchOffsetBottom, setStretchOffsetBottom methods have been added to IPictureFillFormat interface and PictureFillFormat class respectively.

These methods get/set edges of the fill rectangle. When stretching of an image is specified, a source rectangle is scaled to fit the specified fill rectangle.

Each edge of the fill rectangle is defined by a percentage offset from the corresponding edge of the shape’s bounding box. A positive percentage specifies an inset, while a negative percentage specifies an outset.

For example, a left offset of 25% specifies that the left edge of the fill rectangle is located to the right of the bounding box’s left edge by an amount equal to 25% of the bounding box’s width.

Code example:

Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
try {
    // Get the first slide of presentation
    ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);

    // Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type
    IAutoShape aShape = slide.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 100, 300, 300);

    // Create image
    BufferedImage img = File("image.png"));
    IPPImage imgEx = presentation.getImages().addImage(img);

    // Set shape's fill type

    // Set shape's picture fill mode

    // Set image to fill the shape

    // Specify image offsets from the corresponding edge of the shape's bounding box

    // Save created presentation"StretchOffsetExample.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} finally {