Aspose.Slides for Java 20.2 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Slides for Java 20.2
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESNET-41674 | Extremely slow PPT to PDF Conversion | Enhancement |
SLIDESNET-40977 | Support for getting size of paragaph and portion inside table cell text frame | Feature |
SLIDESNET-36546 | Update custom document properties directly on the source document | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-38029 | PPT to PDF Index of connection site must be less than StartShapeConnectedTo.ConnectionSiteCount | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38023 | Application hangs when converting a PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38024 | PptxReadException on loading the file | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38032 | PPT to PDF Specified argument was out of the range of valid values | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37999 | ODP not properly converted to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38025 | The conversion to PDF lasts too long and causes OOM exception | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37757 | Out of Memory exception when saving ppt | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-35585 | Text placed on wrong position | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38026 | OutOfMemoryError on AWS lambda | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38027 | Font style substitution | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38030 | PPTX to PDF PptxReadException: 0 | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38031 | PPT to PDF Requested a name string that is not present in the font | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38033 | PPT to PDF rectangle cannot have width or height equal to 0 | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38035 | PPT to PDF java.lang.StackOverflowError | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38036 | PPT to PDF java.lang.NullReferenceException | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38037 | PPT to PDF PptxReadException | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38038 | PPT to PDF java.lang.NullPointerException | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37388 | Thumbnails not properly generated | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37752 | Slides To PDF in AWS Lambda | Image is missing |
SLIDESJAVA-38040 | PPT to PDF PptxReadException | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34394 | Wrong layout slide is selected for source and cloned slides in Aspsoe.Slides generated PPT | Bug |
Public API Changes
Get Text Location in a Table Cell
Method IPortion.getRect() has been added. This method extends and actually replaces method IPortion.getCoordinates() which is marked as obsolete now. Methods IPortion.getRect() and IParagraph.getRect() can be applied to text within table cells.
The following example shows how those properties work. Let’s say we have a table with some text inside and simple AutoShape nearby.
The code snippet below generates those objects.
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
ITable tbl = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addTable(50, 50, new double[] { 50, 70 }, new double[] { 50, 50, 50 });
IParagraph paragraph0 = new Paragraph();
paragraph0.getPortions().add(new Portion("Text "));
paragraph0.getPortions().add(new Portion("in0"));
paragraph0.getPortions().add(new Portion(" Cell"));
IParagraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
IParagraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph();
paragraph2.getPortions().add(new Portion("Hi there "));
paragraph2.getPortions().add(new Portion("col0"));
ICell cell = tbl.get_Item(1, 1);
IAutoShape autoShape = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 400, 100, 60, 120);
autoShape.getTextFrame().setText("Text in shape");
} finally {
if (pres != null) pres.dispose();
The source code snippet below will add a yellow frame to all paragraphs and blue frame to all portions which contain substring “0”.
- In the first step, We’re getting coordinates of the left top corner of the table cell.
double x = tbl.getX() + cell.getOffsetX();
double y = tbl.getY() + cell.getOffsetY();
- In the next step we’re using IParagrap.getRect() and IPortion.getRect() methods in order to add frame to portions and paragraphs.
for (IParagraph para : cell.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
if (para.getText().equals(""))
Rectangle2D.Float rect = para.getRect();
IAutoShape shape =
rect.getX() + (float)x, rect.getY)( + (float)y, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
for (IPortion portion : para.getPortions())
if (portion.getText().contains("0"))
rect = portion.getRect();
shape =
rect.getX() + (float)x, rect.getY() + (float)y, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
- Add frame to AutoShape paragraphs.
for (IParagraph para : autoShape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
Rectangle2D.Float rect = para.getRect();
IAutoShape shape =
(float) (rect.getX() + autoShape.getX()), (float) (rect.getY() + autoShape.getY()), (float) rect.getWidth(), (float) rect.getHeight());