Aspose.Slides for Java 20.7 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Slides for Java 20.7
New Features and Enhancements
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESNET-41954 | Convert Mathematival Text to MathML Format | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38137 | Extract equation from ppt to LaTeX | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34154 | Support for rotation options for line shape | Feature |
SLIDESNET-41947 | SVG image rendered as PNG image in generated PDF | Feature |
SLIDESNET-41591 | Automatic wrapped text exported with line breaks in PDF | Enhancement |
Other Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESJAVA-38133 | Image transparency is lost in saved PDF | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38154 | Unable to convert tiff image in pptx presentation to thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-33825 | Border around images are missing | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38125 | Font spacing is not maintained in SVG | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38083 | Highlight text not working when saving as PPT | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38122 | Non required lines appearing on chart X-axis in JPEG and SVG | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38078 | Small Chart with Large Fonts Cause a StackOverflowError | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37126 | Presentation not converted properly to pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37125 | Presentation not converted properly to pdf | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-34626 | Exception : Couldn’t read “PowerPoint Document” record on opening the PPT file | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38109 | SVG image rendered as PNG image in generated PDF | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-38100 | Replacing an Image in a PictureFrame Doubles the Image Byte Size | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38082 | Exception on saving presentation with chart | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38110 | TIFF files are corrupted when rendering with TiffCompressionTypes.CCITT4 | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-37952 | Use Aspose.Slides for Net 20.7 features | Enhancement |
SLIDESJAVA-38123 | Thread time out and heap growth issues | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-38124 | PPTX to PDF conversion fails to embed fonts using Aspose.Slides | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-33796 | Support for rotation options for line shape | Feature |
SLIDESJAVA-38142 | Improper slide thumbnails generated in Linux | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-38138 | Possible Memory leak in Aspose.Slides for Java | Investigation |
SLIDESJAVA-38137 | Aspose.Slides Java throw exception while reading the shapes | Bug |
SLIDESJAVA-38101 | PPT corrupts on saving as PPTX and then to PPT | Bug |
Public API Changes
Exporting mathematical equations to MathML format
IMathParagraph.writeAsMathMl and IMathBlock.writeAsMathMl methods have been added. You can use them to export a mathematical paragraph or block to MathML format. The presentation MathML markup is used.
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
IAutoShape autoShape = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addMathShape(0, 0, 500, 50);
IMathParagraph mathParagraph = ((MathPortion)autoShape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs().get_Item(0).getPortions().get_Item(0)).getMathParagraph();
mathParagraph.add(new MathematicalText("a").setSuperscript("2").join("+").join(new MathematicalText("b").setSuperscript("2")).join("=").join(new MathematicalText("c").setSuperscript("2")));
FileOutputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = new FileOutputStream("mathml.xml");
} finally {
if (stream != null) stream.close();
} finally {
if (pres != null) pres.dispose();
Contents of the resulting file:
<math display='block' xmlns="">
New method iteratorJava() has been added to MathBlock and MathParagraph
A new iteratorJava() method has been added to MathBlock and MathParagraph classes.
This method allows to get an iterator that is fully complied with the Java Iterator logic.