Aspose.Slides for Java 21.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category Related Documentation
SLIDESNET-42514 Support of Cylinder column shape for 3-D Column and 3-D Bar Charts Feature
SLIDESNET-30675 Support of Presentation to XAML export Feature
SLIDESNET-42447 Support of 3-D Bar Chart Feature
SLIDESNET-37955 Support of 3D Transforms for thumbnails Feature
SLIDESJAVA-38232 Use Aspose.Slides for Net 21.6 features Enhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38531 ArgumentException: Unable to find any font for: GenericFontFamilies.Serif Investigation
SLIDESJAVA-33354 Improper rendering of 3d rotated shapes Bug
SLIDESJAVA-32683 Unresolved Qumu issues Bug
SLIDESJAVA-34045 Text shadow effects are missing in generated thumbnail Bug
SLIDESJAVA-34792 Blur shadow effects observed in thumbnail Bug
SLIDESJAVA-38529 PPTX update chart values produces bad output file Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36211 Incorrect font size in notes page Bug
SLIDESJAVA-34569 Chart Borders are missing in generated PDF file Bug
SLIDESJAVA-32322 Wrong shape direction on thumbnail Bug
SLIDESJAVA-38549 method throws KeyNotFoundException Investigation
SLIDESJAVA-38546 Presentation to PDF conversion fails Investigation
SLIDESJAVA-38077 Replacing a MasterSlide with Gradient Background incurs “InvalidOperationException: Color is not resolved yet” Bug
SLIDESJAVA-33804 The image angle of rotation is discarded in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-33240 Shape Thumbnails for PPTX with transparet background Feature
SLIDESJAVA-33963 SmartArt is improperly rendered in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESJAVA-36381 3D shape effects are not rendered in PDF/PNG Feature
SLIDESJAVA-36382 Glow Effects are not rendered in PDF/PNG Feature
SLIDESJAVA-36383 Rotation Effects are not rendered in PDF/PNG Feature
SLIDESJAVA-36384 Reflection Effects are not rendered in PDF/PNG Feature
SLIDESJAVA-38532 Error happens when convert PPT to PPTX Investigation

Public API Changes

Support of Presentation to XAML export

To support Presentation export to XAML, we added new API members.

IXamlOptions interface and XamlOptions class. IXamlOptions definition:

 * <p>
 * Options that control how a XAML document is saved.
 * </p>
public interface IXamlOptions extends ISaveOptions
	Determines whether hidden slides will be exported.
    public boolean getExportHiddenSlides();
	Determines whether hidden slides will be exported.
    public void setExportHiddenSlides(boolean value);
	Represents an implementation of IOutputSaver interface.
    public IXamlOutputSaver getOutputSaver();
	Represents an implementation of IOutputSaver interface.
    public void setOutputSaver(IXamlOutputSaver value);

For Presentation export to XAML, a new Save method overload got added to the Presentation class:

 * <p>
 * Saves all slides of a presentation to a set of files representing XAML markup.
 * </p>
public final void save(IXamlOptions options)

This code sample demonstrates the exporting of a Presentation to a set of XAML files:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
try {
    XamlOptions xamlOptions = new XamlOptions();
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

The XAML files get saved in a newly created folder—“pres”.

The IXamlOutputSaver interface allows you to define your own output-saving service. IXamlOutputSaver definition:

 * <p>
 * Represents an output saver implementation for transfer data to the external storage.
 * </p>
public interface IXamlOutputSaver
     * <p>
     * Saves a bytes array to a destination location.
     * </p>
     * @param path The destination path.
     * @param data A binary data for saving to a destination location.
    public void save(String path, byte[] data);

IEffect.getTargetShape() method has been added

The IEffect.getTargetShape() method has been added. It returns the shape affected by the effect.

Method declaration:

 * <p>
 * Returns target shape for effect.
 * Read-only {@link IShape}.
 * </p>
public IShape getTargetShape();

This code sample demonstrates the output of information for all animated shapes in the main sequence for all slides in a presentation.

Presentation pres = new Presentation("SomePresentation.pptx");
try {
    for (ISlide slide : pres.getSlides())
        for (IEffect effect : slide.getTimeline().getMainSequence())
            System.out.println(effect.getType() + " animation effect is set to shape#" + effect.getTargetShape().getUniqueId() + " on slide#" + slide.getSlideNumber());
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();