Creating TextBox with Hyperlink in PHP
Aspose.Slides - Creating TextBox with Hyperlink
To Create a TextBox with Hyperlink using Aspose.Slides Java for PHP, call create_textbox_with_hyperlink method of CreateTextBox module. Here you can see example code.
public static function create_textbox_with_hyperlink(){
$pres = new Presentation();
# Get the first slide
$sld = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);
# Add autoshape of rectangle type
$shapeType=new ShapeType();
$pptxShape = $sld->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shapeType->Rectangle, 150, 150, 150, 50);
# Cast the shape to AutoShape
$pptxAutoShape = $pptxShape;
# Access ITextFrame associated with the AutoShape
$text_frame = $pptxAutoShape->getTextFrame();
# Add some text to the frame
#Set Hyperlink for the portion text
$hypman = $text_frame->getParagraphs()->get_Item(0)->getPortions()->get_Item(0)->getPortionFormat()->getHyperlinkManager();
# Write the presentation as a PPTX file
$save_format =new SaveFormat();
$pres->save(data_dir + "hLinkPPTX.pptx", $save_format->Pptx);
print "Created TextBox with Hyperlink, please check the output file.".PHP_EOL;
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