Formatting Lines of the Shapes in PHP

Aspose.Slides - Formatting the Lines of Shapes

To Format the Lines of Shapes using Aspose.Slides Java for PHP, call format_lines method of FormatLines module. Here you can see example code.


 public static function format_lines($dataDir=null)


    # Create an instance of Presentation class

    $pres = new Presentation();

    # Get the first slide

    $sld = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);

    # Add autoshape of rectangle type

    $shapeType = new ShapeType();

    $shp = $sld->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shapeType->Rectangle, 50, 150, 75, 150);

    # Set the fill color of the rectangle shape

    $fillType = new FillType();

    $color = new Color();



    # Apply some formatting on the line of the rectangle

    $lineStyle = new LineStyle();



    $lineDashStyle = new LineDashStyle();


    # set the color of the line of rectangle



    # Write the presentation as a PPTX file

    $save_format = new SaveFormat();

    $pres->save($dataDir . "RectShpLn.pptx", $save_format->Pptx);

    print "Formatted lines, please check the output file." . PHP_EOL;


Aspose.Slides - Formatting the Join Styles

To Format the Join Styles using Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby, call format_join_styles method of FormatLines module. Here you can see example code.


 public static function format_join_styles($dataDir=null)


    # Create an instance of Presentation class

    $pres = new Presentation();

    # Get the first slide

    $sld = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);

    # Add three autoshapes of rectangle type

    $shape_type = new ShapeType();

    $shp1 = $sld->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shape_type->Rectangle, 50, 100, 150, 75);

    $shp2 = $sld->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shape_type->Rectangle, 300, 100, 150, 75);

    $shp3 = $sld->getShapes()->addAutoShape($shape_type->Rectangle, 50, 250, 150, 75);

    # Set the fill color of the rectangle shape

    $fill_type = new FillType();

    $color = new Color();







    # Set the line width



    $shp3->getLineFormat()->setWidth (15);

    # Set the color of the line of rectangle







    # Set the Join Style

    $line_join_style = new LineJoinStyle();




    # Add text to each rectangle

    $shp1->getTextFrame()->setText ("This is Miter Join Style");

    $shp2->getTextFrame()->setText( "This is Bevel Join Style");

    $shp3->getTextFrame()->setText ("This is Round Join Style");

    # Write the presentation as a PPTX file

    $save_format = new SaveFormat();

    $pres->save($dataDir . "RectShpLnJoin.pptx", $save_format->Pptx);

    print "Formatted join styles, please check the output file." . PHP_EOL;


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