Managing Different Properties of Charts in Ruby
Aspose.Slides - Setting the RotationX, RotationY and DepthPercents properties of 3D Chart.
To Set the RotationX, RotationY and DepthPercents properties of 3D Chart using Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby, call set_rotation_and_depth method of ChartProperties module. Here you can see example code.
Ruby Code
def set_rotation_and_depth()
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/'
# Instantiate Presentation class that represents the presentation file
pres = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.Presentation').new
# Access first slide
sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0)
# Add chart with default data
chart = sld.getShapes().addChart(Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.ChartType').StackedColumn3D, 0, 0, 500, 500)
# Getting the chart data worksheet
fact = chart.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook()
# Delete default generated series and categories
# Adding new series
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, 0, 1, "Series 1"), chart.getType())
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, 0, 2, "Series 2"), chart.getType())
# Adding new categories
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 1, 0, "Caetegoty 1"))
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 2, 0, "Caetegoty 2"))
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 3, 0, "Caetegoty 3"))
# Set Rotation3D properties
# Take first chart series
series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0)
# Populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 1, 1, 20))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 2, 1, 50))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 3, 1, 30))
# Take second chart series
series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(1)
# Populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 1, 2, 30))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 2, 2, 10))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 3, 2, 60))
# Saving the presentation + "3Drotation.pptx", Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat').Pptx)
puts "Done with rotation, please check the output file."
Aspose.Slides - Setting the GapWidth property of Chart Series
To Set the GapWidth property of Chart Series using Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby, call set_gapwidth method of ChartProperties module. Here you can see example code.
Ruby Code
def set_gapwidth()
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/'
# Instantiate Presentation class that represents the presentation file
pres = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.Presentation').new
# Access first slide
sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0)
# Add chart with default data
chart = sld.getShapes().addChart(Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.ChartType').StackedColumn3D, 0, 0, 500, 500)
# Getting the chart data worksheet
fact = chart.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook()
# Delete default generated series and categories
# Adding new series
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, 0, 1, "Series 1"), chart.getType())
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, 0, 2, "Series 2"), chart.getType())
# Adding new categories
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 1, 0, "Caetegoty 1"))
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 2, 0, "Caetegoty 2"))
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, 3, 0, "Caetegoty 3"))
# Take first chart series
series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0)
# Populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 1, 1, 20))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 2, 1, 50))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 3, 1, 30))
# Take second chart series
series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(1)
# Populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 1, 2, 30))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 2, 2, 10))
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(0, 3, 2, 60))
# Set GapWidth value
# Saving the presentation + "SetGapWidth.pptx", Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat').Pptx)
puts "Set Gapwidth property of chart series, please check the output file."
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