Setting Default Zoom Value for Presentation in Ruby

Aspose.Slides - Setting Default Zoom Value

To set default Zoom value for presentation using Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby, simply invoke Zoom module. Here you can see example code.

Ruby Code

 data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/'

\# Create an instance of Presentation class

pres = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.Presentation').new

\# Setting View Properties of Presentation

#pres.getViewProperties().getSlideViewProperties().setScale(50) # zoom value in percentages for slide view

pres.getViewProperties().getNotesViewProperties().setScale(50) # .Scale = 50; //zoom value in percentages for notes view

\# Save the presentation as a PPTX file

save_format = Rjb::import('com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat') + "Zoom.pptx", save_format.Pptx)

puts "Set zoom value, please check the output file."

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