Updating an Existing Chart in PHP
Aspose.Slides - Updating an Existing Chart
To Update an Existing Chart using Aspose.Slides Java for PHP, simply invoke ExistingChart module. Here you can see example code.
# Instantiate Presentation class that represents the presentation file
$pres = new Presentation($dataDir . "AsposeChart.pptx");
\# Access first slide
$sld = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);
\# Add chart with default data
$chart = $sld->getShapes()->get_Item(0);
\# Setting the index of chart data sheet
$defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;
\# Getting the chart data worksheet
$fact = $chart->getChartData()->getChartDataWorkbook();
\# Changing chart Category Name
$fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, "Modified Category 1");
$fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, "Modified Category 2");
\# Take first chart series
$series = $chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->get_Item(0);
\# Now updating series data
$fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, "New_Series1"); # modifying series name
\# Take Second chart series
$series = $chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->get_Item(1);
\# Now updating series data
$fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 2, "New_Series2"); #modifying series name
\# Now, Adding a new series
$chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->add($fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 3, "Series 3"), $chart->getType());
\# Take 3rd chart series
$series = $chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->get_Item(2);
\# Now populating series data
$series->getDataPoints()->addDataPointForBarSeries($fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 3, 20));
$series->getDataPoints()->addDataPointForBarSeries($fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 3, 50));
$series->getDataPoints()->addDataPointForBarSeries($fact->getCell($defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 3, 30));
$chartType=new ChartType();
\# Saving the presentation to HTML format
$save_format = new SaveFormat();
$pres->save($dataDir . "AsposeChartModified.pptx", $save_format->Pptx);
print "Updated chart, please check the output file.".PHP_EOL;
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