Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.4.0 Release Notes
Major Changes
SLIDESNET-31745 - Connectors layouting
Minor Changes
Key | Summary |
SLIDESNET-36224 | Unique IDs for symbol id for pictures is needed when exporting slides with images to HTML |
SLIDESNET-35359 | Presentation.GetSlideByID() missing in Aspose.Slides |
SLIDESNET-33702 | Saving presentation in different slide view types |
SLIDESNET-17922 | Splitting table cells |
SLIDESNET-36285 | Implement serialization and deserialization of embedded fonts for PPT |
SLIDESNET-35273 | Implement SmartArt customization |
SLIDESNET-13794 | Consistency in DocumentProperties |
Other Improvements and Changes
Bug Fixes
Key | Summary |
SLIDESNET-36419 | Template Name property missing in Document Properties |
SLIDESNET-36392 | SlideCollection.ResetEffectiveFormat throws NullReferenceException |
SLIDESNET-36390 | PowerPoint craches on playing presentation with embedded video, 15.5.0 |
SLIDESNET-36363 | DateTimeInvalid Local format exception is thrown on saving presentation |
SLIDESNET-36359 | Slide notes failed to get added in presentation |
SLIDESNET-36358 | Strikethrough is appearing thick in generated thumbnail and pdf |
SLIDESNET-36357 | Inverse mapping of RotationX and RotationY in Rotation3D Members. |
SLIDESNET-36355 | FontHeight changing does not work |
SLIDESNET-36350 | PowerPoint shows a repair request when a presentation generated with Aspose.Slides is opened |
SLIDESNET-36336 | Issue with Bullets in pptx and ppt |
SLIDESNET-36332 | Error Bars are missing in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36322 | Presentation repair message pops on saving the presentation. |
SLIDESNET-36316 | Portion format returns wrong font names |
SLIDESNET-36311 | Chart labels and legends gets disturbed in generated PDF |
SLIDESNET-36310 | Chart labels and legends gets disturbed in saved presentation |
SLIDESNET-36309 | Slide background image gets jagged pdf. |
SLIDESNET-36308 | Text size is not reduced when TextAutoFitType.Normal is used for slide textframe |
SLIDESNET-36307 | Absurd memory usage in GetThumbnail() for simple slide with log scale |
SLIDESNET-36306 | Custom document properties are not accessible using Aspose.Slides |
SLIDESNET-36299 | Input string was not in the correct format exception on adding HTML to text frame |
SLIDESNET-36298 | Missed shapes in generated Html |
SLIDESNET-36296 | Null Reference exception on cloning row in side the table |
SLIDESNET-36295 | Presentation repair message on saving presentation with video |
SLIDESNET-36294 | Wrong logo image rendering in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36284 | Font size for text changed in Aspose.Slides saved presentation |
SLIDESNET-36277 | Chart Series Markers and lines are improperly rendered in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-36276 | Charts axis labels are improperly rendered in thumbnails |
SLIDESNET-36267 | Error on opening PPT file |
SLIDESNET-36254 | Pptx exception thrown on accessing presentation |
SLIDESNET-36223 | Presentation with WordArt generate corrupt PDF |
SLIDESNET-36212 | WordArt effect are lost on text when saving the presentation |
SLIDESNET-36106 | Presentation gets corrupt when opened in PowerPoint 2007 |
SLIDESNET-35602 | Save method required to dynamically pass Save Format |
SLIDESNET-35474 | Chart category axis is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail |
SLIDESNET-33772 | The presentation size grows after slide cloning |
SLIDESNET-33655 | ArgumentException thrown on generating the slide thumbnail in Mono MAC environment |
SLIDESNET-32649 | Text converted to image while converting PPT to PPTX |
SLIDESNET-12585 | Unsupported Brush Type Exception on PPTX to PDF |
SLIDESNET-3681 | Accessing objects on the notes page view |
Public API Changes
Enum OrganizationChartLayoutType has been added
The Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.OrganizationChartLayoutType enum represents formatting type the child nodes in an organization chart.
Method IBulletFormat.ApplyDefaultParagraphIndentsShifts has been added
Method Aspose.Slides.IBulletFormat.ApplyDefaultParagraphIndentsShifts sets default non-zero shifts for effective paragraph Indent and MarginLeft when bullets is enabled (like PowerPoint do if enable paragraph bullets/numbering in it). If bullets is disabled then just reset paragraph Indent and MarginLeft (like PowerPoint do if disable paragraph bullets/numbering in it). See this page for detail.
Method IConnector.Reroute has been added
Method Aspose.Slides.IConnector.Reroute reroutes connector so that it take the shortest possible path between the shapes it connect. To do this, the Reroute() method may change the StartShapeConnectionSiteIndex and EndShapeConnectionSiteIndex.
using(Presentation input = new Presentation())
IShapeCollection shapes = input.Slides[0].Shapes;
IConnector connector = shapes.AddConnector(ShapeType.BentConnector2, 0, 0, 10, 10);
IAutoShape ellipse = shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Ellipse, 0, 100, 100, 100);
IAutoShape rectangle = shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 300, 100, 100);
connector.StartShapeConnectedTo = ellipse;
connector.EndShapeConnectedTo = rectangle;
input.Save("output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
Method IPresentation.GetSlideById has been added
Method Aspose.Slides.IPresentation.GetSlideById(System.UInt32) returns a Slide, MasterSlide or LayoutSlide by slide Id.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation())
uint id = presentation.Slides[0].SlideId;
IBaseSlide slide = presentation.GetSlideById(id);
Debug.Assert(presentation.Slides[0] == slide);
Property IShape.ConnectionSiteCount has been added
Property Aspose.Slides.IShape.ConnectionSiteCount returns the number of connection sites on the shape.
using(Presentation input = new Presentation())
IShapeCollection shapes = input.Slides[0].Shapes;
IConnector connector = shapes.AddConnector(ShapeType.BentConnector2, 0, 0, 10, 10);
IAutoShape ellipse = shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Ellipse, 0, 100, 100, 100);
IAutoShape rectangle = shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 200, 100, 100);
connector.StartShapeConnectedTo = ellipse;
connector.EndShapeConnectedTo = rectangle;
uint wantedIndex = 6;
if (ellipse.ConnectionSiteCount > wantedIndex){
connector.StartShapeConnectionSiteIndex = wantedIndex;
input.Save("output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
Property ISmartArt.IsReversed has been added
Property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArt.IsReversed allows get or sets the state of the SmartArt diagram with regard to (left-to-right) LTR or (right-to-left) RTL, if the diagram supports reversal.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
ISmartArt smart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 400, 300, SmartArtLayoutType.BasicProcess);
smart.IsReversed = true;
pres.Save("out.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
Property ISmartArt.Nodes has been added
Property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArt.Nodes returns collection of root nodes in SmartArt object.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
ISmartArt smart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 400, 300, SmartArtLayoutType.VerticalBulletList);
ISmartArtNode node = smart.Nodes[1]; // select second root node
node.TextFrame.Text = "Second root node";
pres.Save("out.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
Property ISmartArtNode.IsHidden has been added
Property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.IsHidden returns true if this node is a hidden node in the data model.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
ISmartArt smart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 400, 300, SmartArtLayoutType.RadialCycle);
ISmartArtNode node = smart.AllNodes.AddNode();
bool hidden = node.IsHidden; //returns true
//do some actions or notifications
pres.Save("out.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
Property ISmartArtNode.OrganizationChartLayout has been added
Property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.OrganizationChartLayout allows get or sets organization chart type assosiated with current node.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
ISmartArt smart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 400, 300, SmartArtLayoutType.OrganizationChart);
smart.Nodes[0].OrganizationChartLayout = OrganizationChartLayoutType.LeftHanging;
pres.Save("out.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
Set method for property ISmartArt.Layout has been added
The set method for property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArt.Layout has been added.It allows change layout type of an existing diagram.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
ISmartArt smart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 400, 300, SmartArtLayoutType.BasicBlockList);
smart.Layout = SmartArtLayoutType.BasicProcess;
pres.Save("out.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
Minor API changes
This is the list of minor API changes:
Member | Action |
Enum Aspose.Slides.BevelColorMode | deleted, unused enum |
Property ThreeDFormatEffectiveData.BevelColorMode | deleted, unused property |
Property Aspose.Slides.Charts.ChartSeriesGroup.Chart | added |
Property Aspose.Slides.Charts.IChartSeriesGroup.AsIChartComponent | added |
Property Aspose.Slides.IParagraphFormatEffectiveData.AsISlideComponent | deleted |
Inheritance of IParagraphFormatEffectiveData from ISlideComponent | deleted |
Property Aspose.Slides.IThreeDFormat.AsISlideComponent | deleted |
Inheritance of IThreeDFormat from ISlideComponent | deleted |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.BulletChar | deleted as obsolete |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.BulletFont | deleted as obsolete |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.BulletHeight | deleted as obsolete |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.BulletType | deleted as obsolete |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.NumberedBulletStartWith | deleted as obsolete |
Property Aspose.Slides.ParagraphFormatEffectiveData.NumberedBulletStyle | deleted as obsolete |