Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.1.0 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESNET-38199 Support for Value from Cells feature for chart data labels Feature
SLIDESNET-36738 Support for bulk setting text properties for whole table, row or column Feature
SLIDESNET-35709 Set and control text spellcheck language using Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-34103 Add support for changing language of presentation and shape’s text Feature
SLIDESNET-33368 Using locale for setting the language Feature
SLIDESNET-3104 Language property for textboxes Feature
SLIDESNET-36086 Changing slides orientation has no effect on contents Feature
SLIDESNET-38255 Changing font related properties in master slide not getting applied Feature
SLIDESNET-38239 Setting multi-level chart categories not working Feature
SLIDESNET-38230 Unexpected subscript effect on saving presentation Feature
SLIDESNET-38225 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when adding shape to slide and saving Bug
SLIDESNET-38217 Exception on converting ppt to pptx or pptm Bug
SLIDESNET-38208 Pptx not properly converted to html Bug
SLIDESNET-38206 Pptx to pdf conversion giving OutOfMemoryError Bug
SLIDESNET-38205 Text are improperly rendered in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38204 EMF images are not properly rendered in generated pdf Bug
SLIDESNET-38201 Embedded fonts are not getting copied when cloning slide Bug
SLIDESNET-38188 Exception on generating thumbnails Bug
SLIDESNET-38186 Problem with content in result file after saving Ppt to Pptx Bug
SLIDESNET-38177 Cylinder drawing is changed after loading and saving a ppt Bug
SLIDESNET-38175 Meta files are improperly rendered in generated thumbnails Bug
SLIDESNET-38174 Fix implementation of ChartSeriesGroup.CompareTo() method. Bug
SLIDESNET-38172 Character misplaced after converting to svg Bug
SLIDESNET-38167 Cell border not generated as double line Bug
SLIDESNET-38156 Icon missing after converting slide to svg Bug
SLIDESNET-38151 Text in pptx document not justified properly Bug
SLIDESNET-38132 Bullets changes while converting odp to pdf Bug
SLIDESNET-38130 Creating charts from sql server table Bug
SLIDESNET-38129 Slide orientation went wrong Bug
SLIDESNET-38117 Thumbnails output cropped Bug
SLIDESNET-38109 NotImplementedException on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38097 Shapes with FillType.Group missing in the generated thumbnail Bug
SLIDESNET-38092 Text is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail Bug
SLIDESNET-38067 Bullet space changed after saving ppt Bug
SLIDESNET-38066 Pptx changed after converting to pdf Bug
SLIDESNET-38050 Exception on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38029 Text is not being rendered when exporting slides as thumbnails Bug
SLIDESNET-38004 High memory consumption while converting pptx to pdf Bug
SLIDESNET-37929 Incorrect character positioning in HTML representation of the presentation document in Safari for iOS Bug
SLIDESNET-37796 Equations are improperly rendered in generated PDF and thumbnails Bug
SLIDESNET-37045 Chart title appears on pptx to html Bug
SLIDESNET-36892 Incorrect chart on generated pdf Bug
SLIDESNET-36222 Date changed to asterisk when saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-36095 DataPoints of scattered chart are not showing in the generated image file Bug
SLIDESNET-36094 Y Axis Labels are not correct in the generated image file Bug
SLIDESNET-35571 Images are not rendered in HTML to PPTX Import Bug
SLIDESNET-35494 Exception on Opening the PPTX file. Error unexpected font parsing exception Bug
SLIDESNET-35292 Ppt to Pptx conversion disturbs equations Bug
SLIDESNET-35265 Improper gradient fill export for geometry shapes Bug
SLIDESNET-35264 Improper DrBrush is used when exporting gradient filled text to PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-35263 Gradient brush is incorrectly formed when exporting gradient-filled text Bug
SLIDESNET-35240 PPTX to PDF: Text is missing in generated PDF file Bug
SLIDESNET-35125 Footer not Visible when setting using Metacharacters Bug
SLIDESNET-35040 Chart improperly rendered in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-34650 Protected view error message on generating PPT form Aspose.Slides Bug
SLIDESNET-34521 Improper thumbnail generated for PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-34481 Default font related properties are set when copying slide notes Bug
SLIDESNET-33881 Index out of range exception on accessing presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-33606 PowerPoint 2010 Error Message: PowerPoint has detected problem in file in generated PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-33279 ProtectedView message appears if multiple hyperlinks are added in generated presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-31842 Picture is missing in notes page on presentation save Bug
SLIDESNET-22336 Equations text overlap in the generated PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-17912 Mathematical equation are improperly rendered in exported PDF Bug

Public API Changes

Default public constructors have been added to PortionFormat, ParagraphFormat and TextFrameFormat classes

Default public constructors have been added to PortionFormat, ParagraphFormat and TextFrameFormat classes. Formats created with these constructions using can be used to specify text formats for a whole table, etc.

Usage Example:

PortionFormat portionFormat = new PortionFormat();
ParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = new ParagraphFormat();
TextFrameFormat textFrameFormat = new TextFrameFormat();

IBulkTextFormattable interface has been added

Aspose.Slides.IBulkTextFormattable interface has been added. It represents an object with possibility of bulk setting child text elements' formats. It contains the following methods:

void SetTextFormat(IPortionFormat source);
void SetTextFormat(IParagraphFormat source);
void SetTextFormat(ITextFrameFormat source);

Calling any of them will make an object of class that implements this interface set all its child portions / paragraphs / text frames (accordingly to used method overload) with all defined properties from provided format sample.

IFormatFactory interface and FormatFactory class have been added

Aspose.Slides.IFormatFactory interface and Aspose.Slides.FormatFactory class have been added. They allow to create PortionFormat, ParagraphFormat and TextFrameFormat instances via COM interface.

Usage Example:

IPortionFormat portionFormat = FormatFactory.Instance.CreatePortionFormat();
IParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = FormatFactory.Instance.CreateParagraphFormat();
ITextFrameFormatparagraphFormat = FormatFactory.Instance.CreateTextFrameFormat();

Properties DataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell and IDataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell have been added

Property DataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell determines if data label text contains data from workbook data cell.

string lbl0 = "Label 0 cell value";
string lbl1 = "Label 1 cell value";
string lbl2 = "Label 2 cell value";

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
  IChart chart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.Bubble, 50, 50, 600, 400, true);
  IChartSeriesCollection series = chart.ChartData.Series;
  series[0].Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell = true;
  IChartDataWorkbook wb = chart.ChartData.ChartDataWorkbook;

  series[0].Labels[0].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A10", lbl0);
  series[0].Labels[1].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A11", lbl1);
  series[0].Labels[2].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A12", lbl2);

Properties IDataLabel.ValueFromCell and DataLabel.ValueFromCell have been added

Gets or sets workbook data cell. Applied if IDataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell property equals true.

string lbl0 = "Label 0 cell value";
string lbl1 = "Label 1 cell value";
string lbl2 = "Label 2 cell value";
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
  IChart chart = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.Bubble, 50, 50, 600, 400, true);
  IChartSeriesCollection series = chart.ChartData.Series;
  series[0].Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowLabelValueFromCell = true;
  IChartDataWorkbook wb = chart.ChartData.ChartDataWorkbook;

  series[0].Labels[0].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A10", lbl0);
  series[0].Labels[1].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A11", lbl1);
  series[0].Labels[2].ValueFromCell = wb.GetCell(0, "A12", lbl2);
  pres.Save(outPath, SaveFormat.Pptx);

SetTextFormat methods have been added to Column class due to inheritance from IBulkTextFormattable added to IColumn interface

Aspose.Slides.Column class now implements IBulkTextFormattable interface as a part of IColumn interface. Portion, paragraph or text frame format properties can be set to all column cells by calling Column.SetTextFormat methods.

Usage Examples:

ITable someTable = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as ITable; // let's say that the first shape on the first slide is a table

// setting first column cells' font height
PortionFormat portionFormat = new PortionFormat();
portionFormat.FontHeight = 25;

// setting first column cells' text alignment and right margin in one call
ParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = new ParagraphFormat();
paragraphFormat.Alignment = TextAlignment.Right;
paragraphFormat.MarginRight = 20;

// setting second column cells' text vertical type
TextFrameFormat textFrameFormat = new TextFrameFormat();
textFrameFormat.TextVerticalType = TextVerticalType.Vertical;

SetTextFormat methods have been added to Row class due to inheritance from IBulkTextFormattable added to IRow interface

Aspose.Slides.Row class now implements IBulkTextFormattable interface as a part of IRow interface. Portion, paragraph or text frame format properties can be set to all row cells by calling Row.SetTextFormat methods.

Usage Examples:

ITable someTable = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as ITable; // let's say that the first shape on the first slide is a table

// setting first row cells' font height
PortionFormat portionFormat = new PortionFormat();
portionFormat.FontHeight = 25;

// setting first row cells' text alignment and right margin in one call
ParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = new ParagraphFormat();
paragraphFormat.Alignment = TextAlignment.Right;
paragraphFormat.MarginRight = 20;

// setting second row cells' text vertical type
TextFrameFormat textFrameFormat = new TextFrameFormat();
textFrameFormat.TextVerticalType = TextVerticalType.Vertical;

SetTextFormat methods have been added to Table class due to inheritance from IBulkTextFormattable added to ITable interface

Aspose.Slides.Table class now implements IBulkTextFormattable interface as a part of ITable interface. Portion, paragraph or text frame format properties can be set to all table cells by calling Table.SetTextFormat methods.

Usage Examples:

ITable someTable = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as ITable; // let's say that the first shape on the first slide is a table

// setting table cells' font height
PortionFormat portionFormat = new PortionFormat();
portionFormat.FontHeight = 25;

// setting table cells' text alignment and right margin in one call
ParagraphFormat paragraphFormat = new ParagraphFormat();
paragraphFormat.Alignment = TextAlignment.Right;
paragraphFormat.MarginRight = 20;

// setting table cells' text vertical type
TextFrameFormat textFrameFormat = new TextFrameFormat();
textFrameFormat.TextVerticalType = TextVerticalType.Vertical;

SlideSizeScaleType enum, ISlideSize.SetSize and SlideSize.SetSize methods have been added

New methods SetSize have been added to SlideSize class and ISlideSize interface.

void SetSize(SlideSizeType type, SlideSizeScaleType scaleType);
void SetSize(float width, float height, SlideSizeScaleType scaleType);

These methods allow changing slide size with different ways of content scaling. Ways of content scaling are defined in new SlideSizeScaleType enum. There are following values.

  • DoNotScale - do not scale slide content. Use this for set the size without modification content.
  • EnsureFit - Scale to ensure fit. Use this for scale it down to ensure it will fit on slide.
  • Maximize - Maximize size of content. Use this for maximize the size of your content.

Usage example:

using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.ppt"))
  presentation.SlideSize.SetSize(540, 720, SlideSizeScaleType.EnsureFit); // Method SetSize is used for set slide size with scale content to ensure fit
  presentation.SlideSize.SetSize(SlideSizeType.A4Paper, SlideSizeScaleType.Maximize); // Method SetSize is used for set slide size with maximize size of content

The property Size of interface ISlideSize and class SlideSize has been marked as Obsolete.

The property Type of interface ISlideSize and class SlideSize has been marked as Obsolete.