Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.3 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESNET-38440 | Get audio/video rendered as audio/video in Html | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38361 | Support of detection Microsoft PowerPoint 95 presentations | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38354 | Loading fonts from assembly | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38192 | Support to get chart external data source workbook path | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38149 | Get Actual Max value of vertical axis on a chart | Feature |
SLIDESNET-37586 | Getting actual absolute X,Y values for chart data points | Feature |
SLIDESNET-34526 | Support for adding line in chart area | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38426 | Create new chart base on style of existing chart | Feature |
SLIDESNET-38436 | When PPT file is saved as PDF, the percentage sign goes on the wrong side | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38425 | When PPTX is saved as PDF by using PdfCompliance.PdfA1b, the System.ArgumentException occurs | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38401 | Chart Plot Area is improperly rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38386 | PPTX to PDF graph not rendering correctly | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38385 | PPTX to PDF table not rendering | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38381 | Black background when rendering pps or ppt to image | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38363 | File corrupted after saving | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38324 | Exception while converting PPTX to PDF: Value too large or too small | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38314 | Round brackets are improperly rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38288 | After load and save of PPT file, the footer disappears. | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38286 | The background color of a shape was changed from white to green in a specific PPT | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38283 | Fonts changed after saving ppt | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38282 | Text position changed after saving ppt | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38232 | Text being overlapped with Image | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38224 | Rendering issues when converting from PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38223 | Squares are changed after loading and saving a ppt | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38221 | Ppt changed after saving | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38178 | When saving as pdf the hyperlink (URLs) becomes mojibake | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38134 | Ppt not properly converted to html | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38088 | Ppt changes after saving | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38024 | Missing characters in converted svg and thumbnail when uses ReplaceFont() | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37557 | An animation star is added to all of the slides after loading and saving a ppt | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37463 | Problem while translating the pdf generated by Aspose.Slides | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37102 | Animations in MasterSlide lost on ppt load and save | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37101 | Transitions appear on ppt load and save | Bug |
SLIDESNET-34336 | Wrong value axis Maximum value on value axis scale | Bug |
Public API Changes
ActualMaxValue, ActualMinValue, ActualMajorUnit, ActualMinorUnit, ActualMajorUnitScale, ActualMinorUnitScale have been added to Axis, IAxis
- double ActualMaxValue Gets actual maximum value on the axis.
- double ActualMinValue Gets actual minimum value on the axis.
- double ActualMajorUnit Gets actual major unit of the axis.
- double ActualMinorUnit Gets actual minor unit of the axis.
- TimeUnitType ActualMajorUnitScale Gets actual major unit scale of the axis.
- TimeUnitType ActualMinorUnitScale Gets actual minor unit scale of the axis.
Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() previously to get actual values for these properties.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
Chart chart = (Chart)pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.Area, 100, 100, 500, 350);
double maxValue = chart.Axes.VerticalAxis.ActualMaxValue;
double minValue = chart.Axes.VerticalAxis.ActualMinValue;
double majorUnit = chart.Axes.HorizontalAxis.ActualMajorUnit;
double minorUnit = chart.Axes.HorizontalAxis.ActualMinorUnit;
ActualX, ActualY, ActualWidth, ActualHeight have been added to IChartPlotArea, ChartPlotArea
float ActualX Gets actual X location (left) of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
- float ActualY Gets actual top of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
- float ActualWidth Gets actual width of the chart element. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
- float ActualHeight Gets actual height of the chart element. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() previously to get actual values for these properties.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
Chart chart = (Chart)pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 500, 350);
double x = chart.PlotArea.ActualX;
double y = chart.PlotArea.ActualY;
double w = chart.PlotArea.ActualWidth;
double h = chart.PlotArea.ActualHeight;
DataSourceType and ExternalWorkbookPath properties has been added to IChartData interface and ChartData class
Two new properties have been added to IChartData interface and ChartData class:
DataSourceType of type ChartDataSourceType, which represents data source of the chart.
ExternalWorkbookPath of type string, which represents external workbook path if data source is external, null otherwise.
ChartDataSourceType is a new enum which represents the two values: InternalWorkbook and ExternalWorkbook.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
ISlide slide = pres.Slides[1];
IChart chart = (IChart)slide.Shapes[0];
ChartDataSourceType sourceType = chart.ChartData.DataSourceType;
if (sourceType == ChartDataSourceType.ExternalWorkbook)
string path = chart.ChartData.ExternalWorkbookPath;
IActualLayout interface has been added
Properties of IActualLayout provide information about actual position of parent chart element. It is necessary to call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() previously to fill properties with actual values.
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
Chart chart = (Chart)pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 500, 350);
double x = chart.PlotArea.ActualX;
double y = chart.PlotArea.ActualY;
double w = chart.PlotArea.ActualWidth;
double h = chart.PlotArea.ActualHeight;
Method ValidateChartLayout() has been added to IChart interface and Chart class
Calculates actual values of chart elements. The actual values include position of elements that implement IActualLayout interface (IActualLayout.ActualX, IActualLayout.ActualY, IActualLayout.ActualWidth, IActualLayout.ActualHeight) and actual axes values (IAxis.ActualMaxValue, IAxis.ActualMinValue, IAxis.ActualMajorUnit, IAxis.ActualMinorUnit, IAxis.ActualMajorUnitScale, IAxis.ActualMinorUnitScale).
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
Chart chart = (Chart)pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 500, 350);
double x = chart.PlotArea.ActualX;
double y = chart.PlotArea.ActualY;
double w = chart.PlotArea.ActualWidth;
double h = chart.PlotArea.ActualHeight;
New method LoadExternalFont has been added to FontsLoader class
The new method LoadExternalFont has been added to FontsLoader class:
public static void LoadExternalFont(byte[] data)
This method allows to add font from the binary data.
// loading presentation uses SomeFont which is not installed on the system
using(Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx")
// load SomeFont from file into the byte array
byte[] fontData = File.ReadAllBytes(@"fonts\SomeFont.ttf"));
// load font represented as byte array
// font SomeFont will be available during the rendering or other operations
Ppt95 value has been added to Aspose.Slides.LoadFormat enumeration
The new Ppt95 value has been added to Aspose.Slides.LoadFormat enumeration. This value represents Microsoft PowerPoint 95 presentation format.
Code snippet to check whether the presentation format is old Microsoft PowerPoint 95:
bool isOldFormat = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo(path).LoadFormat == LoadFormat.Ppt95;