Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESNET-38524 Support for a checking if presentation has been created or modified using Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-38431 Add Asopse.Slides.xml file in Nuget package Feature
SLIDESNET-38181 Get Position of the DataPoints Feature
SLIDESNET-38150 Getting automatic values for chart elements in a public API Feature
SLIDESNET-38135 Get actual position of chart DataLabel Feature
SLIDESNET-37733 Setting Print options like Margin, Print copies Feature
SLIDESNET-37583 Extracting flash objects from presentation Feature
SLIDESNET-37475 Set print setting option dynamically Feature
SLIDESNET-33370 Display print preview and print setting dialog using Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-38543 Legacy diagram improperly saved from PPT to PPTX Bug
SLIDESNET-38523 Ppt presentation saved as PPTX requires recovery in PowerPoint Bug
SLIDESNET-38519 Pptx changed after cloning Bug
SLIDESNET-38518 Text broken in paragraph after cloning Bug
SLIDESNET-38500 “Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word” ISSUE Bug
SLIDESNET-38497 Exception while loading presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38496 GDI+ generic error on Windows 7 Bug
SLIDESNET-38495 PPT to PDF creates corrupted output when pdfOptions.SaveMetafilesAsPng = false is used Bug
SLIDESNET-38491 AddClone method is removing the font styles in PowerPoint slides Bug
SLIDESNET-38487 Notes Page become smaller after saving PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-38477 Circular shapes inner circle size gets changed on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38476 Line is missing after saving PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-38473 Table’s cell borders appear/disappear after converting PPTX to PPT and PPT to PPTX Bug
SLIDESNET-38472 PPT changed after saving Bug
SLIDESNET-38471 PPT changed after saving Bug
SLIDESNET-38460 After converting PPTX to PDF border in the top-right is blue instead of black Bug
SLIDESNET-38459 After converting PPTX to PDF border in the top-center is missing Bug
SLIDESNET-38457 EmbeddedFont throw an exception Bug
SLIDESNET-38456 Smooth line is not accurately drawn in ScatterWithSmoothLines charts Bug
SLIDESNET-38439 ArgumentNullException on loading PPTX Bug
SLIDESNET-38421 File not converting to PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38415 Thumbnails are not properly generated from PPTX Bug
SLIDESNET-38382 Hyperlinks not working on PPTX to PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38373 Exception on converting PPTX to PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38270 Argument exception on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38226 Table borders are rendered incorrectly Bug
SLIDESNET-34062 Values axis values scales are different in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-33961 Tiled slide background not rendered correctly to SVG from PPT format Bug

Public API Changes

ActualX, ActualY, ActualWidth, ActualHeight have been added to IDataLabel, DataLabel

float ActualX - Gets actual X location (left) of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.

  • float ActualY - Gets actual top of the chart element relative to the left top corner of the chart. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
  • float ActualWidth - Gets actual width of the chart element. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.
  • float ActualHeight - Gets actual height of the chart element. Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() before to get actual values.

Call method IChart.ValidateChartLayout() previously to get actual values for these properties.

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
  Chart chart = (Chart)pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 500, 350);
  double x = chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels[0].ActualX;
  double y = chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels[0].ActualY;
  double w = chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels[0].ActualWidth;
  double h = chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels[0].ActualHeight;