Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
SLIDESNET-38621 Render comments when saving as image, PDF or HTML Feature
SLIDESNET-38044 Preserving original date and time Feature
SLIDESNET-26375 Support for creating presentation sections in Aspose.Slides Feature
SLIDESNET-33584 BorderDiagonalDown BorderDiagonalUp feature support for PPT cell Feature
SLIDESNET-38500 “Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word” ISSUE Bug
SLIDESNET-38724 Right-To-Left\Left-To-Right issues Bug
SLIDESNET-38929 When PPTX is converted to PDF, the graphs are missing Bug
SLIDESNET-38942 Some tables in the presentation rendered incorrectly Bug
SLIDESNET-38949 Bullet numbering did not reset for text in exported PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38488 The type ‘HttpResponse’ is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly ‘System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ Bug
SLIDESNET-38574 Exception when instantiating presentation with signed file Bug
SLIDESNET-36991 Presentation protection does not work if saved as PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-37993 Font substation does not work for bullets and symbols Bug
SLIDESNET-38931 Application hangs when converting a slide to SVG Bug
SLIDESNET-14306 Negative array size exception while getting slide Thumbnail and Thumbnail rendering issue Bug
SLIDESNET-17254 Bullet/Text offset lost on save in Office XP Bug
SLIDESNET-23831 PptReadException on reading presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-30590 Shape.TextFrame returns null for Title shape Bug
SLIDESNET-33837 Cannot access the presentation properties for Aspose.Slides unprotected presentation using Filtdump.exe Bug
SLIDESNET-35152 ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid exception is thrown when adding the notes to PPT and saving as Notes TIFF Bug
SLIDESNET-35170 Ability to convert read-only PPT to PDF no longer works Bug
SLIDESNET-35231 Comments Count issue for PPT file Bug
SLIDESNET-35406 Slide comments are not read for PPT files Bug
SLIDESNET-35601 Text is missing in the generated PPT file Bug
SLIDESNET-36040 NullReference exception on opening word document Bug
SLIDESNET-36041 Wrong exception message is thrown on loading password protected presentation without password Bug
SLIDESNET-36228 Text is improperly rendered in generated PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-36677 Symbols orientation changed on presentation load and saved Bug
SLIDESNET-36681 Applying password to PPTX removes custom properties Bug
SLIDESNET-37173 Zoom level changed, Notes box appeared on load and save Bug
SLIDESNET-38400 PPTM to SVG not properly converted Bug
SLIDESNET-38423 Hyperlink changes upon text changes Bug
SLIDESNET-38446 Embedded excel Ole object once extracted corrupts the excel file Bug
SLIDESNET-38503 Unsupported format exception on load the excel workbook from OLE Data Bug
SLIDESNET-38504 PPT changed after saving Bug
SLIDESNET-38506 Problem with GetEffectsByShape Bug
SLIDESNET-38515 Text is improperly rendered in generated HTML Bug
SLIDESNET-38581 InvalidCastException on converting ODP to PDF Bug
SLIDESNET-38582 LastSavedTime on PPT files doesn’t work Bug
SLIDESNET-38585 Presentation date property converted by default Bug
SLIDESNET-38600 Bullet numbering gets changed in generated HTML Bug
SLIDESNET-38610 Text strings are improperly aligned in saved presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38611 Text position getting changed in saved PPT Bug
SLIDESNET-38620 PPT changed after saving Bug
SLIDESNET-38725 Actions on animations are lost on saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38902 Invert if negative property in PPTX being set Bug
SLIDESNET-38919 Exception on loading presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38930 Text overlapping in generated image result Bug
SLIDESNET-38933 Hyperlink is wrongly associated with text in exported HTML Bug
SLIDESNET-38935 Drop Shadow effects are lost when saving presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-38936 Text formatting changes after cloning Bug
SLIDESNET-38938 Bar chart not properly rendered after cloning Bug
SLIDESNET-38944 Chart styles are not getting applied on saved presentation Bug
SLIDESNET-39016 NullReference exception is thrown on WriteWorkbookStream for chart Bug

Public API Changes

IncludeComments property has been added to classes PdfOptions, SwfOptions, TiffOptions and HtmlOptions

Property IncludeComments has been added to IHtmlOptions, IPdfOption, ISwfOptions, ITiffOptions interfaces and HtmlOptions, PdfOptions, SwfOptions, TiffOptions classes respectively.

This property specifies whether the exported document should include additional pages with comments or not. Default value is “false”.

Code example:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("Presentation.pptx"))
  //Instantiate the PdfOptions class
  PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();

  //Specify that the generated document should include comment pages
  pdfOptions.IncludeComments = true;

  //Save the presentation to PDF with specified options
  pres.Save("Presentation.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions);

ISectionCollection interface and SectionCollection class have been added.

ISectionCollection and SectionCollection represent a collection of sections.

Methods and properties:

  • ISection thisint index - gets the element at the specified index.
  • ISection AddSection(string name, ISlide startedFromSlide) - adds a new section started form specific slide.
  • ISection AddEmptySection(string name, int index) - adds an empty section to the specified position of the collection.
  • RemoveSectionWithSlides(ISection section) - removes section and slides contained in the section.
  • RemoveSection(ISection section) - removes section. Slides contained in the section will be merged into previous section.
  • ReorderSectionWithSlides(ISection section, int index) - moves section and its slides from the collection to the specified position.
  • ISection AppendEmptySection(string name) - adds an empty section to the end of the collection.
  • int IndexOf(ISection section) - returns an index of the specified section in the collection.
  • Clear() - removes all sections from the collection.


ISection section = pres.Sections[2];
pres.Sections.ReorderSectionWithSlides(section, 0);
pres.Sections.AppendEmptySection("Last empty section");
pres.Sections.AddSection("First empty", 3);

ISection interface and Section class have been added

ISection interface and Section class represent section of slides.

Methods and properties:

  • string Name - returns the name of the section.
  • ISlide StartedFromSlide - returns first slide of the section.
  • ISectionSlideCollection GetSlidesListOfSection() - returns a list of slides in the section.


pres.Sections.AddSection("Section 1", pres.Slides[0]);
pres.Sections[0].Name = "New section name";
ISectionSlideCollection slidesInSection = pres.Sections[0].GetSlidesListOfSection();

ISectionSlideCollection interface and SectionSlideCollection class have been added

ISectionSlideCollection and SectionSlideCollection represents a collection of a slides in the section.


ISectionSlideCollection slidesInSection = pres.Sections[0].GetSlidesListOfSection();
foreach (ISlide slide in slidesInSection)
  // do something with slide

Properties IPresentation.Sections, Presentation.Sections have been added

Properties IPresentation.Sections and Presentation.Sections return ISectionCollection instance (list of all slides sections that are defined in the presentation).

IPresentation pres = new Presentaton();
pres.Sections.AddSection("Section 1", pres.Slides[0]);
int n = pres.Sections.Count;