Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.11 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category | Related Documentation |
SLIDESNET-43350 | Convert Presentation to video | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43457 | RandomBar animation effects | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43442 | Animation of text | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43425 | Getting effect sound settings from animated object | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43424 | Getting embedded audio file from hyperlinkClick settings | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43281 | PDF 1.7 support | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43178 | Supporting PDF/A-2u compliance level for PDF export | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-42675 | PDF/A-2a standard compliance level for PDF export | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-41958 | Support for exporting to PDF using PDF/A3 compliance | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-37423 | Support to render PDF v 1.7 with compliance PDF/A 3B | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-36753 | Create video of animated slide | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-24332 | Rendering presentation transitions like video | Feature | |
SLIDESNET-43391 | Loading a 35 MB presentation file consumes 1 GB memory | Investigation | |
SLIDESNET-43445 | Don’t load image in memory when PresentationLockingBehavior is KeepLocked | Enhancement | |
SLIDESNET-43091 | A relative link is returned as an absolute link | Enhancement | |
SLIDESNET-43513 | PPTX to PDF: Invalid characters are shown in text editor after conversion | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43501 | System.NotImplementedException: Equation script character with autofit throws exception | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43498 | Exception when saving presentation | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43490 | NotImplementedException on loading ppt presentation | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43483 | IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when loading PPT | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43482 | PptxReadException is thrown when loading PPTX | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43475 | Aspose.Slides retrieves incorrect background gradient colors | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43472 | Widescreen slide content does not display correctly when converting PPTX to HTML | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43463 | Image is not properly displayed on page when converting PPTX to HTML | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43462 | Presentation becomes corrupted after cloning slides to empty presentation | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43458 | Text and images are rotated when converting PPTX to PDF/HTML | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43453 | Graphic objects do not display correctly when converting slides to images | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43450 | Shape imported from SVG has wrong line width. | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43433 | PPTX to PDF: Fonts not resolved correctly | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43431 | Table cells contain an entire source table when converting slides to images | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43405 | SmartArt 3D effect missing in generated PNG | Bug | <> |
SLIDESNET-43354 | Incorrect rendering of text with 3-d effect on Linux | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43278 | Chart data labels are missing when converting PPTX to PDF/PNG | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-43183 | Date and time format of Header&Footer is changed when converting PPT to PPTX | Bug | |
SLIDESNET-42567 | Content of slide thumbnail differs from content of presentation slide | Bug | |
Public API Changes
Convert PowerPoint Presentation to video with animations and transitions
We’ve added a new feature: PowerPoint presentation-to-video conversion. This feature includes:
- animation of transitions between slides
- shape animation
- text animation
Aspose.Slides can now play presentations and generate a set of frames for an entire animation with a specific frame per second (FPS). Those frames can then be used to create a video through tools like FFmpeg.
This C# code demonstrates a presentation to video export operation with frames set at 30FPS:
const int FPS = 30;
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("animated.pptx"))
using (var animationsGenerator = new PresentationAnimationsGenerator(presentation))
using (var player = new PresentationPlayer(animationsGenerator, FPS))
player.FrameTick += (sender, args) =>
The PresentationAnimationsGenerator class is a source that sequentially generates individual animation effects, which are then played back using the PresentationPlayer class. A FrameTick event is generated for each frame to allow you to save the current frame to disk or write the frame to a video stream.
PDF 1.7 and PDF 1.6 export support added
We implemented support for PDF export to formats 1.6 and 1.7:
- PdfCompliance.Pdf16
- PdfCompliance.Pdf17
This C# code demonstrates an export to PDF 1.7 operation:
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
presentation.Save("pres.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, new PdfOptions
Compliance = PdfCompliance.Pdf17
PDF A2a, A2b, A2u, A3a and A3b compliance levels export support added
We implemented support for PDF export operations with A2a, A2b, A2u, A3a and A3b compliance levels:
- PdfCompliance.PdfA2a
- PdfCompliance.PdfA2b
- PdfCompliance.PdfA2u
- PdfCompliance.PdfA3a
- PdfCompliance.PdfA3b
This C# code demonstrates an operation where a PDF is saved based on the PdfA2a compliance level:
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
presentation.Save("pres.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, new PdfOptions
Compliance = PdfCompliance.PdfA2a
Hyperlink sound management support added
Sound, a new property, has been added to the Hyperlink class to represent the played sound of an hyperlink.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];
// Gets the first shape hyperlink
IHyperlink link = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0].HyperlinkClick;
if (link.Sound != null)
// Extracts the hyperlink sound in byte array
byte[] audioData = link.Sound.BinaryData;
OLE object frame relative path to a linked file support added
We implemented a new ability that allows you to access and change the relative file path data for OleObjectFrame using the new LinkPathRelative property.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.ppt"))
IOleObjectFrame oleFrame = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IOleObjectFrame;
if (oleFrame != null)
Console.WriteLine("The relative path: " + oleFrame.LinkPathRelative);
StopPreviousSound property added for animation effects
The StopPreviousSound property of the Effect class specifies whether the animation effect stops the previous sound.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
// Gets the first effect of the first slide.
IEffect firstSlideEffect = presentation.Slides[0].Timeline.MainSequence[0];
// Gets the first effect of the second slide.
IEffect secondSlideEffect = presentation.Slides[1].Timeline.MainSequence[0];
if (firstSlideEffect.Sound != null)
// Changes the second effect Enhancements/Sound to "Stop Previous Sound"
secondSlideEffect.StopPreviousSound = true;
Get base placeholder support added
The Shape.GetBasePlaceholder method has been added. It returns a basic placeholder shape (shape from the layout and/or master slide that the current shape is inherited from).
This C# code shows you how to get all (master/layout/slide) animated effects of a placeholder shape:
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("sample.pptx"))
ISlide slide = pres.Slides[0];
IShape shape = slide.Shapes[0];
IEffect[] shapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(shape);
IShape layoutShape = shape.GetBasePlaceholder();
IEffect[] layoutShapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(layoutShape);
IShape masterShape = layoutShape.GetBasePlaceholder();
IEffect[] masterShapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.MasterSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(masterShape);