Convert PowerPoint to PDF in Python
This article explains how you can convert PowerPoint file formats into PDF in Python. It covers wide range of topics e.g.
- Convert PPT to PDF in Python
- Convert PPTX to PDF in Python
- Convert ODP to PDF in Python
- Convert PowerPoint to PDF in Python
Python PowerPoint to PDF Conversions
Using Aspose.Slides, you can convert presentations in these formats to PDF:
To convert a presentation to PDF in Python, you simply have to pass the file name as an argument in the Presentation class and then save the presentation as a PDF using a Save method. The Presentation class exposes the Save method that is typically used to convert a presentation to PDF.
Aspose.Slides for Python directly writes API information and Version Number in output documents. For example, when it converts a presentation to PDF, Aspose.Slides for Python populates the Application field with the ‘Aspose.Slides’ value and the PDF Producer field with a value in ‘Aspose.Slides v XX.XX’ form. Note that you cannot instruct Aspose.Slides for Python to change or remove this information from output documents.Aspose.Slides allows you to convert:
- an entire presentation to PDF
- specific slides in a presentation to PDF
- a presentation
Aspose.Slides exports presentations to PDF in a way that makes the contents of the resulting PDFs very similar to those in the original presentations. These known elements and attributes are often rendered properly in presentation to PDF conversions:
- images
- text boxes and other shapes
- texts and their formatting
- paragraphs and their formatting
- hyperlinks
- headers and footers
- bullets
- tables
Convert PowerPoint to PDF
The standard PowerPoint PDF conversion operation is executed using default options. In this case, Aspose.Slides tries to convert the provided presentation to PDF using optimal settings at the maximum quality levels. This Python code shows you how to convert a PowerPoint to PDF:
Steps: PowerPoint to PDF Conversions in Python
The following sample code explains these conversions using Python via .NET
- Steps: Convert PowerPoint to PDF using Python via .NET
- Steps: Convert PPT to PDF using Python via .NET
- Steps: Convert PPTX to PDF using Python via .NET
- Steps: Convert ODP to PDF using Python via .NET
- Steps: Convert PPS to PDF using Python via .NET
Code Steps:
- Create instance of Presentation class and provide it the PowerPoint file.
- .ppt extension to load PPT file inside Presentation class.
- .pptx extension to load PPTX file inside Presentation class.
- .odp extension to load ODP file inside Presentation class.
- .pps extension to load PPS file inside Presentation class.
- Save the Presentation to PDF format by calling Save method and using SaveFormat.PDF enumeration.
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation class that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("PowerPoint.ppt")
# Saves the presentation as a PDF"PPT-to-PDF.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF)
Convert PowerPoint to PDF with Options
Aspose.Slides provides custom options—properties under the PdfOptions class—that allow you to customize the PDF (resulting from the conversion process), lock the PDF with a password, or even specify how the conversion process should go.
Convert PowerPoint to PDF with Custom Options
Using custom conversion options, you can set your preferred quality setting for JPG images, specify how metafiles should be handled, set a compression level for texts, etc.
This Python code demonstrates an operation in which a PowerPoint is converted to PDF with several custom options:
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation class that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("PowerPoint.pptx")
# Instantiates the PdfOptions class
pdfOptions = slides.export.PdfOptions()
# Sets the Jpeg quality
pdfOptions.jpeg_quality = 90
# Sets the behavior for metafiles
pdfOptions.save_metafiles_as_png = True
# Sets the text compression level
pdfOptions.text_compression = slides.export.PdfTextCompression.FLATE
# Defines the PDF standard
pdfOptions.compliance = slides.export.PdfCompliance.PDF15
# Saves the presentation as a PDF"PowerPoint-to-PDF.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, pdfOptions)
Convert PowerPoint to PDF with Hidden Slides
If a presentation contains hidden slides, you can use a custom option—the show_hidden_slides
property from the PdfOptions class—to instruct Aspose.Slides to include the hidden slides as pages in the resulting PDF.
This Python code shows you how to convert a PowerPoint presentation to PDF with hidden slides included:
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation class that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("PowerPoint.pptx")
# Instantiates the the PdfOptions class
pdfOptions = slides.export.PdfOptions()
# Adds hidden slides
pdfOptions.show_hidden_slides = True
# Saves the presentation as a PDF"PowerPoint-to-PDF.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, pdfOptions)
Convert PowerPoint to Password Protected PDF
This Python code shows you how to convert a PowerPoint to a password-protected PDF (using protection parameters from the PdfOptions class):
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation object that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("PowerPoint.pptx")
# Instantiates the PdfOptions class
pdfOptions = slides.export.PdfOptions()
# Sets PDF password and access permissions
pdfOptions.password = "password"
pdfOptions.access_permissions = slides.export.PdfAccessPermissions.PRINT_DOCUMENT | slides.export.PdfAccessPermissions.HIGH_QUALITY_PRINT
# Saves the presentation as a PDF"PPTX-to-PDF.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, pdfOptions)
Convert Selected Slides in PowerPoint to PDF
This Python code shows you how to convert specific slides in a PowerPoint presentation to PDF:
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation object that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("PowerPoint.pptx")
# Sets an array of slides positions
slides_array = [ 1, 3 ]
# Saves the presentation as a PDF"PPTX-to-PDF.pdf", slides_array, slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF)
Convert PowerPoint to PDF with Custom Slide Size
This Python code shows you how to convert a PowerPoint when its slide size is specified to a PDF:
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation object that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("SelectedSlides.pptx")
auxPresentation = slides.Presentation()
slide = presentation.slides[0]
auxPresentation.slides.insert_clone(0, slide)
# Sets the slide type and size
auxPresentation.slide_size.set_size(612, 792, slides.SlideSizeScaleType.ENSURE_FIT)
pdfOptions = slides.export.PdfOptions()
pdfOptions.notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_FULL"PDFnotes_out.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, pdfOptions)
Convert PowerPoint to PDF in Notes Slide View
This Python code shows you how to convert a PowerPoint to PDF notes:
import aspose.slides as slides
# Instantiates a Presentation class that represents a PowerPoint file
presentation = slides.Presentation("NotesFile.pptx")
pdfOptions = slides.export.PdfOptions()
pdfOptions.notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_FULL
# Saves the presentation to PDF notes
presentation.Save("Pdf_Notes_out.tiff", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, pdfOptions)
Accessibility and Compliance Standards for PDF
Aspose.Slides allows you to use a conversion procedure that complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). You can export a PowerPoint document to PDF using any of these compliance standards: PDF/A1a, PDF/A1b, and PDF/UA.
This Python code demonstrates a PowerPoint to PDF conversion operation in which multiple PDFs based on different compliance standards are obtained:
import aspose.slides as slides
pres = slides.Presentation("pres.pptx")
options = slides.export.PdfOptions()
options.compliance = slides.export.PdfCompliance.PDF_A1A"pres-a1a-compliance.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, options)
options.compliance = slides.export.PdfCompliance.PDF_A1B"pres-a1b-compliance.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, options)
options.compliance = slides.export.PdfCompliance.PDF_UA"pres-ua-compliance.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, options)