Convert Slide
Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET allows you to convert slides (in presentations) to images. These are the supported image formats: BMP, PNG, JPG (JPEG), GIF, and others.
To convert a slide to an image, do this:
- convert the slide to a Bitmap first by using the get_thumbnail method or
- render the slide to a Graphics object by using the render_to_graphics method from the ISlide interface.
Second, set additional options for conversion and convertible slide objects through
- the ITiffOptions interface or
- the IRenderingOptions interface.
About Bitmap and Other Image Formats
In .NET, a Bitmap is an object that allows you to work with images defined by pixel data. You can use an instance of this class to save images in a wide range of formats (BMP, JPG, PNG, etc.).
Aspose recently developed an online Text to GIF converter.Converting Slides to Bitmap and Saving the Images in PNG
This Python code shows you how to convert the first slide of a presentation to a bitmap object and then how to then save the image in the PNG format:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("Presentation.pptx") as pres:
# Converts the first slide in the presentation to a Bitmap object
with pres.slides[0].get_thumbnail() as bmp:
# Saves the image in the PNG format"Slide_0.png", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.png)
This sample code shows you how to convert the first slide of a presentation to a bitmap object using the render_to_graphics method:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("Presentation.pptx") as pres:
# Gets the presentation slide size
slideSize = pres.slide_size.size
# Creates a Bitmap with the slide size
with draw.Bitmap(slideSize.width, slideSize.height) as slideImage:
# Renders the first slide to the Graphics object
with draw.Graphics.from_image(slideImage) as graphics:
pres.slides[0].render_to_graphics(slides.export.RenderingOptions(), graphics)"Slide_1.png", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.png)
You can convert a slide to a bitmap object and then use the object directly somewhere. Or you can convert a slide to a bitmap and then save the image in JPEG or any other format you prefer.Converting Slides to Images with Custom Sizes
You may need to get an image of a certain size. Using an overload from the get_thumbnail or render_to_graphics method, you can convert a slide to an image with specific dimensions (length and width).
This sample code demonstrates the proposed conversion using the get_thumbnail method in Python:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("Presentation.pptx") as pres:
# Converts the first slide in the presentation to a Bitmap with the specified size
with pres.slides[0].get_thumbnail(draw.Size(1820, 1040)) as bmp:
# Saves the image in the JPEG format"Slide_0.jpg", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg)
This Python code demonstrates how to convert the first slide to the framed image with the render_to_graphics method:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("Presentation.pptx") as pres:
slideSize = draw.Size(1820, 1040)
# Creates a Bitmap with the specified size (slide size + fields)
with draw.Bitmap(slideSize.width + 50, slideSize.height + 50) as slideImage:
with draw.Graphics.from_image(slideImage) as graphics:
# Fills and translates Graphics to create a frame around the slide
graphics.translate_transform(25, 25)
# Renders the first slide to Graphics
pres.slides[0].render_to_graphics(slides.export.RenderingOptions(), graphics, slideSize)
# Saves the image in the JPEG format"FramedSlide_0.jpg", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg)
Converting Slides With Notes and Comments to Images
Some slides contain notes and comments.
Aspose.Slides provides two interfaces—ITiffOptions and IRenderingOptions—that allow you to control the rendering of presentation slides to images. Both interfaces house the INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions interface that allows you to add notes and comments on a slide when you are converting that slide to an image.
With the INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions interface, you get to specify your preferred position for notes and comments in the resulting image.This Python code demonstrates the conversion process for a slide with notes and comments:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("AddNotesSlideWithNotesStyle_out.pptx") as pres:
# Creates the rendering options
options = slides.export.RenderingOptions()
# Sets the position of the notes on the page
options.notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_TRUNCATED
# Sets the position of the comments on the page
options.notes_comments_layouting.comments_position = slides.export.CommentsPositions.RIGHT
# Sets the width of the comment output area
options.notes_comments_layouting.comments_area_width = 500
# Sets the color for the comments area
options.notes_comments_layouting.comments_area_color = draw.Color.antique_white
# Converts the first slide of the presentation to a Bitmap object
bmp = pres.slides[0].get_thumbnail(options, 2, 2)
# Saves the image in the GIF format"Slide_Notes_Comments_0.gif", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.gif)
This Python code demonstrates the conversion process for a slide with notes using the render_to_graphics method:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("AddNotesSlideWithNotesStyle_out.pptx") as pres:
# Gets the presentation notes size
notesSize = pres.notes_size.size.to_size()
# Creates the rendering options
options = slides.export.RenderingOptions()
# Sets the position of the notes
options.notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_TRUNCATED
# Creates a Bitmap with the notes' size
with draw.Bitmap(notesSize.width, notesSize.height) as slideImage:
# Renders the first slide to Graphics
with draw.Graphics.from_image(slideImage) as graphics:
pres.slides[0].render_to_graphics(options, graphics, notesSize)
# Saves the image in PNG format"Slide_Notes_0.png", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.png)
In any slide to image conversion process, the NotesPositions property cannot be set to BottomFull (to specify the position for notes) because a note’s text may be large, which means it might not fit into the specified image size.Converting Slides to Images Using ITiffOptions
The ITiffOptions interface gives you more control (in terms of parameters) over the resulting image. Using this interface, you get to specify the size, resolution, color palette, and other parameters for the resulting image.
This Python code demonstrates a conversion process where ITiffOptions is used to output a black and white image with a 300dpi resolution and 2160 × 2800 size:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation(path + "Comments1.pptx") as pres:
# Gets a slide by its index
slide = pres.slides[0]
# Creates a TiffOptions object
options = slides.export.TiffOptions()
options.image_size = draw.Size(2160, 2880)
# Set the font used in case source font is not found
options.default_regular_font = "Arial Black"
# Set the position of the notes on the page
options.notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_TRUNCATED
# Sets the pixel format (black and white)
options.pixel_format = slides.export.ImagePixelFormat.FORMAT_1BPP_INDEXED
# Sets the resolution
options.dpi_x = 300
options.dpi_y = 300
# Converts the slide to a Bitmap object
with slide.get_thumbnail(options) as bmp:
# Saves the image in BMP format"PresentationNotesComments.tiff", draw.imaging.ImageFormat.tiff)
Converting All Slides to Images
Aspose.Slides allows you to convert all slides in a single presentation to images. Essentially, you get to convert the presentation (in its entirety) to images.
This sample code shows you how to convert all slides in a presentation to images in Python:
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("Presentation.pptx") as pres:
# Renders presentation to images array slide by slide
for i in range(len(pres.slides)):
# Specifies the setting for hidden slides (do not render hidden slides)
if pres.slides[i].hidden:
# Converts the slide to a Bitmap object
with pres.slides[i].get_thumbnail(2, 2) as bmp:
# Saves the image in the JPEG format"image_{0}.jpeg".format(i), draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg)