Extracting Images from Presentation shapes
Images are added in slide background and shapes. Sometimes, it is required to extract the images added in the presentation shapes. The images are added in PPImageCollection inside Presentation Document Object Model (DOM). This article covers the feature of accessing the images in presentation shape, extracting them from presentation collection and saving them in a file.
Extracting images from Presentation Shapes
In Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET, images can be added to slide shape and slide background. The images are added in PPImageCollection of the presentation. In this example we will traverse through each shape inside every slide of presentation and see if there is any image added in slide shape. If the image will be found for any shape, we will extract that and will save it in file.The following code snippet will serve the purpose.
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides
def get_image_format(image_type):
return {
"jpeg": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg,
"emf": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.emf,
"bmp": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.bmp,
"png": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.png,
"wmf": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.wmf,
"gif": draw.imaging.ImageFormat.gif,
}.get(image_type, draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg)
with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as pres:
#Accessing the presentation
slideIndex = 0
image_type = ""
ifImageFound = False
for slide in pres.slides:
slideIndex += 1
#Accessing the first slide
image_format = draw.imaging.ImageFormat.jpeg
back_image = None
file_name = "BackImage_Slide_{0}{1}.{2}"
is_layout = False
if slide.background.fill_format.fill_type == slides.FillType.PICTURE:
#Getting the back picture
back_image = slide.background.fill_format.picture_fill_format.picture.image
elif slide.layout_slide.background.fill_format.fill_type == slides.FillType.PICTURE:
#Getting the back picture
back_image = slide.layout_slide.background.fill_format.picture_fill_format.picture.image
is_layout = True
if back_image is not None:
#Setting the desired picture format
image_type = back_image.content_type.split("/")[1]
image_format = get_image_format(image_type)
file_name.format("LayoutSlide_" if is_layout else "", slideIndex, image_type),
for i in range(len(slide.shapes)):
shape = slide.shapes[i]
shape_image = None
if type(shape) is slides.AutoShape and shape.fill_format.fill_type == slides.FillType.PICTURE:
shape_image = shape.fill_format.picture_fill_format.picture.image
elif type(shape) is slides.PictureFrame:
shape_image = shape.picture_format.picture.image
if shape_image is not None:
image_type = shape_image.content_type.split("/")[1]
image_format = get_image_format(image_type)
file_name.format("shape_"+str(i)+"_", slideIndex, image_type),