Install Manually
Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services requires the installation of .NET Framework 3.5 on the host machine.Manual Installation
In the following steps, you will need to copy and modify files in the directory where Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed.
Locate the Report Server installation directory. The root directory for Microsoft SQL Server is usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: There could be several instances of Microsoft SQL Server configured on the machine and they occupy different MSSQL.x subdirectories such as MSSQL.1, MSSQL.2 and so on. Find the correct C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\Reporting Services\ReportServer directory before proceeding.All paths used below will refer to this directory as. -
Copy Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin folder. The download contains the Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll and compiled documentation in CHM format.In some cases, when you copy the DLL to the ReportServer\bin directory, it might get copied together with the explicit NTFS file permissions assigned to it. The NTFS permissions might be such that Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is denied access when loading Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll. If this happens, the new export formats do not become available. To make sure that the NTFS permissions are correct:
- Right click Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll.
- Click Properties and select the Security tab.
- Remove any explicitly assigned NTFS permissions and leave only inherited permissions.
Register Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services as a rendering extension:
- Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server<Instance>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config.
- Add the following lines into the
<!--Start here.-->
<Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<!--End here.-->
- Give Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services permissions to execute:
- Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server<Instance>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rssrvpolicy.config.
- Add the following as the last item in the second to outer
element (which should be ).
<!--Start here.-->
Description="This code group grants full trust to the AS4SSRS assembly.">
e633d9cb4c4a6d8eda03c12f486e13a1a0cb1aa101ad94943236384cbbf5c679944b994de9546e493bf" />
<!--End here.-->
Verify that Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services was installed successfully:
- Open Report Manager and check the list of available export types for a report.
You can launch Report Manager by opening a browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later) and typing the Report Manager URL in the address bar (by default it is http://< ComputerName >/Reports ).
- Open Report Manager and check the list of available export types for a report.
Select one of the reports on the server.
Open the Select Format list. You should see a list of export formats provided by Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services.
Select PPT – PowerPoint Presentation via Aspose.Slides.
Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services installed successfully and new export formats are available.
Click the Export link. The report is generated in the selected format, sent to the client and opened in an appropriate application. In our case, the report opens in Microsoft PowerPoint.
A PPT report generated by Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully installed Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services and generated a report as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation!