Password Protecting the Exported Presentation
Password protecting a presentation protects it from unauthorized use and access. Password protection is useful if you are creating reports that contain sensitive data, or that only some people in the organization should see.
This article explain how to update your Reporting Services or Visual Studio environment to allow you to save presentations with password protection.
Adding Password Protection on Exported Presentations in a Reporting Services Environment
To apply the changes described here, you need to modify files in the directory where Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed.
Step 1. Locate the Reporting Server installation directory.
The root directory for Microsoft SQL Server is usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: There could be several instances of Microsoft SQL Server configured on the machine. Each occupies a different MSSQL.x subdirectory, for example MSSQL.1, MSSQL.2 and so on. Find the correct C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\Reporting Services\ReportServer directory before proceeding with the following steps.
All paths used below refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services installation directory as
Step 2. Add the code for adding passwords to exported presentations
Replace the existing Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services rendering extensions in the rsreportserver.config file. To do this, open the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server<Instance>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config file.
Find the rendering options listed immediately below and replace them with the code in the segment that follows after that.
Find Aspose.Slides for Reporting Service Rendering Options
<!--Start here.-->
<Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<!--End here.-->
Replacement Code
<!--Start here.-->
<Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<!--End here.-->
Adding Password Protection for Exported Presentations in Visual Studio
To apply the changes described here, you need to modify file where the Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer is installed.
Step 1. Open the Visual Studio directory.
- To integrate with Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer, open the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies directory.
- To integrate with Visual Studio 2008 Report Designer, open the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies directory.
Step 2. Add the code for adding password to exported presentations.
Replace the exisisting Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services rendering extensions in the rsreportserver.config file. To do this, open the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
Find Aspose.Slides for Reporting Service Rendering Options
<!--Start here.-->
<Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>
<!--End here.-->
Replacement Code
<!--Start here.-->
<Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices" >
<!--End here.-->