Percentage Calculations

The PercentWorkComplete property exposed by the Resource class is used to manage the percentage of work a resource has completed. The PercentWorkComplete property represents the percentage of the work across all assignments a resource has completed. It supports the integer data type.

Getting Percentages with Aspose.Tasks

The following code example shows how to get the percentage of work completed by a resource against all the assignments using Aspose.Tasks for C++.

 1// Create project instance
 2System::SharedPtr<Project> project1 = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"ResourcePercentWorkComplete.mpp");
 4// Display work percentage completion for all resources
 7    auto res_enumerator = (project1->get_Resources())->GetEnumerator();
 8    decltype(res_enumerator->get_Current()) res;
 9    while (res_enumerator->MoveNext() && (res = res_enumerator->get_Current(), true))
10    {
11        if (res->Get<System::String>(Rsc::Name()) != nullptr)
12        {
13            System::Console::WriteLine(res->Get<int32_t>(Rsc::PercentWorkComplete()));
14        }
15    }
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