Aspose.Total Project Wizard for Eclipse - Maven
Eclipse IDE
Eclipse IDE is a famous Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE is definitely the most known product of the Eclipse Open Source project. Today it is the leading development environment for Java with a = market share of approximately 60%.
The Eclipse IDE can be extended with additional software components. Eclipse calls these software components Plug-ins. Several Open Source projects and companies have extended the Eclipse IDE or created standalone applications (Eclipse RCP) on top of the Eclipse framework.
Aspose.Total for Java
Aspose.Total for Java is a compilation of every Java API offered by Aspose. Using Aspose.Total for Java developers can create a wide range of applications, each leveraging the combined power of all Aspose Java components that are included as part of the Aspose.Total for Java suite.
Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse IDE (Maven)
Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse (Maven) / Aspose Maven for Eclipse is a new Eclipse IDE Plugin released by Aspose Pty Ltd. which allows developers to create Aspose’s Maven based projects for using Aspose.Total Java for Maven within Eclipse IDE.
This plugin helps you to explore Aspose.Total for Java APIs inside your favorite Eclipse IDE.
- Plugin’s Aspose Maven Project Wizard let developer to create Aspose Maven based project by selecting API(s) from Aspose Java product lines like Aspose.Cells for Java and Aspose.Words for Java etc.
- Once specific API is selected, its Maven Dependency reference is automatically fetched from Aspose Cloud Maven Repository and added in pom.xml of the maven project.
- With this plugin, you never need to check for new releases of Aspose.Total for Java APIs. Whenever a new release is available and its maven dependency is published, the latest maven dependency will be referenced while creating the new maven project.
System Requirements and Supported Platforms
System Requirements
- System Memory: 2 GB or more (Recommended)
- OS: Any operating system that support the Java VM (Virtual Machine)
- Internet Connection: 2 MB or faster (Recommended)
Supported Platforms
- Eclipse Juno or latest (Recommended)
Downloading Eclipse IDE
You will need to first install Eclipse IDE before downloading the Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse IDE (Maven) plugin.
To download Eclipse IDE
- Goto
- Click on Eclipse IDE for Java SE / EE developers
- Click on 32 / 64 bit platform depending on your machine and OS running.
Downloading and Installing Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse (Maven)
Following are three recommended methods for the successful downloading and installation of Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse (Maven) plugin:
- Drag and drop installation from Eclipse Marketplace to your Eclipse workspace.
- Or download the plugin jar from Downloads and copy it into /dropins folder of Eclipse installation and restart the IDE.
Installing Aspose Maven Project Wizard for Eclipse
Using Aspose Maven Project Wizard for Eclipse
Video Demo
Please check the video below to see the plugin’s - Aspose Maven Project Wizard in action.
Support, Extend and Contribute
- If you like to see known / reported issues (by the users or Q.A team) in the plugin.
- Or you want to report any issue you found in the plugin
- Have any improvement suggestion or like to make any feature request
Please follow plugin’s GitHub issues tracker:
Extend and Contribute
Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse IDE (Maven) / Aspose Maven for Eclipse plugin is open source and its source code is available on the major social coding websites listed below. Developers can extend the functionality if they want or learn from it to make their own plugins.
How to configure source code of “Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse IDE (Maven) plugin”
Below simple steps will smoothly lead to successful configuration of Aspose Maven Project Wizard source code in Eclipse IDE
- Download / Clone the source code.
- Choose File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace
- Browse to the latest project source that you have downloaded
- Select the Eclipse Project you want to import
- Click Finish
- Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse IDE (Maven) plugin code is now ready to enhance.