Aspose.Words for C++ 19.5 Release Notes

Major Features

We have added the following features from Aspose.Words for .NET on this regular monthly release:

  • Saving documents in XamlFlow and XamlFixed formats
  • Loading and saving documents in ODT format.
  • Saving documents in XPS and OpenXPS formats.
  • Saving documents in HtmlFixed (HTML format using absolutely positioned elements) format.
  • Saving documents in SVG format.
  • Saving documents in PS, PCL, EMF formats.

Limitations and API Differences

Aspose.Words for C++ has some differences as compared to its equivalent .NET version of the API. This section contains information about all such functionality that is not available in the current release. The missing features will be added in the future releases.

  • The current release doesn’t support encrypted documents.
  • The current release doesn’t support downloading remote resources from the Internet.
  • The current release has limited and unstable support for Rendering features. It will be improved in the following releases.
  • The current release doesn’t support Reporting features
  • The current release only supports Microsoft Visual C++ version 2015 or higher and only for the x64 platform.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Key Summary Category
WORDSCPP-580 Include XamlFlow codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-584 Include ODT codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-585 Include PDF rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-586 Include XPS rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-587 Include XamlFixed rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-588 Include SVG rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-589 Include HtmlFixed rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-590 Include OpenXPS rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-591 Include PS rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-592 Include PCL rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-593 Include EMF rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-594 Include GDI rendering codec to porting. New Feature
WORDSCPP-772 Include PICT codec in porting. New Feature