Generator or Producer Name Included in Output Documents

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You can easily know if a document is produced by using Aspose.Words for C++. You can also find the version number of Aspose.Words for C++ that was used to create a particular output document. Aspose.Words directly writes this information into the generated document.

The version number is specified in the format YY.M.N or YY.MM.N, for example, 20.12.0 or 21.1.0.
Here YY is the last two digits of the release year, M or MM is the release month (1–12), and N is the minor release number. Usually, N is “0”.

Depending on the output file format, the following table lists the ways that you can use to know the generator name and version number.

SaveFormat Value String, Comment, or Field Written in the File How to Find
For example,
DOC generated by Aspose.Words gets 8 bytes written. You can check it by opening the file in some binary editor.
For example,
DOT generated by Aspose.Words gets 8 bytes written. You can check it by opening the file in some binary editor.
Docx <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Open ~/Word/Document.xml to see this comment.
Docm <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Open ~/Word/Document.xml to see this comment.
Dotx <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Open ~/Document.xml to see this comment.
Dotm <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Open ~/Word/Document.xml to see this comment.
FlatOpc <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
FlatOpcMacroEnabled <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
FlatOpcTemplate <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
Rtf {\*\generator Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N;}
For example,
{\*\generator Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0;}
.rtf file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
WordML <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
  • Application: Aspose.Words
  • PDF Producer: Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N, for example,
    Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0
Xps <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. In XPS this comment can be found in ~/Documents/1/Pages/1.fpage
XamlFixed <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
Svg <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
HtmlFixed <meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N" />
For example,
<meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0" />
HTML file contains this tag. You can open it in Notepad to see.
OpenXps <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. In OpenXps this comment can be found in ~/Documents/1/Pages/1.fpage
Ps %Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N
For example,
%Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0
.ps file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
Html <meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N" />
For example,
<meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0" />
HTML file contains this tag. You can open it in Notepad to see.
Mhtml <meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N" />
For example,
<meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0" />
MHTML file contains this tag. You can open it in Notepad to see.
Epub <meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N" />
For example,
<meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0" />
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Go to ~/OEBPS/<file_name>.html.
Odt <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Check it in ~/content.xml
Ott <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
Rename the file as .zip. Extract the ZIP. Check it in ~/content.xml
XamlFlow <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.
XamlFlowPack <!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ YY.M.N -->
For example,
<!-- Generated by Aspose.Words for C++ 21.1.0 -->
.xml file contains this comment. You can open it in Notepad to see this comment.