Working with Ranges

Ranges Overview

If you have worked with Microsoft Word Automation, you probably know that one of the main tools to examine and modify document content is the Range object. Range is like a “window” into the document content and formatting. Aspose.Words also has the Range class and it is designed to look and act similarly to Range in Microsoft Word. Although Range cannot cover an arbitrary portion of a document and does not have a Start and End, you can access the range covered by any document node including the Document itself. In other words, each node has its own range. The Range object allows you to access and modify text, bookmarks and form fields within the range.

Retrieving Plain Text

Use the Range.Text property to retrieve the plain, unformatted text of the range. The below code example shows how to get a plain, unformatted text of a range. You can download the template file of this example from here.

Deleting Text

Range allows the deletion of all characters of the range by calling Range.Delete. The below code example shows how to delete all characters of a range. You can download the template file of this example from here.