Aspose.Words for Java 14.4 Release Notes Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 14.4 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 83 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Improvements to rendering of Arabic texts Improvements to rendering of complex document layouts Improved handling of themes, list styles and building blocks when joining documents Added support of text frames in ODT import/export Improvements in TXT import capabilities Gradient fill with transparency rendering in PDF implemented 3D rotated DrawingML shapes (and images) rendering implemented Better support of tab stops and underlines in HTML import/export

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSJAVA-870 Horisontal gradient fill doesn’t work inside Smart Art. Bug
WORDSJAVA-872 Linked image is lost while converting from html to pdf. Bug
WORDSJAVA-838 Autoportable WordArtApsBuilder. Feature
WORDSJAVA-863 Use internally (value-type) long instead of (reference-type) Size and SizeF for performance and memory optimization. Performance
WORDSJAVA-869 Filter is lost in Cmyk image. Regression
WORDSNET-10014 Logo in top left corners of pages is missing from Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-6333 Language information of the ‘Field with CARDTEXT switch’ is lost upon calling UpdateFields Bug
WORDSNET-6355 Shape with BehindText wrapping is shifted towards right in HTML Bug
WORDSNET-6600 Html to Doc conversion issue with table width, border and cell merge Bug
WORDSNET-7974 Contents are misplaced after conversion from Doc to ODT Bug
WORDSNET-8321 UpdateFields updates the REF field values incorrectly Bug
WORDSNET-9412 Document.Save truncate the Hyperlink Bug
WORDSNET-9479 Vertical alignment of table’s cell is changed from Center to Top after conversion from Html to Docx Bug
WORDSNET-9633 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with line shape rendering Bug
WORDSNET-9684 Paragraphs in even/odd page headers are dislocated in Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9755 Extra dots appear after saving document as PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9823 Setting Font.Color in DocumentBuilder does not change the color of the first paragraph’s list label Bug
WORDSNET-9826 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while re-saving Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-9830 x000d” is rendered after line break character in SDT in Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9841 Chapter number (PageRef field Grp_OrigAuth) does not update after merging documents Bug
WORDSNET-9852 Output documents are empty when using MailMergeCleanupOptions.REMOVE_UNUSED_REGIONS Bug
WORDSNET-9858 Some text in Paragraph is incorrectly made Bold when exporting to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9863 Document.AppendDocument change the color of charts Bug
WORDSNET-9864 Heading text gets bold after being written into a template document Bug
WORDSNET-9879 Unexpected Y position is returned by LayoutEnumerator Bug
WORDSNET-9885 STYLEREF fields in Header/Footer display error messages when saving to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9892 Arabic character circle is missing from word ??????? in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9895 Objects filled with pattern disapear after transparent Glyphs in PDF. Bug
WORDSNET-9896 Document is rendered in multiple pages when use special font character Bug
WORDSNET-9898 An HTML part of an MHTML document is imported using the Windows-1252 encoding instead of UTF-8 Bug
WORDSNET-9911 Opening and saving word document causes a bullet list to become a number list Bug
WORDSNET-9948 Table header does not render correctly in Pdf file Bug
WORDSNET-9968 Txt file to Pdf conversion issue with text (asterisk) Bug
WORDSNET-9988 Extra lines appears after re-saving the Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-9998 UpdateFields does not include items formatted with a custom style Bug
WORDSNET-9999 Custom XML to SDT binding: leading slash required Bug
WORDSNET-10015 Image height/width are not preserved during open/save a RTF Enhancement
WORDSNET-10035 Tabstop becomes outside of a table in output HTML if it’s a last character in the last table cell Enhancement
WORDSNET-2017 Support gradient fill with transparency Enhancement
WORDSNET-5911 While converting doc to html, text alignment disturbed. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7104 Transparency of objects lost when Docx is converted to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-7708 Import back dummy tabs Enhancement
WORDSNET-8313 RTF to PDF convertsion issue with table borders Enhancement
WORDSNET-8598 Rotation settings of a DML are discarded when rendering to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-9580 Wrap OfficeMath equation upon rendering if there is not enough space. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9722 Floating shape after section break overlaps following content in HTML export Enhancement
WORDSNET-9824 Hyperlink to file does not export correctly Enhancement
WORDSNET-9847 Track Formatting option is not preserved during open/save a document Enhancement
WORDSNET-9905 StylePaneFormatFilterSettings writing problem. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9919 List numbering is continuous instead of restarting Enhancement
WORDSNET-9950 Shape width/height is changed after conversion from RTF to Docx Enhancement
WORDSNET-9958 Text document with form feeds/page breaks is not rendering to PDF correctly Enhancement
WORDSNET-9961 Problems with ImageColorMode.Grayscale with ImagePixelFormat Enhancement
WORDSNET-9967 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with Code39 font Enhancement
WORDSNET-10013 InvalidOperationException occurs during open/save a DOC Exception
WORDSNET-7156 Can’t save document as XamlFixed into the stream Exception
WORDSNET-9543 Document.Save method throws System.ArgumentException while conversion of Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-9816 System.ArgumentException is thrown when saving to Pdf over .NET Framework 4.5 Exception
WORDSNET-9842 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while converting Docx to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-9872 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading HTML Exception
WORDSNET-9891 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading RTF file Exception
WORDSNET-9901 System.OverflowException is thrown while saving Docx to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-9915 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-9916 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-9917 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOCX file Exception
WORDSNET-9934 UpdateFields throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-9937 System.ArgumentException is thrown while saving Docx to Html Exception
WORDSNET-9938 NullReferenceException occurs during exporting DOCX to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-9962 ArgumentException occurs during saving after appending document to another document Exception
WORDSNET-9976 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-10022 Underline tab characters are missed in output HTML Feature
WORDSNET-10025 Support HTML round-trip of underline tab characters Feature
WORDSNET-10039 Aspose.Words does not preserve white space while loading HTML document Feature
WORDSNET-6764 To add support of text frames in ODT import/export Feature
WORDSNET-7059 DrawingML // Implement Content Controls rendering Feature
WORDSNET-8615 MHTML to Pdf conversion issue with backgound image Feature
WORDSNET-9845 Altchunk contents are not preserved during open/save Docx Feature
WORDSNET-9941 Add feature to import Building Blocks from one document to another Feature
WORDSNET-9942 Background of DrawingML is not preserved in PDF Feature
WORDSNET-9688 EpubCheck throws many errors upon validating Aspose.Words generated Epub Regression
WORDSNET-9884 Tables are not handled properly by Aspose 14.2.0 Regression
WORDSNET-9913 Importing one document to another using ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles causes issue with list style Regression
WORDSNET-9960 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading a DOTX Regression