Aspose.Words for Java 14.6.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 14.6 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 115 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Support of automatic change tracking on a document Added vertical text support to HTML\Epub\MHT Footnote and endnote references now can be rendered as hyperlinks into output PDF CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) text is now properly rendered in multiline DrawingML textboxes Default text AntiAliasing on Java is optimized for Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts Font substitution feature is added to public API

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSJAVA-909 Add Font Substitution feature to public API. Feature
WORDSJAVA-908 throws java.lang.NullPointerException Exception
WORDSJAVA-905 Html: paragraph margin inside div tag is shifted. Bug
WORDSJAVA-899 HtmlSaveOptions.UseAntiAliasing has no effect on images in HTML Bug
WORDSJAVA-897 Map NUnit TestCase to TestNg @DataProvider. Feature
WORDSJAVA-896 Collection initializer warning. Enhancement
WORDSJAVA-895 Emf shape path outline thickness too thick. Enhancement
WORDSJAVA-894 Hidden formatting symbol: Line brerak is changed to Paragraph mark. Bug
WORDSJAVA-892 Rounding of double number in the field containing formula. Bug
WORDSJAVA-887 Unexpected characters appear in the output images produced on Ubuntu Enhancement
WORDSJAVA-886 Image resolution is lost for PDF when image is resized to a lower size Regression
WORDSNET-10026 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml changes the paragraph indentation Bug
WORDSNET-10090 Text Frame position is changed after conversion from Doc to Pdf/Doc/Docx Bug
WORDSNET-10112 Cell vertical alignment is not preserved during rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10147 Hyperlinks do not work after conversion from RTF to Doc Bug
WORDSNET-10163 Normal style’s font size is not applied to text inside Table when importing HTML using InsertHtml method Bug
WORDSNET-10170 Rendering of Cell’s content in two line pushes some content to next page in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10171 Text in the shape is hided by gradient fill. Bug
WORDSNET-10174 Inserting Image in table’s cell does not fit according to table’s cell Bug
WORDSNET-10176 DOCX to RTF conversion missing keyword \ftnbj Bug
WORDSNET-10196 A paragraph is not Hyphenated during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-10198 Document.PageCount returns wrong value Bug
WORDSNET-10199 Background color and dimensions of TextBox Shapes are not preserved in rendered documents Bug
WORDSNET-10201 /Justification text/ Debug.Assert occurs for document with new justification text. Bug
WORDSNET-10215 Rendering DrawingML (SmartArt) issue while saving Docx to Doc/Png file format Bug
WORDSNET-10217 InsertHtml inserts the # sign when document is converted to Doc file format Bug
WORDSNET-10225 Space between ListLabel and List item is decreased after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-10230 Contents are missing after conversion from Docx to PNG/XPS/PDF (fixed file format) Bug
WORDSNET-10240 Conversion of Rtf containing embedded docx to HTML (rendered image incorrect) Bug
WORDSNET-10254 DocumentBuilder.InsertHyperlink inserts the # sign when document is converted to Doc file format Bug
WORDSNET-10260 Acrobat Distiller is unable to process Aspose.Words generated PostScript file Bug
WORDSNET-10265 A DrawingML in HeaderPrimary causes rendering of 129 blank pages in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10278 Document.AcceptAllRevisions hide the contents in output Doc/Docx/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-10291 Infinite loop detected during saving to PDF after applying Hyphenation Bug
WORDSNET-10294 Infinite loop detected during saving to PDF after applying Hyphenation Bug
WORDSNET-10304 CoverPage layout changes when imported to another document Bug
WORDSNET-10315 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading ODT file Bug
WORDSNET-10327 Aspose.Words produces 100s of blank pages in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-3654 Extra space at the top of the page when converted DOC to ODT Bug
WORDSNET-3844 Field is not properly updated Bug
WORDSNET-4461 Arrows above text are displaced upon rendering Bug
WORDSNET-4587 Incorrect header layout Bug
WORDSNET-4616 Table looks incorrect during rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-4949 Image is given white background in ODT format Bug
WORDSNET-5385 formatting of document is broken after rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-5455 Paragraph shading is rendered shrinked. Bug
WORDSNET-5493 Position of floating table is incorrect during rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-5602 Extra pages are added during rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-6238 H1, H2 tags don’t use existing ‘Paragraph Space After’ value of Heading1 and Heading2 styles correctly Bug
WORDSNET-6508 Text spacing is lost while rendering DOCX document to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-6588 Doc to PDF conversion issue with image position Bug
WORDSNET-6595 DrawingML images are causing incorrect rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-7434 A background image is incorrectly appeared on 2nd page in Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8206 OleFormat.IsLink return false for linked images Bug
WORDSNET-8949 Spans with bidirectional text are not reordered during HTML import Bug
WORDSNET-9268 MS Word doesn’t wrap line with justify text alignment. Bug
WORDSNET-9320 InsertHtml method changes formatting of Heading styles Bug
WORDSNET-9409 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml change the style of Heading 1 (font name/size) Bug
WORDSNET-9411 Content of SDT content controls is not preserved in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9416 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml changes the ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier Bug
WORDSNET-9440 InsertHtml resets formatting of the current paragraph in DocumentBuilder Bug
WORDSNET-9736 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml loses the table formatting Bug
WORDSNET-9762 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml changes the style of Heading 3 (font name/size) Bug
WORDSNET-9787 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with signature (Shape) rendering Bug
WORDSNET-9887 Document.Save moves the frame’s contents outside of the page Bug
WORDSNET-9928 Aspose.Words produces a single page PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9940 Document.AppendDocument issue with CustomXmlPart Bug
WORDSNET-9944 UpdateFields does not include all items in TOC field Bug
WORDSNET-9946 “Repeat as a header row at the top of each page” option is not working in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9947 MacroButton field value does not render in Tif file Bug
WORDSNET-9986 MACROBUTTON field disappear after conversion from FlatOpc to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10083 Shape node does not preserve height/width after re-save the RTF Enhancement
WORDSNET-10095 “Page Number Start at” value does not preserve after conversion from RTF to Docx Enhancement
WORDSNET-10205 Improve font fallback for Arabic characters Enhancement
WORDSNET-4257 Content inserted using DocumentBuilder.Write or InsertHTML does not inherit the alignment of the set style Enhancement
WORDSNET-4692 Style Normal is not applied to paragraph inserted by InsertHtml. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9370 Incorrect indentation of HTML code generated for fixed-page HTML documents Enhancement
WORDSNET-10114 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while inserting HTML into Document Exception
WORDSNET-10141 ArgumentExceptionOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-10202 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOCX file Exception
WORDSNET-10226 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while using Hyphenation Exception
WORDSNET-10229 InvalidOperationException occurs during Open/Save a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-10245 Aspose.Words hangs while saving DOC as ODT Exception
WORDSNET-10246 OverFlowException occurs when loading a Document Exception
WORDSNET-10252 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while converting Doc to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-10253 System.IO.EndOfStreamException is thrown while getting size of a JPEG image Exception
WORDSNET-10259 System.Xml.XmlException occurs during loading Doc into DOM Exception
WORDSNET-10263 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while converting Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-10268 ArgumentException occurs during saving a DOCX to image formats Exception
WORDSNET-10289 InvalidOperationException occurs when saving to PDF after enabling Hyphenation Exception
WORDSNET-10290 InvalidOperationException occurs when saving to PDF after enabling Hyphenation Exception
WORDSNET-10292 InvalidOperationException occurs when saving to PDF after enabling Hyphenation Exception
WORDSNET-10293 InvalidOperationException occurs when saving to PDF after enabling Hyphenation Exception
WORDSNET-10297 ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when saving to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-10302 Document.UpdateFields thorws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-10310 Document.PageCount throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-9038 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading Docx file Exception
WORDSNET-10048 Add feature to export custom properties of Word document as custom properties of PDF Feature
WORDSNET-10106 Add an option in PdfSaveOptions to create Hyperlink for Footnote Feature
WORDSNET-10155 Add vertical text support to HTML Export Feature
WORDSNET-10220 Add vertical text support to EPUB Export Feature
WORDSNET-6104 Add support of enclose characters for import/export. Feature
WORDSNET-6105 Add support of combine characters for import/export. Feature
WORDSNET-754 Make it possible to track all changes made programmatically Feature
WORDSNET-7969 Support extraction of pictures from OLE objects in ODT Feature
WORDSNET-8492 Detect “Asian” fonts e.g (SimSun) for Chinese text Feature
WORDSNET-9642 Make it possible to manually add revisions Feature
WORDSNET-10008 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown during MailMerge using IMailMergeDataSource Regression
WORDSNET-10152 One extra page is rendered because of Font and Table size differences Regression
WORDSNET-10156 The position of Arabic text is changed after conversion from RTF to Doc Regression
WORDSNET-10258 Font color is not changed for all Runs visited by DocumentVisitor Regression
WORDSNET-10313 Fix setting of two RTF default compatibility options: DoNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop & UseAnsiKerningPairs Regression
WORDSNET-6726 Provide an option to choose the formatting inside HTML or of DocumentBuiler Regression
WORDSNET-9421 InsertHtml method resets paragraph’s style to ‘Normal’ Regression
WORDSNET-9902 NullReferenceException is thrown while using Document.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting in IReplacingCallback.Replacing Regression