Aspose.Words for Java 15.11.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for Java 15.11.0
Aspose.Words for Java 15.11 Release Notes
Major Features
There are 146 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
- Improvements to rendering of images on Mono.
- Some new public methods and properties for picture bullets, checkboxes, fields, styles.
- Performance improvements.
- Many improvements in rendering of WordArt, gradient fill, SmartArt, DrawingML.
- Fixes and improvements in all document format conversions.
All Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
WORDSJAVA-1172 | Time shift of LastSavedTime document property after updateFields() when PreProcessCulture is set. | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-1182 | <c:pt idx><c:v>… tag has incorrect values while in multi-threading mode | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-1196 | Dates being pushed back by one day when converting from Word to PDF | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-1199 | Slash instead of space generated by “m” and “y” .NET - style fixed datetime format on some locales. | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-1202 | Images are not visible in generated document | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-817 | Document.Print create multiple spool items when used with FirstPageTray/OtherPagesTray | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-1204 | Support CLOB data in mail merge fields. | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-1210 | Veracode Security Scan issue for Aspose.Words 15.10. | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-1215 | Regex does not work in IReplacingCallback. | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-1166 | Load and Save rtf cause OutOfMemory | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1181 | DataSet.readXmlSchema throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1194 | Sealing Violation Exception while converting from Word to Tiff | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1200 | executeWithRegions throws | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1203 | Aspose.Words for Java 15.10.0 throws WindowsNativeCall on Linux | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1209 | Aspose.Words for Java 15.10.0 throws WindowsNativeCall on Linux | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1222 | License issue with Aspose.Words 15.10.0 for Java | Exception |
WORDSJAVA-1212 | XPathEvaluator for java: evaluate xpath expressions inside INCLUDETEXT field. | Feature |
WORDSJAVA-1144 | Missed markers on line charts while saving to Pdf in multithread. | Regression |
WORDSJAVA-1205 | Aspose Words Performance problem | Regression |
WORDSNET-10924 | DrawingML text is not visible in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-10984 | Font color of Paragraph is changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-10985 | Font properties are changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-10986 | Page break is missing after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-11156 | Document.UpdateFields changes the DrawingML to GroupShape | Bug |
WORDSNET-11329 | Position of auto-fitted rotated DML textbox is incorrect for some angles | Bug |
WORDSNET-11499 | Document.UpdatePageLayout hangs | Bug |
WORDSNET-11659 | Document.UpdateFields changes the individual Shapes into GroupShape | Bug |
WORDSNET-11672 | SpanText.IsAsianPunctuationCompressingNeeded() should depend on the option Paragraph.WordWrap for some characters. | Bug |
WORDSNET-11691 | Document.Unprotect does not fully unprotect Docx | Bug |
WORDSNET-11757 | List numbers are changed after re-saving Docx. | Bug |
WORDSNET-11898 | Rotated text box is not rotated when saved to PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-11950 | Images in Textboxes are not always rendered correctly | Bug |
WORDSNET-12009 | Shapes are missing after conversion form Docx to Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12016 | Document.Unprotect(password) does not unprotect Docx | Bug |
WORDSNET-12072 | Hyphenation not working correctly with vertical text | Bug |
WORDSNET-12086 | German characters issue when converting from .doc to .rtf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12089 | Paragraph styles Heading 1 & 2 change to Heading 11 and Heading 21 in DOCX | Bug |
WORDSNET-12194 | Shape (text) rotation is lost after conversion from Docx to Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12218 | endnotes.xml, footnotes.xml and hidden data from document.xml is missing from output DOCX | Bug |
WORDSNET-12231 | Textbox is rotated by 90 degrees in rendered PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12240 | Model reports incorrect border width | Bug |
WORDSNET-12262 | Docx to Html conversion issue with list label | Bug |
WORDSNET-12418 | Heading 1 style does not apply inside table when InsertHtml is used | Bug |
WORDSNET-12442 | Table header does not repeat in output Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12452 | Last paragraph line justified text problem in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12456 | Document.UpdateFields changes the TabLeader in TOC | Bug |
WORDSNET-12484 | Text layout is changed after conversion from Doc to Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12509 | WordArt text does not render in output HtmlFixed | Bug |
WORDSNET-12528 | Text formatting is not correct inside SDT after using DocumentBuilder.InsertDocument | Bug |
WORDSNET-12545 | Position of shapes are changed in output Docx | Bug |
WORDSNET-12549 | Chart is not rendered correctly in pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12550 | Surface chart is modified after calling UpdatePageLayout | Bug |
WORDSNET-12565 | Shape Size and Bounds are NaN when Aspose.Words v15.9.0 is used | Bug |
WORDSNET-12566 | Shape’s text formatting style is lost after saving Docx to Docx/Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12573 | Text is missing in the output PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12583 | StyleCollection.AddCopy ignores style’s list level number style property | Bug |
WORDSNET-12592 | Missing outline \Title field when saving to PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12596 | Comment numbering is wrong in generated PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12597 | /interscript spacing/ The line is wrapped incorrectly | Bug |
WORDSNET-12606 | Docx to Html conversion issue with list label | Bug |
WORDSNET-12608 | Shape with texture fill disappears in output Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12610 | Shape is stretched out in output Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12612 | SmartArt does not render correctly in output image format/doc/pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12614 | Run.Font.Name return incorrect value | Bug |
WORDSNET-12619 | Save to PDF - footer table does not adjust between landscape and portrait | Bug |
WORDSNET-12624 | The space between list number and list text is increased after re-saving Doc | Bug |
WORDSNET-12625 | Windings font hand symbol coloring changes in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12642 | TestJira11292 position of textboxes is slightly changed when render in DrawingML mode. | Bug |
WORDSNET-12647 | Legend and Axis of chart become invisible after calling UpdatePageLayout | Bug |
WORDSNET-12648 | Hebrew list labels are not rendered correctly in output PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12659 | Shape’s text position is incorrect in output Doc/Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12671 | Contents are pushed down to page after saving Docx to Pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-12673 | Values in chart are incorrect in rendered document | Bug |
WORDSNET-12691 | Last Line in Paragraph Justified in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-12706 | SmartArt does not render correctly in output Pdf/image file format | Bug |
WORDSNET-12710 | Styles.AddCopy ignores Font.Name of style | Bug |
WORDSNET-1566 | /table grid/ Table in the footer has wrong size in DOCX | Bug |
WORDSNET-1654 | Table column widths are calculated to less than needed | Bug |
WORDSNET-1973 | Tab characters are not recognized correctly upon opening HTML/MHTML document. | Bug |
WORDSNET-2135 | The table structure is exported incorrectly | Bug |
WORDSNET-4079 | UseFELayout does not work for DOC, RTF and WML. | Bug |
WORDSNET-4902 | Table.UpdateTableLayout calculates too large cell widths | Bug |
WORDSNET-4958 | Size of floating table is changed after calling UpdatePageLayout. | Bug |
WORDSNET-5148 | Bookmark is not removed when AcceptAllRevisions. | Bug |
WORDSNET-5157 | mono / Images rendered to HTML format look distorted in Mono | Bug |
WORDSNET-5501 | Floating table is moved to previous page and partially disappears. | Bug |
WORDSNET-5882 | Horisontally merged cells rendered incorrectly when saved to image. | Bug |
WORDSNET-6462 | WordArt shape is incorrect when converting DOC to any flow format | Bug |
WORDSNET-6718 | Cell.GetText() return incorrect text | Bug |
WORDSNET-7617 | Unable to view Shapes when opening DOCX in edit mode in GoogleDocs | Bug |
WORDSNET-8007 | Shape fill color/opacity is not preserved during open/save | Bug |
WORDSNET-8387 | Bullets and Numbers are not rendering in PDF for tracked document | Bug |
WORDSNET-8848 | Document.UpdateFields set TOC tab leaders to dots | Bug |
WORDSNET-9974 | Image is rotated after conversion from Doc to PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-10613 | Doc to Pdf conversion issue with table’s rendering | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-10787 | Some tests is red if SaveOptions.DmlRenderingMode flag is set DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-11354 | A nested Table is not preserved when rendering to PDF | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-11598 | Text shape is transformed to text box or frame | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-12076 | Docx to Pdf conversion issue with image and text position | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-12542 | Use different set of characters for Chinese/Japanese hanging punctuation when altKinsoku is enabled | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-12620 | Table next to picture is moved towards the right page edge in PDF | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-12690 | Shapes position is changed in output Pdf | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-12725 | Table is shifted right side of page in output Pdf | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-1967 | mono / Rendering to image on MONO produces ugly results | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-5061 | /rotated nested floaters:10/ Orientation of table is incorrect after rendering. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8300 | Improve export of paragraphs with hanging indent to HTML with embedded CSS | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-11793 | Document.PageCount throws System.InvalidOperationException | Exception |
WORDSNET-11961 | Document.UpdateFields throws System.InvalidOperationException | Exception |
WORDSNET-12101 | System.IO.EndOfStreamException is thrown while re-saving Doc | Exception |
WORDSNET-12223 | Document.UpdatePageLayout throws System.NullReferenceException | Exception |
WORDSNET-12408 | Document.UpdateFields throws System.InvalidOperationException | Exception |
WORDSNET-12494 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a RTF | Exception |
WORDSNET-12522 | ExecuteWithRegions throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when NumberGroupSeparator is used as “,” | Exception |
WORDSNET-12530 | Document.Range.Replace is throwing exception when isForward is set to true | Exception |
WORDSNET-12537 | MailMerge.Execute throws System.NullReferenceException | Exception |
WORDSNET-12571 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOC | Exception |
WORDSNET-12603 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Word 2003 XML | Exception |
WORDSNET-12616 | System.DivideByZeroException is thrown while loading Docx | Exception |
WORDSNET-12641 | System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while converting Doc to Pdf | Exception |
WORDSNET-12653 | LINQ + XML foreach breaks for missing elements in XML | Exception |
WORDSNET-12664 | System.OverflowException is thrown while loading RTF | Exception |
WORDSNET-12666 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX | Exception |
WORDSNET-12669 | Document.Save throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Exception |
WORDSNET-12698 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx | Exception |
WORDSNET-9598 | mono / Unable to convert Word documents with images to Html on linux with mono | Exception |
WORDSNET-10012 | Provide way to get/set default font of document | Feature |
WORDSNET-10028 | Support document level default font and paragraph settings | Feature |
WORDSNET-11867 | Add feature to get/set the Shape/Image of Picture Bullet | Feature |
WORDSNET-11871 | DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox inserts check box with incorrect default value | Feature |
WORDSNET-12298 | UpdateFields should support XPath Expression in INCLUDETEXT field | Feature |
WORDSNET-12531 | Replace underscore with space in bookmark name when it is exported to Pdf | Feature |
WORDSNET-12559 | Need support for ruby with multiple base and top parts and each part having its own formatting. | Feature |
WORDSNET-12561 | ReportingEngine.buildReport throws exception if child method on a missing object is called | Feature |
WORDSNET-12562 | ReportingEngine.buildReport throws exception if a missing collection is used in foreach | Feature |
WORDSNET-12567 | Text effect is lost after saving Docx to Pdf | Feature |
WORDSNET-12661 | Add an option in PdfSaveOptions not to update fields | Feature |
WORDSNET-2095 | Outline level headings are imported incorrectly | Feature |
WORDSNET-3400 | ODF Plugfest 20100415. Numbering is lost during ODT to ODT conversion. | Feature |
WORDSNET-4102 | STYLEREF field shows error “Error! No text of specified style in document.” in the output PDF document. | Feature |
WORDSNET-4292 | Consider adding properties to retrieve the document defaults | Feature |
WORDSNET-5560 | Support style autoupdate | Feature |
WORDSNET-7140 | /margins rotated text box/ Wrong textbox size is calculated | Feature |
WORDSNET-9538 | /vertical text/ Chinese characters rotate to 90 degree when Doc file is printed | Feature |
WORDSNET-2118 | /slow/ It takes a lot of time to convert document with simple text to PDF. | Performance |
WORDSNET-12462 | DocumentBuilder.InsertImage ignores the specified height/width | Regression |
WORDSNET-12623 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX | Regression |