Aspose.Words for Java 15.7.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 15.7 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 115 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

Added API to work with Themes

Allow inserting of TIFF images

API to change footnote/endnote separator

Improved footnote balancing

Improved text wrapping around objects in footers

Ternary raster operations for EMF/WMF rendering implemented

PDF background rendering improved

Text with gradient fill rendering implemented

Japanese OTF fonts overlapping characters problem in rendered images fixed

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSJAVA-1082 Japan otf font characters overlap in images. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1098 Missing wmf inside pict image. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1099 Missing underline in font rendered to pict image. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1100 Wrong number formatting in chart label. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1102 ChartSeriesCollection uses internal DataTime class in public API. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1107 Print quality via Aspose.Words library Bug
WORDSJAVA-1103 OutOfMemoryError is thrown while converting Docx to Html Exception
WORDSJAVA-1109 Very big picture encoded into o:gfxData attribute causes XMLStreamException during loading DOCX. Exception
WORDSJAVA-1111 Aspose.Words for Java 15.6.0 updateFields fails with NPE from WindowsNativeCall Exception
WORDSJAVA-1114 Aspose.Words for Java 15.6.0 throws WindowsNativeCall on Linux Exception
WORDSJAVA-1112 Aspose.Words for Java 15.6.0 updateFields fails with NPE from WindowsNativeCall Regression
WORDSJAVA-1115 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown while converting Doc to Pdf Regression
WORDSNET-10241 Text with gradient fill not saved in PDF output Bug
WORDSNET-10740 Line breaks at incorrect word during open/save a RTF Bug
WORDSNET-11093 CheckBox is visible after re-saving Doc Bug
WORDSNET-11117 Bigger copy of existing image appears after open/save a DOC Bug
WORDSNET-11258 ParagraphFormat and ListFormat attribute values are not presevred when importing Style to another Document Bug
WORDSNET-11260 ParagraphFormat attribute values are not presevred when importing Style to another Document Bug
WORDSNET-11282 Picture inside word document turns into black square after converting to PDF/A Bug
WORDSNET-11395 Textboxes are incorrectly converted to images in MHTML Bug
WORDSNET-11569 HTML multilevel list is improperly imported when list item is empty. Bug
WORDSNET-11629 Html to Word document conversion issue with Svg Bug
WORDSNET-11688 /negative page margins/ Content missing and many pages are produced in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11701 Editable SDT is no longer editable in generaed DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-11857 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with multi lines Chinese text Bug
WORDSNET-11881 Font size is changed after conversion from RTF to Docx Bug
WORDSNET-11929 Footnote symbol turns into square box and Footnote marker is repeated twice Bug
WORDSNET-11974 Text is missing after conversion form Docx to Jpeg Bug
WORDSNET-11994 Saving Word document with a Textbox changes the Textbox’s layout Bug
WORDSNET-12000 Charts are missing after re-saving docx Bug
WORDSNET-12005 Html to Docx/pdf conversion issue with Superscript Bug
WORDSNET-12021 The symbol(†) is missing after conversion from Doc to pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12024 Some document elements and Layout is not preserved during open/save an ODT Bug
WORDSNET-12038 Unexpected information is presented in Footer Bug
WORDSNET-12039 CellFormat.Orientation return incorrect value Bug
WORDSNET-12043 Texture fill effect renders different when saving to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12044 Logo on top left of page is not rendering correctly in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12052 SDT data is lost during saving to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12055 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException when reading HTML document. Bug
WORDSNET-12060 Watermark (shape node) is lost after re-saving Docx Bug
WORDSNET-12074 Doc to pdf/html conversion issue with list labels Bug
WORDSNET-12082 Update fields with “de-DE” culture doesn’t work Bug
WORDSNET-12084 Convert RTF to PDF/RTF scrambles up document’s paragraphs Bug
WORDSNET-12087 Page margins are changed after re-saving ODT Bug
WORDSNET-12088 Content position is changed after re-saving Odt Bug
WORDSNET-12090 Take in a count Dml textbox shape border width during rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-12094 Assert in LineReflower fires when the line starts with floating shape. Bug
WORDSNET-12104 Continuous Section break is converted to Section Break (Next Page) Bug
WORDSNET-12109 Document.GetPageInfo(0) goes into infinite loop Bug
WORDSNET-12122 Hand symbols inside Textboxs renderd upside down in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-3898 /tiff insert/ TIF image is too dark after inserting into a document. Bug
WORDSNET-3987 Rtl paragraph containing more than one inline element is imported incorrectly Bug
WORDSNET-4158 The field code of FormField is not changed after changing FormField type. Bug
WORDSNET-4450 Export table styles to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-4465 “Error! Unknown op code for conditional.” is shown after executing mail merge. Bug
WORDSNET-4498 Support revisions upon importing HTML. Bug
WORDSNET-4823 Content from first two pages overlaps when exporting to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-4929 Items from field code go to TOC Bug
WORDSNET-5144 /import floating image/ Floating image is imported from Html as inline Bug
WORDSNET-5202 Aspose Generated PDF contains critical parser error Bug
WORDSNET-5425 Non-ASCII characters are missing from EPUB TOC entries Bug
WORDSNET-5494 Object reference exception occurs when inserting a table into a hanging cell via InsertHtml Bug
WORDSNET-5507 /hidden/ Hidden text causes a redundant blank page upon rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-5540 Document in memory is changed during saving to Doc. These changes break its saving to Html Bug
WORDSNET-5611 Figure misplaced and becomes black upon conversion to epub. Bug
WORDSNET-5652 Image followed the paragraph appears inside the paragraph after importing HTML. Bug
WORDSNET-5982 RTL paragraph alignment is not preserved upon DOC to HTML conversion Bug
WORDSNET-6067 /import floating image/ While converting html to doc, Image aligned centre to left. Bug
WORDSNET-6169 Extra page appears during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-6247 Header text position is slightly incorrect while converting docx to PDF format. Bug
WORDSNET-6422 The wrong layout. Inline shape truncation and incorrect horizontal position Bug
WORDSNET-6475 Frame lost when encounters paragraph tag of Html (Aspose.Words for java) Bug
WORDSNET-6487 Doc to PDF conversion issue, colour blocks appears on the page Bug
WORDSNET-6526 Unable to view Aspose.Words generated DOCX file with MS WORD WEB APP Bug
WORDSNET-6637 Unexpected empty bookmark appears in output pdf file Bug
WORDSNET-9519 UpdateFields does not calculate SUM forumla field’s value correctly Bug
WORDSNET-9647 An extra page is rendered at the end of PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9802 ALPHABETIC switch of AUTONUM field is not preserved upon building TOC Bug
WORDSNET-11289 Include version in the file name of the MSI Enhancement
WORDSNET-11619 Ternary raster operations work incorrectly Enhancement
WORDSNET-11784 Check if there are any restrictions on certificate usage when signing Enhancement
WORDSNET-11799 Transparency is lost when converting Emf to Png Enhancement
WORDSNET-11978 Rectangles appear on some characters after ODT to HTML_Fixed Enhancement
WORDSNET-12020 Support ‘width’ attribute of ‘col’ element in HTML import Enhancement
WORDSNET-12111 Checkbox states are not preserved during open/save a DOCX Enhancement
WORDSNET-12149 DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject behaves differently for MPP files created with Aspose.Tasks Enhancement
WORDSNET-12154 Shadow looks bigger than should be when DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML is set as default. Enhancement
WORDSNET-2491 Improve horizontal rule support Enhancement
WORDSNET-8706 /footnote balance/ Footnote balancing is not perfect Enhancement
WORDSNET-9205 Portable implementation of SRC_PAINT ternary raster operation for EMF/WMF. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9831 Mention expandTableStylesToDirectFormatting in Working with Tables docs Enhancement
WORDSNET-9861 Mention in Docs that Aspose.Words uses “system property for temporary dir” upon rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-11509 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-11759 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while creating instance of StructuredDocumentTag Exception
WORDSNET-11945 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs during loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-11964 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-12015 Document.Save throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception
WORDSNET-12051 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving Docx to Html Exception
WORDSNET-12065 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-12066 System.ArgumentNullException thrown when ResourceLoadingCallback is specified Exception
WORDSNET-12068 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while saving docx to pdf Exception
WORDSNET-12144 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while converting RTF to Doc Exception
WORDSNET-12185 DOC file cannot be loaded and throws The document appears to be corrupted exception Exception
WORDSNET-10513 Provide API to programmatically manipulate Themes Feature
WORDSNET-10557 How to get/set Shape height/width when it is in GroupShape Feature
WORDSNET-11763 Footnote Continuation Notice is not preserved when saving a document Feature
WORDSNET-11981 Support for MERGEBARCODE merge field Feature
WORDSNET-2748 Provide an option to suppress writing CSS style sheet to external file. Feature
WORDSNET-2768 Implement Run.GetAutoFontColorResolved to determine actual color of text output that will be used for the “auto color” Feature
WORDSNET-425 Allow inserting TIFF images Feature
WORDSNET-4255 Allow changing footnote/endnote separator. Feature
WORDSNET-5251 Consider providing a one line method in the API for InsertDocument Feature
WORDSNET-6051 Implement Load and Save warnings for HTML/MHTML/EPUB formats Feature
WORDSNET-866 Support TABLE.borderColor attribute import. Feature
WORDSNET-12114 LineStyle.None does not work for table’s borders Regression