Aspose.Words for Java 15.8.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 15.8 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 98 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

New functionality similar to ADO.NET was added to increase the number of MailMerge and Reporting data sources.

Implemented fixed table grid calculation.

Improved footnote balancing.

Supported roundtrip of ruby a.k.a phonetic guide in flow formats. Limited support for rendering to PDF is also provided.

EMF+ rendering is improved (line caps and shadows).

ODT Charts rendering implemented.

CustomXmlMarkup fully removed from the code.

Allow to specify encoding when saving as HTML.

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSJAVA-1085 A picture is not preserved in rendered PDF Bug
WORDSJAVA-1118 Stitch between Gradient Fills in Emf image. Bug
WORDSJAVA-1122 Losing some pictures while converting from Word (docx) to PDF Bug
WORDSJAVA-1123 Html to Png issue with bullet rendering Bug
WORDSJAVA-1125 Document.Save generates corrupted document Bug
WORDSJAVA-1138 MetafileRenderingMode Enum is missing in Aspose.Words for Java Bug
WORDSJAVA-1140 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown while converting Doc to Pdf Exception
WORDSJAVA-1141 Can’t load AMD 64-bit WindowsNativeCall.dll on a IA 32-bit platform (only on Windows 64bit running JRE 32bit) Exception
WORDSJAVA-1136 Open* for public use. Feature
WORDSNET-10835 mso-style-name does not import correctly into DOM Bug
WORDSNET-11655 OLE objects are missing after conversion from ODT to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11841 Thai words are showing as squares when converted to DOC Bug
WORDSNET-11944 Position of picture is not preserved during open/save a DOC Bug
WORDSNET-12001 Table’s width is changed after re-saving docx Bug
WORDSNET-12007 Header row background color is changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12022 “-t” appears at second page in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12023 FetchCellAttr() returns an incorrect left padding value Bug
WORDSNET-12040 Formulas embedded as pictures are lost when saving as PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12046 Checkbox is not honoring the size in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12056 Document.Save does not preserve ‘Limit formatting to permitted styles’ Bug
WORDSNET-12067 WordArt rotation does not render correctly in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12081 Font size for Normal Style changes when converted to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12083 Hyperlinks of GroupShape are lost after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12097 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown when reading HTML document. Bug
WORDSNET-12113 Incorrect image size after importing html. Bug
WORDSNET-12119 Alignment is not correct after MHTML to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12120 Table border is truncated after MHTML to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12155 Document.UpdateFields does not update IF field Bug
WORDSNET-12160 AcceptAllRevisions causing footer to disappear from rendered/printed document Bug
WORDSNET-12168 Ruby text is lost after saving doc to pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12188 DrawingML text-boxes become read-only and existing content is lost during open/save Bug
WORDSNET-12197 Rtf to Doc/Docx/Pdf conversion issue with table rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-12207 AcceptAllRevisions() generates three copies of content in headers and footers Bug
WORDSNET-12210 Image size is reduced after HTML to DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-12220 List numbers are missing from output PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12226 Document is corrupted after re-saving Bug
WORDSNET-12230 STYLEREF field shows Error! No text of specified style in document Bug
WORDSNET-12237 NUMPAGES field is repeating incorrectly in output PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12288 Document.UpdateFields does not update TOC field Bug
WORDSNET-12319 Shape size is changed after re-saving Doc Bug
WORDSNET-2936 White space after IMG tag is missed upon inserting HTML. Bug
WORDSNET-9744 HTML to Doc conversion issue with Div boder styles Bug
WORDSNET-10539 Export absolute URL of linked images to src attribute of img in HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-11797 Checkbox states are not preserved during open/save a DOCX Enhancement
WORDSNET-11887 Incorrect font size on conversion to pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-11942 Import undeclared CSS classes from HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-12080 Expose Paragraph.InsertField() Enhancement
WORDSNET-12085 Emf: Black dots instead of shadow Enhancement
WORDSNET-12102 Extra blank page at the end of a document imported from HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-12137 WriteProtection.ValidatePassword does not work for legacy formats (DOC, DOT) Enhancement
WORDSNET-12159 /footnote balancing / The last paragraph contains one line Enhancement
WORDSNET-12272 Style name start with * does not import into Aspose.Words DOM Enhancement
WORDSNET-1643 Replace all bullets in the document with “\u2022” during converting to TXT. Enhancement
WORDSNET-3180 Part of content was moved to the next page during rendering. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7985 Suppport EMF+ custom line caps Enhancement
WORDSNET-8208 Horizontal table cell merge is lost on conversion doc to docx Enhancement
WORDSNET-8921 Add full support for importing style elements specified via “class” attribute on HTML DIV tags Enhancement
WORDSNET-11895 System.NullReferenceException occurs during rendering to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-12062 System.InvalidOperationException occurs during converting to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-12108 System.InvalidCastException is thrown by Document.Compare Exception
WORDSNET-12110 A chart causes System.NullReferenceException during exporting to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-12140 Document.UpdateFields throw System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12157 Document.AcceptAllRevisions throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12158 InsertHtml throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-12177 MHTML cannot be loaded if ResourceLoadingAction.Skip is used for images Exception
WORDSNET-12193 System.OutOfMemoryException occurs when calling UpdateFileds method Exception
WORDSNET-12268 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-12274 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Html Exception
WORDSNET-12278 Document.AcceptAllRevisions throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12280 Document.PageCount throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12310 MHTML cannot be loaded if ResourceLoadingAction.Skip is used for images Exception
WORDSNET-10002 Import of element ‘ruby’ is not supported in Docx format by Aspose.Words Feature
WORDSNET-10052 Support ODT charts rendering. Feature
WORDSNET-10299 Create bookmarks using headings (including missing heading levels) while converting document to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-10447 Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during rendering Feature
WORDSNET-10537 Add feature to copy a range in Excel to a embedded spreedsheet attached to a chart in Word document Feature
WORDSNET-11594 Support License.IsLicensed API to check if license is set Feature
WORDSNET-11935 EQ field is lost after saving document Feature
WORDSNET-12178 Support HtmlFixedSaveOptions.Encoding Feature
WORDSNET-12199 Import undeclared CSS classes from HTML Feature
WORDSNET-12224 Math equations are missing after opening and saving a DOC Feature
WORDSNET-12304 Implement table grid calculation for fixed table layout Feature
WORDSNET-3958 Allow accessing data of OOXML Diagrams and Charts. Feature
WORDSNET-4136 Ruby (EQ fields) are lost after open/save. Feature
WORDSNET-4561 Width of table is incorrect during rendering. Feature
WORDSNET-4603 Table width is incorrect during rendering. Feature
WORDSNET-6337 UpdateFields calculates TOC page numbers incorrectly Feature
WORDSNET-6809 Table is rendered inappropriately due to wrong table grid. Feature
WORDSNET-7289 The layout of the tables is not honoured in PDF Feature
WORDSNET-7752 Tables are not rendering correctly in fixed file formats Feature
WORDSNET-8071 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with Table width Feature
WORDSNET-8083 Table widths are not correct when rendering to PDF Feature
WORDSNET-8197 Table column width and content alignment is off in fixed page formats Feature
WORDSNET-8343 /ruby/ Docx to image convresion issue with Japanese furigana Feature
WORDSNET-9110 Table is rendering beyond the right page edge in PDF Feature
WORDSNET-9718 A Table in header overlaps a Shape when converting to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-11589 StyleCollection.AddCopy ignores table’s style font Regression
WORDSNET-12201 Doc to Rtf conversion issue with list items Regression