NetBeans - Maven
NetBeans IDE
NetBeans is a Fully-featured Java IDE written completely in Java. It is primarily intended for development in Java but also supports other languages, in particular, PHP, C/C++, and HTML5.
NetBeans IDE lets you quickly and easily develop Java desktop, mobile, and web applications, as well as HTML5 applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It is the free and open source and has a large community of users and developers around the world.
The NetBeans Team actively support the product and seek feature suggestions from the wider community. Every release is preceded by a time for Community testing and feedback.
Aspose.Words for Java
Aspose.Words for Java is an advanced class library for Java that enables you to perform a great range of document processing tasks directly within your Java applications.
Aspose.Words for Java supports processing word (DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF) HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, EPUB, XPS, and all image formats. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, and convert documents without using Microsoft Word.
Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven)
- Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven) is a Plugin for NetBeans IDE by Aspose. The Plugin intended for developers using Maven platform for Java developments and want to use Aspose.Words for Java in their projects. The Plugin lets you create maven projects for using Aspose.Words for Java API and also download Code Examples of the API.
- The plugin provides following features to work with Aspose.Words for Java API within NetBeans IDE comfortably:
The plugin contains two wizards
Aspose.Words Maven Project (wizard)
- This New Project wizard lets developers to create Maven project for using Aspose.Words for Java from New Project -> Maven-> Aspose.Words Maven Project.
- The reference of Aspose.Words for Java API maven dependency is automatically fetched from Aspose Cloud Maven Repository and gets added in the pom.xml.
- The created project will always contain most recent available version Maven Dependency for Aspose.Words for Java API.
- The wizard steps also presents with the option for downloading Code Examples for using Aspose.Words for Java API.
Aspose.Words Code Example (wizard)
- This New File wizard lets you copy the downloaded Code Examples into your project for using Aspose.Words for Java from New File -> Java -> Aspose.Words Code Example.
- Available samples are displayed in tree format from where the user can select them categorically.
- All the examples within the selected category will get copied to the project’s “com.aspose.words.examples” package folder along with the required resources within “src/main/resources” folder needed to run the examples.
- Code Examples of Aspose.Words for Java API are meant for demonstrating the various of the API.
- The wizard will also look for and updates for newly available Code Examples from Aspose.Words for Java examples repository.
System Requirements and Supported Platforms
System Requirements
- System Memory: 2 GB or more (Recommended)
- OS: Any operating system that support the Java VM (Virtual Machine)
- Internet Connection: 2 MB or faster (Recommended)
Supported Platforms
- NetBeans 8.1 (Recommended)
- NetBeans 8.0
Download NetBeans IDE
You should definitely have NetBeans IDE preinstalled before you download Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven) plugin.
Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven) plugin supports NetBeans IDE 8.0 and 8.1. We recommend to only use the latest version of NetBeans IDE.
To download NetBeans IDE,
- Navigate to:
- Click Download to download NetBeans IDE appropriate bundle.
Download only Java EE / SE supported NetBeans download bundle of the current latest release i.e. NetBeans IDE 8.1.
Download Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven)
- The plugin can be directly downloaded from the NetBeans plugin hosting URL:
and later can be installed using the IDE option:
- Goto Tools > Plugins > Downloaded
- Click “Add Plugins…" and browse for downloaded .nbm extension plugin file for Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven).
- Click “Install” to install the plugin
- Or it can be directly installed (without manual downloading from NetBeans plugin hosting URL) using the IDE options:
- Goto Tools > Plugins> Available Plugins
- In Search Box type: “Aspose”
- Select “Aspose.Words Java NetBeans (Maven)” plugin
- Click “Install”
Installing Aspose.Words for NetBeans - Maven
Using the Plugin
Using Aspose.Words for NetBeans - Maven
Support, Extend and Contribute
- If you like to see known / reported issues (by the users or Q.A team) in the plugin.
- Or you want to report any issue you found in the plugin
- Have any improvement suggestion or like to make any feature request
Please follow GitHub Issues Tracker for logging any issues found in the plugin.
Extend and Contribute
Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven) is open source and its source code is available on the major social coding websites listed below. Developers are encouraged to download the source code and contribute by suggesting or adding new feature or improving the existing ones, so that others could also benefit from it. Developers can also learn from it to make their own plugins.
How to configure source code of Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven)
Below simple steps will smoothly lead to successful configuration of “Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven)" plugin source code in NetBeans IDE
- Download / Clone the source code.
- Choose File > Open Project
- Browse to the latest project source that you have downloaded and open the project.
- Aspose.Words Java for NetBeans (Maven) plugin code is now ready to enhance.