Download and Configure Aspose.Words in PHP

Download Required Libraries

Download required libraries mentioned below. These are the required for executing Aspose.Words Java for PHP examples.

Download Examples from Social Coding Sites

Following releases of running examples are available to download on below mentioned social coding sites:


How to configure the source code on Linux Platform

Please follow these simple steps in order to open and extend the source code while using:

1. Install Tomcat Server

To install tomcat server, issue following command on the linux console. This will successfully install tomcat server.

sudo apt-get install tomcat8

2. Download and Configure PHP/JavaBridge

In order to download the PHP/JavaBridge binaries, issue following command on the linux console.


Unzip the PHP/JavaBridge binaries by issuing the following command on linux console.

 unzip -d 

This will extract JavaBridge.war file. Copy it to tomcat88 webapps folder by issuing the following command on Linux console.

 sudo cp JavaBridge.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/JavaBridge.war 

By copying, tomcat8 will automatically create a new folder “JavaBridge” in webapps. Once the folder is created, make sure your tomcat8 is running and then check localhost:8080/JavaBridge in browser, it should open a default page of JavaBridge.

If any error message appears then install  FastCGI by issuing the following command on Linux console.

 sudo apt-get install php55-cgi 

After installing php5.5 cgi, restart tomcat8 server and check localhost:8080/JavaBridge again in the browser.

If JAVA_HOME error is displayed, then open /etc/default/tomcat8 file and uncomment the line that sets the JAVA_HOME. Check localhost:8080/JavaBridge in browser again, it should come with PHP/JavaBridge Examples page. 

3. Configure Aspose.Words Java for PHP Examples

Clone, PHP examples by issuing the following commands inside webapps/JavaBridge folder. 

$ git init 
$ git clone [] 

How to configure the source code on Windows Platform

Please follow below simple steps to configure PHP/Java Bridge on Windows Platform:

  1. Install PHP5 and configure as you normally do.
  2. Install JRE 6 (Java Runtime Environment) if you don’t already have it. You can check this in C:\Program Files etc. You can download it here . I am using JRE 6 as It is compatible with PHP Java Bridge (PJB).
  3. Install Apache Tomcat 8.0.
  4. Download JavaBridge.war. Copy this file to tomcat webapps directory.
    (ex: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps)
  5. Restart tomcat apache service.
  6. Go to localhost:8080/JavaBridge/test.php to check if php works.
  7. Copy your Aspose.Words Java jar file to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\JavaBridge\WEB-INF\lib
  8. Clone Aspose.Words Java for PHP examples inside C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\ folder.
  9. Copy folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\JavaBridge\java to your Aspose.Words Java for PHP examples folder.
  10. Restart apache tomcat service and start using examples.