LINQ Reporting Engine

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This section provides the information you need to create reports from template documents using the LINQ Reporting Engine. The information is divided into the following sections:

  • “Introduction to LINQ Reporting Engine” describes main features and advantages of the engine
  • “Template Syntax” provides detailed information on the syntax of templates supported by the engine
  • “LINQ Reporting Engine or Mail Merge” describes the difference between Mail Merge and LINQ Reporting Engine
  • “LINQ Reporting Engine API” explains how to use the engine API in various scenarios
  • “Appendix A. Enumeration Extension Methods” describes the engine built-in extension methods that provide common sequential data manipulations such as grouping, sorting, and others
  • “Appendix B. Technical FAQ” provides information useful to make application design decisions, if using the engine
  • “Appendix C. Typical Templates” contains examples of templates for typical scenarios

To learn more about Aspose.Words features to create reports, select the corresponding section or article. For a detailed description of classes, methods, and properties refer to the Aspose.Words for Java API Reference section.