Aspose.Words for .NET 13.12.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET has been updated to version 13.12.0 and we are pleased to announce this release brings the addition of 103 new useful improvements.

Using Aspose.Words for .NET you can work with DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and other formats in your applications. You can also view, generate, modify, convert, render and print documents all without using Microsoft Word.

Visit the documentation to learn how to .

The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.Words.

Major Features

  • Improved tight wrapping text flow around floating objects
  • Curved WordArt objects rendering implemented (WordArt shapes fit to frames defined by Bezier curves)
  • DrawingML “Glow” effect rendering implemented
  • DrawingML “Outer Shadow” effect rendering implemented
  • DrawingML “Reflection” effect rendering implemented

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-1988 Support transparency in EMF emulated by SRCPAINT and SRCAND raster operations. Bug
WORDSNET-2141 Interval after paragraph is exported incorrectly when paragraph in table cell Bug
WORDSNET-4219 Open template document in SilverLight demos doesn’t work in IE Bug
WORDSNET-4258 UserDocsApiLinker: Paragraph constructor does not link properly Bug
WORDSNET-4948 Image moves to the next page in ODT format Bug
WORDSNET-5445 Text box is rendered with a greater width and less height than it should. Bug
WORDSNET-5451 Text box content is rendered lower than it should be. Bug
WORDSNET-6245 With Aspose generated input Pdf file, PDFBox engine exports image incorrectly(or misplaced) Bug
WORDSNET-8757 A symbol is not preserved during open/save a RTF Bug
WORDSNET-8944 UpdateFields does not respect \n switch inside TOC field Bug
WORDSNET-8951 Indentation of list items increases after DOCX-HTML-DOCX round trip Bug
WORDSNET-8952 Distance between list item label and list item text increases after DOCX-HTML-DOCX round trip Bug
WORDSNET-8955 List item indentation increases after DOCX-HTML-DOCX round trip Bug
WORDSNET-8956 ‘Space After’ value of list items increases after DOCX-HTML-DOCX round-trip Bug
WORDSNET-8957 Header and footer of an empty section become visible when exported to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-8958 Hyperlink text formatting is lost during conversion to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-8979 /Word 2002-2007 style evaluation rules/ Docx to Fixed file format conversion issue with content rendering Bug
WORDSNET-8980 /Word 2002-2007 style evaluation rules/ Text moves to next page after conversion from Docx to Fixed file format. Bug
WORDSNET-9010 Aspose.Words.Document does not import the html styles correctly. Bug
WORDSNET-9048 GetShapeRenderer().Save method incorrectly save DrawingML Bug
WORDSNET-9115 AutoShape objects are not preserved during open/save a RTF Bug
WORDSNET-9177 Incorrect positioning of frame elements after appending two documents Bug
WORDSNET-9219 HTML to Docx conversion issue with table’s cell layout Bug
WORDSNET-9226 Paragraphs are not preserved during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-9257 Height/Width of SVG is not same in output Docx/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9267 An image is not preserved during open/save RTF Bug
WORDSNET-9269 Character in some words are rendering with different font formatting in HtmlFixed Bug
WORDSNET-9270 A tiff image is incorrectly imported from Aspose.Email generated MHTML file Bug
WORDSNET-9271 Relative position of nested floating Text Boxes is unexpected when rendering Bug
WORDSNET-9274 Aspose.Words throws many warnings when loading DigitalSignature in DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-9275 DocProperty field values are not preserved during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-9278 Aspose.Words doesn’t use a barcode font during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-9279 Comment’s alignment is changed from right to left after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9281 UpdateFields causes TOC to display NO TABLE OF CONTENTS ENTRIES FOUND message Bug
WORDSNET-9282 Unexpected Paragraphs are being displayed in TOC when calling UpdateFields method Bug
WORDSNET-9283 UpdateFields does not build the TOC field correctly Bug
WORDSNET-9284 First page contents are truncated after conversion from Doc to Pdf file format Bug
WORDSNET-9289 A Pie chart and it’s data labels are not rendering correctly in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9293 Image effect is not preserved in output Pdf file Bug
WORDSNET-9297 Chart does not render correctly in Pdf file after conversion from Docx Bug
WORDSNET-9309 Hyperlinks color is changed after conversion from HTML to Docx/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9314 Font changes from Arial to Courier New during open/save a RTF Bug
WORDSNET-9332 Aspose.Words produces a corrupt DOCX file. Bug
WORDSNET-9333 Lines of text imported from <pre> HTML elements have non-zero spacing Bug
WORDSNET-9336 Left and Hanging indentation values are incorrectly imported from HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9337 StructuredDocumentTag does not export correctly in output Doc/Pdf files Bug
WORDSNET-9341 Styles are imported with incorrect settings when importing sections Bug
WORDSNET-9347 Empty spaces are added in table’s cell after conversion from RTF to Doc Bug
WORDSNET-9348 Table’s layout is changed after conversion from RTF to Doc Bug
WORDSNET-9360 BuiltInDocumentProperties.Words return incorrect value Bug
WORDSNET-9379 Images overlap each other in converted HTML file Bug
WORDSNET-9385 Invalid Signature message appear in output Pdf file after conversion from Docx Bug
WORDSNET-9407 Formatting of Paragraph in Shape is not preserved during open/save an ODT Bug
WORDSNET-9427 Aspose.Words renders an invalid signature in PDF/Image formats Bug
WORDSNET-9434 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-1787 Import < thead > and < th > in tables properly Enhancement
WORDSNET-1869 font.color and td.bgcolor are not imported during HTML import. Enhancement
WORDSNET-3855 Shape extrusion doesn’t work Enhancement
WORDSNET-4436 “!Syntax Error” is shown after updating fields. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4630 The copyright year in the CHM documentation is incorrect Enhancement
WORDSNET-4797 There is no documentation for the Underline enumeration Enhancement
WORDSNET-5852 WordArt advanced // While docx to Pdf, Text render incorrectly. Enhancement
WORDSNET-596 Using BR tags within table cells leads to incorrect output Enhancement
WORDSNET-6914 WordArt // Bezier // shape is not rendering correctly in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-7422 Disregard paragraph space after for tight wrapping Enhancement
WORDSNET-7465 Incorrect image size and text wrapping Enhancement
WORDSNET-764 Update DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml method with correct handling of runs containing mixed rtl/ltr text. Enhancement
WORDSNET-8017 Add support shape fit to Bezier curves (for all all wordart shapes except ArchUp(Curve), ArchDown(Curve), Circle(Curve), Button(Curve)). Enhancement
WORDSNET-8168 Images are moved towards right Page edge in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8607 An extra blank page is introduced in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8771 Add a remark to the API docs that SVG images are inserted as vector image format EMF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8910 Implement a mechanism to apply several depended CSS properties together to a model format Enhancement
WORDSNET-9015 Add support of :link selectors Enhancement
WORDSNET-9017 Add support of “pre-line” and “pre-wrap” values of “white-space” css property. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9028 Extra paragraph is added to table’s cell so cell becomes higher in HTML import. Enhancement
WORDSNET-9119 Allow more control on how CSS styles are saved when saving to HtmlFixed format Enhancement
WORDSNET-9120 Add HtmlFixedSaveOptions.FontsFolder and HtmlFixedSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias properties in API Enhancement
WORDSNET-9155 Incorrect text wrapping around a tight-wrapped image Enhancement
WORDSNET-9244 Contents move to next page after conversion from Docx to fixed file format Enhancement
WORDSNET-9261 Move Conversions Explicit long running Unit Tests into the new project Aspose.Words.Test.Longrun Enhancement
WORDSNET-9292 Inaccurate WordArt rendering in output Pdf file Enhancement
WORDSNET-9300 Unsupported path type and rendering mode are encountered during rendering WordArt shapes to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-9316 At slash sign a line of text is broken into two lines in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8115 Document.Save method throws System.NullReferenceException on saving Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-8978 Clickonce network error when installing dashboard Exception
WORDSNET-9251 Null reference exception in PDF conversion Exception
WORDSNET-9280 AcceptAllRevisions throws InvalidCastException Exception
WORDSNET-9302 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading HTML file Exception
WORDSNET-9327 An exception is thrown when an HTML document contains the Unicode Noncharacter (U+FFFF) Exception
WORDSNET-9338 OleFormat.SuggestedExtension throws System.IO.EndOfStreamException Exception
WORDSNET-9363 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading MHTML file Exception
WORDSNET-1503 FootNote/Endnote fields inside another Hyperlink field is not converted as separate links during converting the .DOC to .HTML. Feature
WORDSNET-2104 Improve automatic spacing between paragraphs on HTML import Feature
WORDSNET-228 Add “blockquote” tag importing Feature
WORDSNET-6052 Implement Load and Save warnings for ODT format Feature
WORDSNET-7195 3D WordArt doesn’t support shape fit to Bezier curves and has some fill issues Feature
WORDSNET-8818 Contents position is changed after conversion from RTF to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-8870 Text is missing after conversion from RTF to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-8959 Second page header and footer become visible in HTML Feature
WORDSNET-9118 Save SVG resources to files when exporting a document to Fixed HTML format. Feature
WORDSNET-9209 Preserve trackmoves revision upon DOCX round-trip. Feature
WORDSNET-9247 Aspose.Words does not use the same font as MS Word does for html to PDF conversion Feature
WORDSNET-9256 A paragraph in cell breaks into two lines when converting to fixed page formats Feature

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

DrawingML.GetShapeRenderer Behavior Changed

ExportEmbeddedSvg Property Added to HtmlFixedSaveOptions

FirstPageHeaderFooterPerSection Option Added to ExportHeadersFootersMode

Rendering of DrawingML Glow Effect

  • Simplified (default) - Soft edges are simulated using several layers with different transparency, which gives acceptable result with higher performance than in Fine mode.
  • Fine - Blur filter is applied, which gives the same result as MS Word, but with lower performance because of complexity of convolution filter.
  • None - In this mode no DrawingML effects are rendered.

Rendering of DrawingML Glow Effect

ResourceFileUri Property Added to ResourceSavingArgs

  • It is impossible to provide different aliases for individual resource files. 
  • Generated URIs have the form “alias/filename”, which is fixed. For example, it is impossible to change the order of the alias and the file name or remove the slash character that separates them.

SaveOptions.DmlRenderingMode Introduced

TOC Field Switch to Omit Page Numbers is Supported

Trackmove Revisions Supported upon DOCX Round-trip