Aspose.Words for .NET 13.3.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 13.3 Release Notes

What’s New

There are 97 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Improvements in style handing in Tables, Format Revisions
  • Improvements and resiliency code for ODT, RTF and DOCX
  • DrawingML Charts 3D mode rendering implemented
  • VML perspective shadows rendering implemented
  • Outline rendering to PDF and XPS improved
  • Multi-level bookmark rendering supported
  • PDF rendering performance improved for documents with images
  • Improved clipping of text boxes
  • Fixed issue with missing footnotes in complex page layout

All Fixes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-6488 Bullet symbols are rendering incorrectly in HTML Bug
WORDSNET-7196 Shading effect of AutoShapes are getting lost when rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-7402 StyleCollection.AddCopy changes Font Color Bug
WORDSNET-7485 Document.UpdateFields incorrectly update TOC Bug
WORDSNET-7538 DML properties are lost when saving Docx to Rtf Bug
WORDSNET-7592 Icons for embedded objects are not saved in pdf Bug
WORDSNET-7619 Doc to HTML conversion issue with image rendering Bug
WORDSNET-7688 ListLabel.LabelValue values are rendering incorrectly in fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-7769 Shapes in Footer become invisible during open/save RTF Bug
WORDSNET-7796 Image do not preserve in output doc/docx Bug
WORDSNET-7801 Unable to Open RTF Document Bug
WORDSNET-7824 Font size of Hebrew content do not preserve in output document. Bug
WORDSNET-7826 Link between multiple grouped textboxes breaks when save to Docx Bug
WORDSNET-7827 Link between multiple grouped textboxes breaks after merging multiple document Bug
WORDSNET-7836 Document.HasRevisions returns false but document contain revisions Bug
WORDSNET-7837 Document.AcceptAllRevisions do not work with Paragraph formatting changes Bug
WORDSNET-7851 Table is not preserved during open/save RTF Bug
WORDSNET-7856 MS Word 2007 incorrectly layouts List at second ListLevel in DOC Bug
WORDSNET-7860 Text misplaced after conversion from Doc to Fixed file format. Bug
WORDSNET-7864 Footnote numbering restarts with each page in output ODT Bug
WORDSNET-7866 Document to PDF conversion issue with image position Bug
WORDSNET-7867 UpdateFields doesn’t update the value of a STYLEREF field in PDF file Bug
WORDSNET-7870 Sizes of Shapes are not preserved during open/save DOC Bug
WORDSNET-7879 Incorrect rendering of footnotes in Fixed Page Formats Bug
WORDSNET-7881 Document.UpdateFields duplicate the Shape node Bug
WORDSNET-7886 3D shape without rotation renders incorrectly if it has relative size. Bug
WORDSNET-7897 Aspose.Words hangs during rendering Line AutoShape to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-7898 Aspose.Words hangs during rendering DOC to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-7899 Line AutoShapes cause Aspose.Words to hang during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-7901 FileFormatInfo.LoadFormat return Docx for password protected docm Bug
WORDSNET-7915 Text moved to next page after conversion from Doc to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-7917 altchunk contents are lost while open/save Bug
WORDSNET-7926 StyleIdentifier is not applied to Table unless cell/row formatting is reset to defaults Bug
WORDSNET-7928 UpdateFields inserts an error message in document against a DOCPROPERTY field Bug
WORDSNET-7941 Fill color of pie chart is rendered as white in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-7946 Label numbering of first TOC item is missed by UpdateFields Bug
WORDSNET-7949 WPF host/viewer is unable to load XAML generated by Aspose.Words Bug
WORDSNET-7952 Non standard Quotation marks are not recoginzed during MailMerge Bug
WORDSNET-7958 Document.Save method hangs while converting Doc to fixed file formats Bug
WORDSNET-7989 A Bookmark is displayed twice in PDF document outline Bug
WORDSNET-7990 A Bookmark is not preserved during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-7991 A Bookmark is not preserved during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-7992 Bookmarks are not preserved during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-8036 Left page margin for even pages is not respected in fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-3906 Rewrite PDF signing code to avoid using X509Certificate2 Enhancement
WORDSNET-5290 Consider making a single data source merge duplicate regions Enhancement
WORDSNET-6823 Issue with paragraph borders in TextBox Enhancement
WORDSNET-7110 Shadow effect of TextBox Shape is not preserved in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-7178 Add a warning to the PdfSaveOptions.NumeralFormat description that modifying this option can rebuild page layout Enhancement
WORDSNET-7627 Support multi-level Bookmarks rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-7671 Improve outlines rendering to PDF, XPS and SWF Enhancement
WORDSNET-7754 Implement support of perspective shadows. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7755 Implement support of additional shadow styles. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7811 EULA 28th August 2012 update Enhancement
WORDSNET-7861 Big square shape is colored incorrectly while rendered. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7863 Create required method for testing Fixed Html output. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7865 Investigate what save options are required for Fixed Html. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7904 Express: EULA 28th August 2012 update Enhancement
WORDSNET-7907 CustomDocumentProperties are not retrieved in the order they were added Enhancement
WORDSNET-7916 Conversion from doc to tiff - black text in colored background produced solid black output Enhancement
WORDSNET-7924 ODF OLE object (“draw:object” element) is imported incorrectly when it contains pictures Enhancement
WORDSNET-7929 Check code comments for new public API members of FixedHTML classes Enhancement
WORDSNET-7947 Investigate why does Aspose.Words add a blank Paragraph at the start of Bookmark Enhancement
WORDSNET-7972 /revisions/ StyleId is incorrect in ParaPr.FormatRevision.RevPr Enhancement
WORDSNET-7587 Exception while loading Doc file into Aspose.Words.Document Exception
WORDSNET-7794 Exception (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) Error in Doc2Html Exception
WORDSNET-7857 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-7910 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-7913 System.InvalidOperationException occurs during rendering Doc to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-7923 Fix the code of DocumentLayoutHelper example project Exception
WORDSNET-7930 System.ArgumentException is thrown when rendering a DML chart to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-7931 System.ArgumentException is thrown when rendering a DOCX to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-7957 StackOverflowError occurs during open/save RTF Exception
WORDSNET-7971 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading RTF documents Exception
WORDSNET-7113 Support rendering of 3D Charts Feature
WORDSNET-7132 Support pyramid charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7440 Expose property for Shape to detect 3D shapes Feature
WORDSNET-7774 Support 3D Column/Bar charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7775 Support cone charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7776 Support cylinder charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7777 Support 3D line charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7778 Support pie 3D charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7779 Support area 3D charts. Feature
WORDSNET-7790 Support rendering Cartesian axis plane in 3D mode. Feature
WORDSNET-7834 Support “Do full justification the way WordPerfect 6.x for Windows does” compatibility option Feature
WORDSNET-7843 Support export to FixedPage HTML. Feature
WORDSNET-7862 Development of attributes inheritance model Feature
WORDSNET-7906 Read characterSet attribute (strict OOXML). Feature
WORDSNET-7927 Publish this month’s blog post and public API changes Feature
WORDSNET-7955 Support rendering of bubbles in 3D mode. Feature
WORDSNET-7802 Slow saving documents with images (to PDF) Performance
WORDSNET-7804 Investigate the PrinterSettingsContainer storage with Multi-threaded print operation Performance
WORDSNET-7948 Consider improving the execution time of the updateFields method Performance
WORDSNET-7961 A Table causes Aspose.Words to hang during rendering to PDF Performance
WORDSNET-7625 Even pages have incorrect left page margin in PDF Regression
WORDSNET-7939 Consider filling mail merge region with empty name Regression
WORDSNET-7975 Conditional mail merge stop mail merge operation Regression