Aspose.Words for .NET 13.8.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 13.8 Release Notes

What’s New

There are 142 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: 

  • Rendering to PostScript 3.0 is now supported
  • Metafile rendering performance significantly improved
  • EditableRange API introduced
  • German ordinal/cardinal list label generation supported
  • Improved tab width computation in marginal scenarios
  • Improved table border rendering with conflicting or missing attributes

All Fixes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-1739 Colspan duplicates cells during opening HTML. Bug
WORDSNET-5239 Numbering in RTL document goes outside right margin Bug
WORDSNET-5286 Vertical merge information lost after open/save HTML. Bug
WORDSNET-5358 Shapes does not appear on “Selection Pane” in MS Word 2010 after open/save DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-5416 On DOC to PDF conversion, Table at the end of page is truncated Bug
WORDSNET-5630 Incorrect page layout in PDF and Debug.Assert warnings while loading the document. Bug
WORDSNET-5636 Incorrect rotation of the image Bug
WORDSNET-5669 Word Table header row content is aligned incorrectly in HTML Bug
WORDSNET-5771 Horizontally merged cells doesn’t work in PDF/DOC etc Bug
WORDSNET-5923 A graybox is added on top left corner in Fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-5944 While converting docx to html, left border of the table is missing. Bug
WORDSNET-5952 While converting doc to html, empty paragraphs are missing. Bug
WORDSNET-5967 Frame around the image is misplaced during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-6068 Missing table contents after converting doc to PDF. Bug
WORDSNET-6263 Incorrect text font occurs while simple merge field execute (merge field within page footer). Bug
WORDSNET-6272 Incorrect DrawingML image layout while rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-6348 Surrogate characters are not visible in Docx format. Bug
WORDSNET-6407 RTF to PDF conversion same page duplicated many times Bug
WORDSNET-6429 Output PDF/TIFF/XPS has one more page than the input DOC Bug
WORDSNET-6539 One line Paragraph is rendering into two lines of text Bug
WORDSNET-6604 Paragraph’s first line is hanging incorrectly to the left Bug
WORDSNET-7010 Cell widths are not maintained during open/save DOCX file Bug
WORDSNET-7192 Content Controls display incorrect values after AppendDocument Bug
WORDSNET-7692 Negative font size of a list label Bug
WORDSNET-8353 SVG image do not render correctly in exported document Bug
WORDSNET-8420 Text in Tables is made extra bold when rendering to PNG/TIFF Bug
WORDSNET-8451 RemoveEmptyParagraphs does not remove empty Paragraphs containing NEXTIF fields Bug
WORDSNET-8493 Doc to Pdf conversion issue - Underline is missing in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8512 Inaccurate baseline position of text fields when rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8523 Hidden checkboxes become visible in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8528 STYLEREF is not working for German language Bug
WORDSNET-8562 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with (pictograph) chart rendering Bug
WORDSNET-8599 /extra long runs/ Base64 image data (text) is partially rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8605 “Unknown document property name” error message is displayed in place of a DOCPROPERTY in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8617 Rectangle Shapes are shifted vertically down when appending document to another document Bug
WORDSNET-8625 Paragraphs are not preserved during open/save an ODT Bug
WORDSNET-8627 Content inside Shape is truncated from bottom in fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-8628 Shape overlaps the content on it’s right side in fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-8629 Shape is rendering at incorrect place in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8630 Incorrect position of checkboxes when rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8631 Incorrect position of text fields when rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8643 After conversion from DOCX, text inside table becomes bold Bug
WORDSNET-8654 Values of Date picker StructuredDocumentTags are not preserved when rendering to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8657 DropCapPostion property is not working Bug
WORDSNET-8660 Font size of non-English text increases when rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8664 Document.AcceptAllRevisions do not work correctly Bug
WORDSNET-8680 Docx to Fixed file format conversion issue with table borders rendering Bug
WORDSNET-8682 Images are not imported from HTML when href contains escaped percent character (%25) Bug
WORDSNET-8683 Text in Shapes is truncated from bottom when rendering Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8695 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with comment’s position Bug
WORDSNET-8699 List changes its number format after appending one document to another Bug
WORDSNET-8713 Investigate if wrong fonts are used when rendering a Docx to Pdf or not Bug
WORDSNET-8714 OleFormat.SuggestedExtension returns .bin for an embedded Doc Bug
WORDSNET-8723 Font rendering issue after conversion from Doc to Png Bug
WORDSNET-8746 Frames are not positioned at correct places when rendering to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8753 Text is missing after conversion from RTF to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8759 UpdateFields hangs on calculating PAGE and NUMPAGES fields Bug
WORDSNET-8774 Field.Remove method doesn’t remove all INCLUDEPICTURE fields from a Doc Bug
WORDSNET-8778 Bitmap, Worksheet and Slide OleObjects are not preserved during open/save DOT Bug
WORDSNET-8781 Value of FORMTEXT field is not preserved during open/save a Docx Bug
WORDSNET-8782 Dash character is added right after the bullet after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-8791 Paragraph Font’s inconsistency when it is set via DocumentBuilder.Font Bug
WORDSNET-8793 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with page border Bug
WORDSNET-8800 Shape causes Aspose.Words to hang during rendering DOC to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-8806 A graph image is cropped from bottom and right during appending documents Bug
WORDSNET-8831 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with Eq field Bug
WORDSNET-2570 Center-aligned text becomes left-aligned after HTML roundtrip Enhancement
WORDSNET-2778 Background specified using patterns is not displayed in HTML. Enhancement
WORDSNET-2800 < br > between two tables doesn’t take effect Enhancement
WORDSNET-3550 Left alignment of text in one cell is changed to center alignment during HTML export. Enhancement
WORDSNET-3703 Color specified in row style has no effect during HTML import. Enhancement
WORDSNET-3726 First table row appears bold during converting to HTML. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4244 Formating of table is incorrect when save to DOCX. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4467 Make it possible to detect floating tables via the public API Enhancement
WORDSNET-4477 Documents when saved in doc and pdf format looks different Enhancement
WORDSNET-4482 File size is unacceptably increased after HTML export. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4566 Background color applied to paragraph has no effect during HTML export. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4703 FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading MHTML. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4951 Part of content is moved to the next page upon rendering. Enhancement
WORDSNET-5702 WMF Raster operations is not supported // Doc to PDF conversion issue, when an excel embedded object exists in doc file Enhancement
WORDSNET-5723 Image appears as “red cross” after open and save in html format. Enhancement
WORDSNET-5791 section.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering does not effect after conversion Enhancement
WORDSNET-5857 table layouts get corrupted when “PAGE” field inserted Enhancement
WORDSNET-6106 Improve Paragraph border rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-6262 UpdateFields messes the rendering of merged cells of table Enhancement
WORDSNET-6385 CellMerge do not work properly when InsertField(“Page”) inserted after table Enhancement
WORDSNET-6641 Layout Problems with DOC to PDF conversion Enhancement
WORDSNET-7214 Consider adding a Callback event that triggers when a table is split across pages Enhancement
WORDSNET-7819 Revision is read incorrecly. Enhancement
WORDSNET-7981 Arrow heads in flow chart Shape are not visible in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8583 Table Borders are missing when converting Docx to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8611 Value of PAGE field is incorrectly calculated during RTF to PDF conversion Enhancement
WORDSNET-8620 A Paragraph renders on to the previous page in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8653 StyleCollection.AddCopy do not work correctly with themes Enhancement
WORDSNET-8666 Copies of the template are not getting separated by a section break in destination document Enhancement
WORDSNET-8684 /legacy lists/ Amount of Tab space between List number and Text is incorrectly calculated during rendering to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8694 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException while loading Docx file int DOM Enhancement
WORDSNET-8703 doc.StylesStyleIdentifier.xxxx creates new style in the empty document Enhancement
WORDSNET-8720 System.ArgumentException is thrown when exporting a Doc to Html Enhancement
WORDSNET-8722 Font formatting issue after conversion from Doc to Png Enhancement
WORDSNET-8807 TextBox overlaps the content of following Paragraph after appending documents Enhancement
WORDSNET-366 Specifying an asterisk as table width during HTML import throws Exception
WORDSNET-5192 InvalidOperationException is thrown upon rendering/converting to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-6760 System.InvalidOperationException thrown while rendering DOCX to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-7291 Aspose.Words.Document unable to load HTML file Exception
WORDSNET-8270 Investigate exception with Aspose.Email dashboard examples Exception
WORDSNET-8371 Exception while loading RTF file into Aspose.Words DOM. Exception
WORDSNET-8572 NullReferenceException occurs during rendering Shape to Html or PDF Exception
WORDSNET-8648 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading Docx file Exception
WORDSNET-8697 Dashboard exception with Aspose.Email product Exception
WORDSNET-8708 System.DivideByZeroException occurs during rendering Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-8709 System.IndexOutOfRangeException occurs when converting Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-8717 Can not find part of the path - Aspose.Email dashboard exception Exception
WORDSNET-8748 InvalidCastException occurs during exporting DOCX to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-8751 System.DivideByZeroException occurs during rendering Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-8777 InvalidOperationException occurs during open/save a Docx Exception
WORDSNET-8787 InvalidOperationException occurs when calling Document.AcceptAllRevisions method Exception
WORDSNET-8817 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOC file Exception
WORDSNET-1067 /protection ranges/ Support protection of selected ranges in documents. Feature
WORDSNET-1960 Add an option to resample images to size and resolution before writing to PDF Feature
WORDSNET-2304 Consider adding an ability to remove style from the document. Feature
WORDSNET-3995 Support rendering document to PostScript Feature
WORDSNET-4252 Consider adding a property to Style class which shows if a Style is part of the Quick Styles gallery in a document Feature
WORDSNET-4726 /protection ranges/ permStart/permEnd tags are lost during open/save DOCX and WML Feature
WORDSNET-5998 Consider public API for removal of External Custom XML Schema References Feature
WORDSNET-6196 Support German numbering localization Feature
WORDSNET-6719 /protection ranges/ Header footer protection while document remains editable Feature
WORDSNET-6905 Content controls become non-editable during open/save Feature
WORDSNET-8389 Preserve protection of selected ranges upon DOC round-trip. Feature
WORDSNET-8593 Document.Save do not preserve unprotected regions Feature
WORDSNET-8594 Span width is not preserved during converting MHTML to Word Feature
WORDSNET-8655 Add option to convert SVG to EMF instead of PNG in output Pdf file Feature
WORDSNET-8765 Text moves to next line after conversion from Docx to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-8799 Render path gradient in SWF. Feature
WORDSNET-8118 Document constructor hangs during loading a MHTML Performance
WORDSNET-8543 Slow conversion of word to pdf with but not with Performance
WORDSNET-8822 System.OutOfMemoryException occurs during loading a MHTML Performance
WORDSNET-8370 PageNumberFinder does no longer generate two column structured document Regression
WORDSNET-8565 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to HTML Regression
WORDSNET-8578 Aspose.Pdf no longer reads metadata keys/values correctly in PDF generated by Aspose.Words Regression
WORDSNET-8802 InvalidOperationException occurs during exporting DOC to HTML Regression
WORDSNET-8803 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOC file Regression