Aspose.Words for .NET 14.1.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 14.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 101 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Support for password-protected documents created in MS Word 2013
  • New public API to control rendering of tracking changes / revisions
  • Reduced peak memory usage for large documents
  • Performance improvements to the page layout engine
  • Rendering of hidden text is improved
  • Calculation of line height for Chinese characters improved
  • Export comments to HTML as footnotes
  • Export of drop-down fields and form fields as text into HTML
  • Document headers and footers can now be preserved in DOC-HTML-DOC roundtrip
  • DrawingML Soft Edge rendering effect implemented
  • DrawingML preset shadows rendering implemented
  • Hyperlink fragmentation in PDF resolved

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-3025 Some characters are not displayed during inserting. Bug
WORDSNET-4522 STYLEREF field in header/footer is improperly updated upon rendering Bug
WORDSNET-5388 STYLEREF field shows error “Error! No text of specified style in document.” in the output PDF document. Bug
WORDSNET-6452 Doc to PDF conversion issue with fields in page header Bug
WORDSNET-7519 OL element should not be nested within element OL in Html Bug
WORDSNET-7532 Docx to RTF conversion issue with font size. Bug
WORDSNET-7690 /cjk line spacing/Incorrect LineSpacing results in an incorrect number of pages Bug
WORDSNET-8561 TOC hyperlinks and superscript hyperlinks split into multiple fragments in output PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8623 /asian baseline/ Empty page is inserted after conversion from Doc to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8637 Images are placed incorrectly after RTF-HTML-DOCX round-trip Bug
WORDSNET-8638 Font size of table text gets smaller after export to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-8668 A hyperlink causes LinkAnnotation to be generated for each word Bug
WORDSNET-8820 Unwanted margin-left is added to <p> during exporting a Docx to Html Bug
WORDSNET-8950 Numbers with digit grouping break order of RTL text during HTML import Bug
WORDSNET-8953 Columns of adjacent tables get misaligned after DOCX-HTML-DOCX round trip Bug
WORDSNET-8954 Image is placed incorrectly when exported to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9039 STYLEREF field value in Header/Footer is not correct when saving to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9040 Document.UpdateFields remove table’s cell Bug
WORDSNET-9162 MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedFields does not remove unmerged merge fields during mail merge Bug
WORDSNET-9201 Mimic MS Word for rounding decimal numbers to correct precision Bug
WORDSNET-9225 A Table gets resized during open/save a DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-9228 Incorrect rendering of StyleRef field in header of Word document Bug
WORDSNET-9229 Unexpected ‘ul’ tag when converting Docx to ePub Bug
WORDSNET-9239 Document.UpdateFields method does not calculate a TOC field in DOC Bug
WORDSNET-9303 Aspose.Words hangs during rendering DOC to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9305 An Elbow Arrow Connector Shape is not preserved during rendering to fixed page formts Bug
WORDSNET-9334 Font size of text imported from <pre> HTML elements is too large Bug
WORDSNET-9351 “Error : Unknown op code for conditional” is shown after calling Document.UpdateFields Bug
WORDSNET-9356 /asian baseline/ A Paragraph renders on to the next page in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9375 SmartArt does not preserve when Doc file is converted to Docx Bug
WORDSNET-9404 HYPERLINK field color and formatting is not preserved when saving ODT to Word formats Bug
WORDSNET-9405 HYPERLINK field color and formatting is not preserved when saving ODT to Word formats Bug
WORDSNET-9420 OfficeMath equations are incorrectly rendering to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9426 A list paragraph doesn’t use existing style in destination document when using ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles Bug
WORDSNET-9437 Line numbering overlap in fixed page formats Bug
WORDSNET-9439 Problems with template names containing the “}” character Bug
WORDSNET-9441 Font size in table cells is not preserved during saving DOCX to PDF/HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9442 MS Word throws error when loading Aspose.Words generated output document with it Bug
WORDSNET-9460 A table in Hebrew language document becomes invisible during open/save Bug
WORDSNET-9466 UpdateFields does not calculate value of a TOC Bug
WORDSNET-9471 GroupShape’s size is changed after re-saving the Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-9480 Formula (OfficeMath) background color is lost after conversion from Docx to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-9481 Word to HTML conversion issue with formula (OfficeMath) square brackets Bug
WORDSNET-9483 Almost all text is formatted as italic in output Html Bug
WORDSNET-9484 Suppress rendering of all hidden content in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9487 Aspose removes header and footer during open/save ODT Bug
WORDSNET-9488 Bold font formatting is not preserved when saving to HtmlFixed format Bug
WORDSNET-9491 A Table renders on to the next page in Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9517 Bullets do not render in PDF for tracked document Bug
WORDSNET-9527 Some words in HtmlFixed overlap next consecutive word Bug
WORDSNET-9533 Shape size is changed after re-saving the Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-9553 After fixing WORDSNET-9229 inheritance of list item’s properties is violated. Bug
WORDSNET-3520 /chinese line breaking:40/ Part of content was moved to the next row during rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-4128 /asian baseline/ Fix height of lines containing mixed Asian and non-Asian text Enhancement
WORDSNET-4130 /asian baseline/ PDF rendering: part of text from second page jumps to the first page after rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-8251 Word art style 22 is not preserved during rendering to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-8299 Import paragraphs with hanging indent from HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-8636 Improve HTML round-trip of document headers and footers Enhancement
WORDSNET-8902 WordArt // Multiline // Docx to PDF conversion issue with ShapeType.TextPlainText (Multi line watermark alignment issue) Enhancement
WORDSNET-9299 WordArt // Multiline // Alignment of WordArt Shape text is not preserved during rendering to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-9376 WordArt // Multiline // WordArt does not preserve when Doc file is converted to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-9389 Provide a way in API to down sample only selected images in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-9401 Consider paddings and borders width in HTML cell width computing algorithm during export tables to HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9414 Consider paddings and borders width in AW cell width computing algorithm during import HTML tables Enhancement
WORDSNET-9415 Save corrected table width during export to HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9438 Correct table width during loading from HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9446 Provide HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText property Enhancement
WORDSNET-9458 Image is placed incorrectly when exported to HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9459 Image is placed incorrectly when imported from HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9467 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with contents position Enhancement
WORDSNET-9521 A table overlaps the content of another Table in fixed page formats Enhancement
WORDSNET-9567 Write an empty value to FormField in the same way like MS Word does. Enhancement
WORDSNET-8418 /rtl + absolute tab/ System.InvalidOperationException while conversion from Docx to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-8649 /rtl + absolute tab/ InvalidOperationException occurs when rendering Special characters to fixed page formats Exception
WORDSNET-9288 System.OutOfMemoryException is thrown while conversion from Docx to Pdf. Exception
WORDSNET-9326 Unable to load RTF file into Aspose.Words DOM Exception
WORDSNET-9340 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading RTF file Exception
WORDSNET-9372 CLONE - Document clones with multi threading do not save the document properly Exception
WORDSNET-9413 System.ArgumentException is thrown while appending documents Exception
WORDSNET-9473 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading WordML file Exception
WORDSNET-9475 Document.AppendDocument method throws System.ArgumentException exception Exception
WORDSNET-9503 Document.AppendDocument method throws System.ArgumentException exception Exception
WORDSNET-9522 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx file Exception
WORDSNET-9570 UpdateFields throws exception upon encountering invalid path in INCLUDETEXT field Exception
WORDSNET-9572 LayoutCollector.GetEntity method returns NULL object when instantiating LayoutEnumerator before LayoutCollector Exception
WORDSNET-9594 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while converting Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-333 Add possibility of loading document via URI Feature
WORDSNET-4705 Export comments to HTML as footnotes Feature
WORDSNET-7964 Load Office 2013 encrypted document into Aspose.Words DOM Feature
WORDSNET-7967 Full reflection picture effect is not rendered in fixed page formats Feature
WORDSNET-8376 Softened/rounded edges of the image (feathering) are not retained in PDF Feature
WORDSNET-8647 Provide roundtrip of export comments to HTML and import back to AW Feature
WORDSNET-9045 Roundtripping of footnotes/endnotes Doc to HTML and HTML to DOC Feature
WORDSNET-9287 Tight reflection picture effect is not preserved in fixed page formats Feature
WORDSNET-9354 Provide options to change colors of Track Changes Feature
WORDSNET-9408 Layout of table is not preserved during saving a Odt to Docx Feature
WORDSNET-9433 Size of Aspose.Words generated PDF is too big Performance
WORDSNET-9443 Reduce the size of Span instances Performance
WORDSNET-9455 Aspose.Words hangs during open/save a DOC Performance
WORDSNET-5322 Row properties are copied over from the previous row Regression
WORDSNET-9387 NullReferenceException occurs during open/save a DOC Regression