Aspose.Words for .NET 15.11.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 15.11 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 127 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Improvements to rendering of images on Mono.
  • Some new public methods and properties for picture bullets, checkboxes, fields, styles.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Many improvements in rendering of WordArt, gradient fill, SmartArt, DrawingML.
  • Fixes and improvements in all document format conversions.

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-10924 DrawingML text is not visible in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10984 Font color of Paragraph is changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-10985 Font properties are changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-10986 Page break is missing after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-11156 Document.UpdateFields changes the DrawingML to GroupShape Bug
WORDSNET-11329 Position of auto-fitted rotated DML textbox is incorrect for some angles Bug
WORDSNET-11499 Document.UpdatePageLayout hangs Bug
WORDSNET-11659 Document.UpdateFields changes the individual Shapes into GroupShape Bug
WORDSNET-11672 SpanText.IsAsianPunctuationCompressingNeeded() should depend on the option Paragraph.WordWrap for some characters. Bug
WORDSNET-11691 Document.Unprotect does not fully unprotect Docx Bug
WORDSNET-11757 List numbers are changed after re-saving Docx. Bug
WORDSNET-11898 Rotated text box is not rotated when saved to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11950 Images in Textboxes are not always rendered correctly Bug
WORDSNET-12009 Shapes are missing after conversion form Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12016 Document.Unprotect(password) does not unprotect Docx Bug
WORDSNET-12072 Hyphenation not working correctly with vertical text Bug
WORDSNET-12086 German characters issue when converting from .doc to .rtf Bug
WORDSNET-12089 Paragraph styles Heading 1 & 2 change to Heading 11 and Heading 21 in DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-12194 Shape (text) rotation is lost after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12218 endnotes.xml, footnotes.xml and hidden data from document.xml is missing from output DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-12231 Textbox is rotated by 90 degrees in rendered PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12240 Model reports incorrect border width Bug
WORDSNET-12262 Docx to Html conversion issue with list label Bug
WORDSNET-12418 Heading 1 style does not apply inside table when InsertHtml is used Bug
WORDSNET-12442 Table header does not repeat in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12452 Last paragraph line justified text problem in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12456 Document.UpdateFields changes the TabLeader in TOC Bug
WORDSNET-12484 Text layout is changed after conversion from Doc to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12509 WordArt text does not render in output HtmlFixed Bug
WORDSNET-12528 Text formatting is not correct inside SDT after using DocumentBuilder.InsertDocument Bug
WORDSNET-12545 Position of shapes are changed in output Docx Bug
WORDSNET-12549 Chart is not rendered correctly in pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12550 Surface chart is modified after calling UpdatePageLayout Bug
WORDSNET-12565 Shape Size and Bounds are NaN when Aspose.Words v15.9.0 is used Bug
WORDSNET-12566 Shape’s text formatting style is lost after saving Docx to Docx/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12573 Text is missing in the output PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12583 StyleCollection.AddCopy ignores style’s list level number style property Bug
WORDSNET-12592 Missing outline \Title field when saving to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12596 Comment numbering is wrong in generated PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12597 /interscript spacing/ The line is wrapped incorrectly Bug
WORDSNET-12606 Docx to Html conversion issue with list label Bug
WORDSNET-12608 Shape with texture fill disappears in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12610 Shape is stretched out in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12612 SmartArt does not render correctly in output image format/doc/pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12614 Run.Font.Name return incorrect value Bug
WORDSNET-12619 Save to PDF - footer table does not adjust between landscape and portrait Bug
WORDSNET-12624 The space between list number and list text is increased after re-saving Doc Bug
WORDSNET-12625 Windings font hand symbol coloring changes in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12642 TestJira11292 position of textboxes is slightly changed when render in DrawingML mode. Bug
WORDSNET-12647 Legend and Axis of chart become invisible after calling UpdatePageLayout Bug
WORDSNET-12648 Hebrew list labels are not rendered correctly in output PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12659 Shape’s text position is incorrect in output Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12671 Contents are pushed down to page after saving Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-12673 Values in chart are incorrect in rendered document Bug
WORDSNET-12691 Last Line in Paragraph Justified in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12706 SmartArt does not render correctly in output Pdf/image file format Bug
WORDSNET-12710 Styles.AddCopy ignores Font.Name of style Bug
WORDSNET-1566 /table grid/ Table in the footer has wrong size in DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-1654 Table column widths are calculated to less than needed Bug
WORDSNET-1973 Tab characters are not recognized correctly upon opening HTML/MHTML document. Bug
WORDSNET-2135 The table structure is exported incorrectly Bug
WORDSNET-4079 UseFELayout does not work for DOC, RTF and WML. Bug
WORDSNET-4902 Table.UpdateTableLayout calculates too large cell widths Bug
WORDSNET-4958 Size of floating table is changed after calling UpdatePageLayout. Bug
WORDSNET-5148 Bookmark is not removed when AcceptAllRevisions. Bug
WORDSNET-5157 mono / Images rendered to HTML format look distorted in Mono Bug
WORDSNET-5501 Floating table is moved to previous page and partially disappears. Bug
WORDSNET-5882 Horisontally merged cells rendered incorrectly when saved to image. Bug
WORDSNET-6462 WordArt shape is incorrect when converting DOC to any flow format Bug
WORDSNET-6718 Cell.GetText() return incorrect text Bug
WORDSNET-7617 Unable to view Shapes when opening DOCX in edit mode in GoogleDocs Bug
WORDSNET-8007 Shape fill color/opacity is not preserved during open/save Bug
WORDSNET-8387 Bullets and Numbers are not rendering in PDF for tracked document Bug
WORDSNET-8848 Document.UpdateFields set TOC tab leaders to dots Bug
WORDSNET-9974 Image is rotated after conversion from Doc to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-10613 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with table’s rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-10787 Some tests is red if SaveOptions.DmlRenderingMode flag is set DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML Enhancement
WORDSNET-11354 A nested Table is not preserved when rendering to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-11598 Text shape is transformed to text box or frame Enhancement
WORDSNET-12076 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with image and text position Enhancement
WORDSNET-12542 Use different set of characters for Chinese/Japanese hanging punctuation when altKinsoku is enabled Enhancement
WORDSNET-12620 Table next to picture is moved towards the right page edge in PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-12690 Shapes position is changed in output Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-12725 Table is shifted right side of page in output Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-1967 mono / Rendering to image on MONO produces ugly results Enhancement
WORDSNET-5061 /rotated nested floaters:10/ Orientation of table is incorrect after rendering. Enhancement
WORDSNET-8300 Improve export of paragraphs with hanging indent to HTML with embedded CSS Enhancement
WORDSNET-11793 Document.PageCount throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-11961 Document.UpdateFields throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-12101 System.IO.EndOfStreamException is thrown while re-saving Doc Exception
WORDSNET-12223 Document.UpdatePageLayout throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12408 Document.UpdateFields throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-12494 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a RTF Exception
WORDSNET-12522 ExecuteWithRegions throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when NumberGroupSeparator is used as “,” Exception
WORDSNET-12530 Document.Range.Replace is throwing exception when isForward is set to true Exception
WORDSNET-12537 MailMerge.Execute throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-12571 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOC Exception
WORDSNET-12603 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Word 2003 XML Exception
WORDSNET-12616 System.DivideByZeroException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-12641 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while converting Doc to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-12653 LINQ + XML foreach breaks for missing elements in XML Exception
WORDSNET-12664 System.OverflowException is thrown while loading RTF Exception
WORDSNET-12666 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-12669 Document.Save throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception
WORDSNET-12698 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-9598 mono / Unable to convert Word documents with images to Html on linux with mono Exception
WORDSNET-10012 Provide way to get/set default font of document Feature
WORDSNET-10028 Support document level default font and paragraph settings Feature
WORDSNET-11867 Add feature to get/set the Shape/Image of Picture Bullet Feature
WORDSNET-11871 DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox inserts check box with incorrect default value Feature
WORDSNET-12298 UpdateFields should support XPath Expression in INCLUDETEXT field Feature
WORDSNET-12531 Replace underscore with space in bookmark name when it is exported to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-12559 Need support for ruby with multiple base and top parts and each part having its own formatting. Feature
WORDSNET-12561 ReportingEngine.buildReport throws exception if child method on a missing object is called Feature
WORDSNET-12562 ReportingEngine.buildReport throws exception if a missing collection is used in foreach Feature
WORDSNET-12567 Text effect is lost after saving Docx to Pdf Feature
WORDSNET-12661 Add an option in PdfSaveOptions not to update fields Feature
WORDSNET-2095 Outline level headings are imported incorrectly Feature
WORDSNET-3400 ODF Plugfest 20100415. Numbering is lost during ODT to ODT conversion. Feature
WORDSNET-4102 STYLEREF field shows error “Error! No text of specified style in document.” in the output PDF document. Feature
WORDSNET-4292 Consider adding properties to retrieve the document defaults Feature
WORDSNET-5560 Support style autoupdate Feature
WORDSNET-7140 /margins rotated text box/ Wrong textbox size is calculated Feature
WORDSNET-9538 /vertical text/ Chinese characters rotate to 90 degree when Doc file is printed Feature
WORDSNET-2118 /slow/ It takes a lot of time to convert document with simple text to PDF. Performance
WORDSNET-12462 DocumentBuilder.InsertImage ignores the specified height/width Regression
WORDSNET-12623 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX Regression